The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 39—The Land of Seal

Heribel, they all looked very surprised, they really did not expect that Sun Wukong would really have a cage.

Sun Sun surrounded the two cages with a cage, and carefully looked at her. Finally, still a face of incomprehensibility, opened the essence of the poison tongue: “Look at your talent, no talent, the Hungarian Ministry does not have a Hungarian, really I don’t know what the owner is watching you?”

“Do you think that you are very big?” There was a look of anger in the face of Ze.

“In short, it is bigger than yours…” Sun Sun smirked, and the arrogant court of the Hungarian drum, 1, squinted at the cage.

There was a depressive vomiting blood in the cage, and the collar was pulled open to look inside: “Is it really small?” Silence for a moment, looked up at Sun Sunbiao and smashed the past: “What are you proud of, yours is over? I am still in my body…”

“Okay, you should not argue with this poison tongue, or she will mad at you!” Apache patted the shoulders of the cage, and comforted.

If you have a cage, think about it too. Look at Sun Wukong and look at it: “Teacher, what can I do to become a god of death?”

“Sound dream…”

The sound of dreams heard, immediately stood up, pulled out the waist sickle, and looked at the cage with expensive: “Just let me stab a sword in front of your Hungarian!”

“Are you sure this is not a murder?” There was a cage to listen to, and immediately frightened to fall back a few steps, stabbing a sword before the Hungarian, can that still live?

“Just separating your soul from the flesh, before you saw the form of Inoue Kiku, you also saw…” The sound of a dream is calm.

For the existence of imaginary and death, it is already clear that there is a cage, and listening to the dream is such a bold statement: “That line, come on!” Let you slaughter.

The sound of dreams is heard, but it is also simply, without any hesitation, a sword is pierced into the Hungarians with a cage, and a formidable eruption erupts out, and there is a cage in the sky. In the body, a strong light is formed, which stimulates some people to open their eyes, and the soul of the cage is also in this sudden intrusion of 1, forced to force out of the body…

As the light dissipated, a black death tyrant, holding a small ancient sword, appeared in the sight of everyone.

“This is the form of death?” You have a look at your own appearance, and you are very excited. When you see the body lying on the ground, you are worried: “Well, can I go back? Just died like this?”

“You really asked a stupid question…” Apache watched a cage and shook his head, then carefully looked at her again: “However, I did not expect humans to be dead in this way, really Long experience!”

“This method is forbidden in the regulations of the corpse, and the chances of success are very low…” The sound of dreams is quiet.

In the original work, Lucia used this method to become a god of death. The success of the guy relied entirely on the formidable of the protagonist Halo, and there was a success in the cage, completely because of Sun Wukong. Asylum, there is Sun Wukong, and the probability of being low will become 100%.

“Very low? How low is it?” It’s a horror with a smile.

“There is a chance that I am at a low rate.” Sun Wukong watching has a cage and asks: “How do you feel?”

“Great, I feel full of strength now!” There is excitement in the face of the cage, and the sickle in the hands of the watch is a puzzle: “Just why I still don’t know my sickle.” What is the name? Doesn’t it mean that everyone’s sickle has a name?”

“Because you haven’t officially owned this scythe, the current form, it’s just that I am strong in your awakening. If you want to have the name of this sickle, you have to rely on yourself!”

“Rely on myself?” There was a letter from the cage that listened to the sound dream, and nodded very seriously: “I understand, I will get her approval!”

“There is nothing to do now, I will train you and weaving Ji!” Sun Wukong said, the scene in the hall changed instantly, and several people were already in a vast plain.

“Wow~ Teacher, what is your Ability? What is it here?” There was a lot of watching around the cage.

“We are still in the hall of Zhijijia, but I have changed the space where I am.'” all…” Sun Wukong looks serious: “Now training begins, my training is very strict, you have to be mentally prepared.” …”

Time spent in this dull life, and soon, one week passed…

The empty city is heavy, in front of a huge old tree.

The village-headed knives are all here. Watching the huge old trees in front of them, the village’s eyes are filled with excitement and excitement: “Looking for a hundred years, I finally came here, very quickly, very Soon we can meet, ring the river! Soon, I will be free from the long-lost loneliness… It’s really good that there are no guys who are in the way, it’s thanks to the man named Sun Wukong… I will save you soon, ringing the river…”

“Clean with the black soul, gather the supreme people in the altar of the blood and the covenant…” As the village was thinking about the spell, the ancient tree was covered with a strong arc of light, shining and shining: “From above the black sky The favorite black Yao tribute, unravel the holy grail of the seal of grievances, pick up the six keys from the inheritance of Taikoo, and now open it, disappearing!”

With the end of the last spell, there was a layer of glass-like cracks on the space here, for a moment, bursting in a burst of cracks!

The huge ancient tree in front of the sky is gone, but it is displayed in front of the eyes, but it is pricked on the ground by three three-dimensional scorpions and suspended in the air!

The picture looks very strange, and it seems to be sealed with something of ordinary. It makes people feel uneasy.

“Finally, I saw you…” The village is watching the eyes of the eyes, excited, but also full of excited look.

“Enchancement…” Seeing this situation, the other scythes are a bit surprised.

“What kind of person is it, need to make such a big squad to seal him here?” The wind slammed the death sickle, and the voice was insane.

“It looks terrible to say, it’s not fun at all!” A little loli watched in front of her, showing a face of dull; and her little Loli, who is exactly the same as her, is also deeply sympathetic. Nod: “Enn~ Not fun…” ….

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