The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The thirty-eighth chapter has a cage

“What qualifications do you have to challenge the owner? Come and come~ If you owe me, I will fulfill you!” Apache sneaked a finger at the cage and looked contemptuous.

There is a cage that is expensive, and it is even more mad. It looks like an ant-like look, which makes her very unhappy.

Seeing that Sun Wukong waved his hand and looked at the cage, “I challenged me, let me go and play with her.”

Apacchi saw a few women and had to retreat to the side.

“This is what you are looking for!” There was a cold drink in the cage, and although she had seen Sun Wukong’s means, she was not afraid, because she was the kind of disobedient character. At the same time, His own skills are also very confident.

A side kick kicked towards Sun Wukong and saw that Sun Wukong was slightly upshifting at the kicking of her kicking out. The left foot of the standing cage on the ground immediately rose from the ground and lost the center of gravity. ‘A sound, fell to the ground, that fart 1 shares Pingsha Luoyan-style sour and cool feeling, so that the viewers can not help but licked their hips 1 department.

‘哎哟’ screamed, there was a little hard climb, and he bent over his face and looked at his hips 1. The eyes of watching Sun Wukong almost spurted out the fire: “I just don’t count, come again. “Speaking, Jiao 1 body flashed, tight 1 attached to Sun Wukong’s Hungarian, hugged his arm, it is necessary to come to a violent shoulder-slung, the force can be several times, Sun Wukong still does not move…

“Over-the-shoulders are not like you, but like this!” Sun Wukong smiled, and picked up the waist and caged it, and ruthlessly threw her to the ground, ‘啪’, once again assault 1 The stock is flat and wild.

“Hey, it hurts me!” There was a cry from the cage, and when he came to the ground, he looked at Sun Wukong with a look of anger. “Why are you shoulder-shoulders, obviously holding people on the ground?” fall!”

“I said yes, that is, you are not satisfied? Come here!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Come on!” There is a cage that looks angry and climbs again…

Repeated this dozens of times, no matter what the attack is, it is simply picked up by Sun Wukong, and then thrown her on the ground with the 1 position of the fart 1 shares, and the sound of ‘Touch’ After that, it was accompanied by a mourning, screaming…

Until the fart 1 shares were swollen and red, the standing was unstable, and there was a cage for you to give up.

“Youze, classmate, are you okay?” Zhiji ran over with a worried look, and reached out to try to relieve her for pain, but just touched it, it was so painful that she had a cold breath: “Don’t move! Don’t move! Kill me!”

“Ah~ Sorry! Sorry!” Weaving Ji Li was shocked and apologized.

“Nothing, you don’t have to worry about it…” There was a cage that comforted the woven geek. He turned to Sun Wukong and looked sad. “Why are you smashing my ass 1 stocks and the pelvis is broken by you?” It!”

“Because there is no place to start, I have to do this!” Sun Wukong pretended to shrug his face innocently.

“It’s a real deserved!” Sun and the three women looked at the side of the gloating.

“Two days returning to the shield, I refused!” A sip of light suddenly interrupted a few people, but saw two woven hands placed on top of the 1 part of the sacred cage, and the hairpin on the head suddenly split two stream of light. Turned into two beautiful girls, the size of the fist-sized girl flew to the hands of Zhiji, opened the barrier of the light shield, and protected the cage with the cage. The wound at the 1 part of the buttocks instantly recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye…

“This is…” Helibert saw it, slightly moving, with her current strength, naturally it was at a glance to see the essence of the woven gems, a little surprised, and then relieved: “Sure enough, can follow in Goku The people around the adults are not ordinary generations!”

“Wow~ It’s amazing! You have the same recovery as the owner!” The Apache three women watching weaving are also surprised.

“Not bad, I haven’t taught you yet, you will be yourself!” Sun Wukong watching, I admire.

“It’s the instant shield Liuhua taught me…” I got the exaggeration of Sun Wukong, and the phoenix facial expression was red, and I was embarrassed.

There is a cage to take a shot of the 1 stock, and stood up, watching Inoue woven is a shocked look: “Inoue classmate, you…you…what is this what you are?”

“I don’t know too well. Yesterday, it will suddenly happen. Listening to the instant shield Liuhua said that my Ability was awakened by the influence of Goku adults…” Weaving Ji smashed the hoe and made a silly smile.

Now, the acquaintance of woven geek is really awakened by the influence of Sun Wukong, because her spiritual pressure is given to her by Sun Wukong, so she wakes up the Shield.

So now the instant shield six flowers, is not the original instant shield six flowers, influenced by Sun Wukong’s no-fantasy, Zhiji’s now instant shield six flowers is composed of six delicate and pretty little girls, is TRUE’s small Beauty, please read the ‘small’ bite when you read it!

“You can also give others the ability?” There is a shocking watching Sun Wukong.

“It’s not a gift, but an excitement…” Sun Wukong patiently explained: “There are some people in the human race who have some special effects. I just inspired the ambience of woven geek.”

“Then, do you see if I have it?”


There was a disappointment in the face of Ze Zhan.

“However, if you become a god of death, you can wake up the sickle!” Sun Wukong looked at the cage and expensive.

“Death? What is that?” There is a curiosity about the face of the cage.

“Sun and grandson, a few of you gave her a rise in insight…” Sun Wukong said, holding a dream to watch TV, and there was a sleeve of white snow to serve.

Half an hour later, there was a caged cage that came to the front of Sun Wukong. He turned down and said, “Teacher, please accept me as a disciple! I want to be a god of death!”

“Do you want to worship the master as a teacher?” Sun and Sun are all wrong in their faces: “Get it, you are a weak chicken. How can you qualify for the master? Do you know who the owner is?”

“I don’t know, but it should be very powerful, very powerful!”

“Why do you want to be a god of death?” Sun Wukong watching has a cage: “It’s not bad as a human being.”

“No, I want to talk to Zhiji together. I want to protect her. This guy has always been stunned. If I don’t have my protection, I can’t worry about it!”

“Hey, how can I listen to this feeling?”

“You are full of emotions, full of brains, we are friendship, friendship, do you understand?” Azawa caged up to Sun Wukong and turned a big eye: “I have left, you in the end Can’t you accept it?”

“Receive! Why not accept, but in the future you have to listen to me completely!” Sun Wukong looked serious.

“no problem!” There is a cage expensive, it is cool 1 fast, and once again, bow down…

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