The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 136 chapter of the blaze of angel

After raising the wound for a few days, the black cage king Akuno Lokia vented his anger in the nearby village, only a few roars, the whole village has disappeared without a trace…

At this time, the black-cage king Akun Lokia had long forgotten what was the rule, only to vent the heart of the heart, to seek revenge for those who suffered his shame and shame, along the way, how many towns and villages were destroyed , so that countless people are caught in panic!

During the period, naturally, the magician’s block is indispensable, but they are all easily killed by Akno Lokia, because in front of him, you don’t have to think about how to resist, but how to be in his The man escaped his life.

It has been stated in the apocalypse of ancient books that the appearance of the black-cage king Akun Lokia is equivalent to the beginning of the world’s entry into destruction…

Although I have seen the horror of the black-cage king Akun Lokia, countless magician guilds and the army are still assembled together, ready to kill the dragon!

However, the Black Cage King is too forformable, too terror. The so-called army is just a group of ants in front of him. The so-called sorcerers can only let them disappear with a single cage!

Fear has shrouded the world, and the destruction of this world seems to have entered the countdown…

Jerff矗stands on the edge of a cliff, watching the smoky town below, the facial expression is indifferent: “What is it, even let Akno Lokia so angry…don’t tell me from the destruction of this world, already Is it so close? This is far from what I expected…”

The goblin’s tail guild has no longer the leisurely joy of the past, and has become an infinitely dignified atmosphere.

“Mira, haven’t there been any news from Goku?” Makalov asked with a dignified look toward Mira.

“No, we have already checked the location of the ‘Nirvana’ according to the message provided by the ‘blue Tianma’ ‘Snake Ji’s Scale’ guild, and found that they did appear there, but wherever they went, they could not find it… “Mira has a serious face and a slight worry on her tired face.”

“That’s just the words that pull their side, saying that Goku adults don’t say a word, they bring Wendy, they come back first…” The face of Zhubia’s face almost entered the edge of blackening: “It must be their harm.” Goku’s big talents say that, no! I must go to avenge Goku’s adults! Kill all the ‘blue Tianma’ and ‘Snake Ji’s scales’!”

“Jubbia, you should calm down first!” Ai Lusha clung to the mad Zambia and persuaded him.

“You told me how to calm down! Goku is missing! Ah! My heart hurts, no, I must go to find the scales of the snake and the revenge of the blue Tianma!!”

“You guys can’t use your brain to think about it?” Jumeier watched what he couldn’t listen to, and looked at her with a contemptuous look: “With the strength of the teacher, even the world is the only one.” The black-cage kings who are helpless can be abused casually. What are the Ability to hurt the teacher?

“Then you said, why didn’t Goku adults have half a message for half a month?” Zhubia said, suddenly widening his eyes and panicking: “Ah!! don’t tell me…Goku adults with dew West, they are… Elope together?!! Ah~ No! Lucy, Bisika, I will never forgive you!!”

“Ai Lusha, I recommend you still stunned this neuropathy…” Shirley watched Alusha, looking serious.

“Hey~ Elope?” However, Ai Lusha was seriously thinking about it: “don’t tell me, Lucy, did they really turn Goku away?” Said, suddenly became a face of angry Get up: “Ah~~ It’s unforgivable! Even if it’s a companion, I am mad!!”

“Ai Lusha, don’t be brought in by Zhubia’s words…” Mira watching Ai Lusha, who was suddenly furious, suddenly looked speechless.

“I said, can you give me something serious?” Makaroff on the side has endured the limit and screamed: “When is it now, do you still have a feeling of nonsense?”

“I’m sorry…” Ai Lusha, they all apologize sincerely.

“According to the intelligence, Akno Lokia is going to the capital of the Fiore kingdom…” Makarov looked serious: “All the guilds, including us, have been invited to the Kingdom of Fiore. Huadu Kulokas helped out, this time, you must stop Akno Lokia, otherwise, not to say this country, whole world I am afraid it will really be destroyed!”

“Akuno Lokia… that kind of existence, can you really win?” Kildas touched the Hungarian mouth, where there was a wound of 狰狞terror, which was when he performed the task by Akunolowski. Ya injured, just a face-to-face, he was almost insta-kill!

After the sigh, Kildas was shocked again: “It’s really hard to believe that such a monster has been defeated by Goku…. Now, besides Goku, who else can beat Akno Lokia? ?”

“We can only try to hard to delay some time, only to find Goku, can solve the problem!” Mira looked serious.

“It’s just such a big thing, Goku adults have no news, I don’t know what happened to them… although I don’t quite believe that someone can hurt Goku adults…” Shirley’s face has concerns: “And Akno If Lokia wants revenge, should it be the tail of our fairy, but he ran to the kingdom of Fiore, what is this in the end?”

“Akunolokia is easily defeated by Goku. Naturally, I dare not come to the revenge of our fairy tail…” Mira’s serious face: “There must be a reason for him to go to the capital Kulakas… even what can The reason why Goku contends…”

Said here, Mira’s facial expression is more dignified: “So before Goku hasn’t returned, we have to stop it…”

Said, Mira looked seriously at Zhubia and Shirley: “Jubia, Shirley, you two go to the location of ‘Nirvana’, my instincts tell me that Goku must be there again. He couldn’t leave Lucy with them without a word. There must be something he didn’t want to let Laura and others know, so he’s hidden… You’ll take a hard look this time and see if there’s any enchantment. Such as thing…”

“Well!” Shirley and Zhubia looked serious and nodded, the situation was urgent, immediately set off …

“So, let’s go to Hualu Kulkas!” Ai Lusha looked serious: “no matter how, before Goku came, be sure to stop Akno Lokia!”

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