The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 137

“I don’t know if I can stick to Goku?” Kana looked worried: “I don’t want to see the last side of Goku, I will die…”

“What a frustration, Karna, how can the lonely Akun Lokia be the opponent of all of us!” Kildas watching Kana, softly comforted. At this point the two have been recognized by the father and the daughter.

“The so-called ants are more like a bite, even if Akno Lokia is strong, it is impossible to win the magician who gathered all the world!” Lisana comforted: “There must be no problem!”

“It’s just that the magical guides in other places may not come here so quickly…” Gray looked serious: “It seems that the ultimate fighting power is only some of the magician guilds in the territory of Fiore…”

“The king of cages, Akno Lokia, faces opponents with absolute strength, and even my strategy can’t work!” Myers stood on the table and looked depressed: “And, Akunolo Kea would attack humans directly. This time, it seems to be too hot… It seems that she lost to Goku’s brother, so Akno Lokia is very angry!”

“Hey! What the king of the cage! Lose the same temper as a child, knowing this, you should call Goku to kill him!” Kana looked uncomfortable.

“Okay, can’t waste time here, set off!” Makarov said with a serious look: “We can’t pin our hopes on Sun Wukong alone, we must also try to hard. Row!”

“Haha~~ This time you must destroy the hateful black cage!” Konatz’s excited “eager for a fight”, no trace of tension: “Let him see the magical guides!”

“Hey ~ a cage? It’s very interesting…” Gogir squeezed his fists and looked at the war.

The capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, Huadu Culocas.

The army that had already been assembled has long since retreated, leaving behind all the Elite Mages of the various guilds.

Because the number of people in front of the black cage king Akno Lokia has no meaning, people roar, they can squirt a wide expanse, so the soldiers of the ordinary stay here, can only increase casualties, it is better to evacuate .

The Palace of Lights, Mercurias, the castle where the king lived, the huge threshold, the place where the eclipse is located, countless magicians have injected their magic into the huge threshold eclipse…

The king looked at the scene in front of him, and he did not forget to cheer for everyone while he was exhausted: “Everyone, you are working hard! As long as the eclipse absorbs enough magic, you can take us back to the past! The identity of the king of the cage It has been learned that he is a very formidable enchantment wizard who will extinguish the cage magic to the extreme and become a black cage, as long as we can go back to the past, before he has not fully grown up, it will He killed, then this disaster must be lifted! For our country, for the world not to be destroyed, everyone! Come on!!”

After listening to the encouragement of the king, everyone’s enthusiasm is even more…

The king wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the short and small old man next to him: “What is the situation with the Minister of Defence, Akno Lokia?”

The Minister of National Defense has a dignified look: “According to the news from Aluga Dios Dazuo, Akno Lokia may be tired after the destruction of the Dalat, suddenly suddenly in the same place, now from our king Only a mile away…”

“Tired?” The king shook his head. “That’s the king of the cage in the legend! How could it be tired? Is it not taking us seriously? We are in his eyes, but it is a small ant, at any time. Can can be crushed for fun! However, this is for us to fight for a lot of time …”

After a pause, I asked: “Is the person with the tail of the goblin not yet arrived?”

“They have lost a lot of time in order to find a companion who has disappeared to stop Nirvana. Now it is on the way…”

“Also in other words, even if there are many magic guides who have gained enough magic for the eclipse, there is no 12 key to open the eclipse of the eclipse…” The king’s worried face was also helpless: “I confessed What happened to the artificial keys that you made?”

“Time is very urgent, even if there are people from the council, it is too late…” The Minister of National Defense shook his head.

“don’t tell me really want to be hard with Akno Lokia?” The king looked decadent.

“King of the King, the man with the tail of the goblin is already outside the city gate!” At this moment, a soldier suddenly rushed in with a look of joy, kneeling on the knee, and reporting.

“Good! Good!” The King suddenly rejoiced: “Is that called Sun Wukong coming?”

“It seems that there is no such person… Only President Makarov and the Queen of the Fairy and so on… And, except for the sky witch Wythe, the rest of the sorcerer’s guides are there.”

“Very good! Fast! Go and greet them, no! Still I will meet you!” The excitement of the king, hurriedly went out…

“Kagura, the King’s Majesty seems to be very fond of the fairy tail, and went out to meet him personally… This is the treatment that everyone in the room has not treated…” The mermaid’s sly Reese watched the excitedly ran out of the king. His Majesty, a look of surprise.

“After all, the tail of the fairy is also recognized as the first guild of the Fiore kingdom…” Kagura calmed down: “Preventing Geral’s conspiracy, destroying the tower of the park; forcing the council to rebuild; destroying the evil guild’ Demon’s The heart’s also prevented Nirvana from reappearing, and at the same time it destroyed the Six Devils… What they did, which one is not a big thing? It is normal to be treated specially…”

“I heard that Goku, the fairy tail, in the Nirvana incident, seems to have disappeared with the people who went there. There is no news yet!” Resley looked at the gossip.

Milliana is a firm face: “Goku adults will not have something to worry about! The last time he saved us, he was suddenly sucked in by a big hole in the sky, but it was not long before it was safe and sound. came back…”

“Yeah, Milliana seems to know Goku, Miriam, let me talk about what kind of person is Goku adult? Is it handsome and handsome?” Resley looked like a gossip: “All the monsters The tail does not publish the album of Goku adults…”

“Shuai! It’s also very gentle, oh~” Milliana said, pretty face is red.

“Don’t say that it’s useless… let’s go out and see it…” Kagura’s face was dull, and he went out first…

At the same time, from the ruins of the 1 forest outside the king’s mile, the black-cage king Akun Lokia, who had opened and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and the two wings brought a hurricane of berserk toward The location of Wangdu flew over….

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