The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 55: Strong person

“Xiū! Xiū! Xiū! ”

Magic beast Above the sky, the sound of the wind is endless, and a large group of people flew from the distant sky. In less than a moment, there have been a large number of people here, and their strengths are all above the Doosan, and some even reach the level of the Eighty-Nine Stars!

“Sure enough, as the bloody adults said, those humans have already appeared…”

“Okay… very powerful… all of them are above the fighting! It seems that the great forces in humans have reached the magic beast mountain!”

“Damn, here is the magic beast mountain range, our magic beast survival place, the human forbidden land! When did it become a paradise for humans? Want to come?”

“There can be any way to do this. The people who come here are all TRUE strong people on the mainland… If you can’t get used to it, go shopping with them…”

“But! Do you think Laozi is stupid? I am just a bit uncomfortable that’s all ……”

“You saw no, the one who was surrounded by the group, but it was a real fighter!! And the one over there, is also a fighting… God! A short period In the time, there are so many human strong people…”

In the magic beast mountains, some psychic five or six-order magic beasts, watching the human strong people who have arrived, have burst into shock! Human beings are indeed the masters of this continent, and the number of strong people is far from what the magic beast mountains can compare! Maybe they still have the strength to compete with human beings. Unfortunately, the Tong Xuan Ling turtle has been killed by Sun Wukong. It is impossible to play a shocking role with only one blood suit! Therefore, they can only complain unwillingly, hiding in their own caves and nests!

During the fluctuation of space, a huge mouth splits from it, and a space wormhole with a few meters wide is emerged. The figure of the Taoist figure emerges from it, and the sturdy tyranny Ki emerges from among the people, cutting the major magic beast and The human strong person who felt beforehand showed a shocking color!

“Well…very powerful…they are watching their Ki…they are all above the Seven Star fighting…the three in front are actually fighting, not awful…nothing! Among humans, there are finally Did the big force arrive?”

Just between the human strong person and the magic beast, the space of the magic beast mountain range, the space is torn apart, revealing the space wormhole, a strong tyrant Ki from which the ancient eight people, finally at this time Successively!

“Haha, it seems that the time we all arrived is not much different!” The space wormhole opened, and a middle-aged man came out of it, in the Kir of terror, with a hot wave, with his appearance, here The temperature is also suddenly rising! It was followed by a former Ki formidable old man and a young man. Watching the strong people of all ethnic groups, the burly middle-aged man could not help but laugh.

“Oh, it turned out to be the flaming patriarch, I did not expect you to come in person!” The man who appeared in the ancient yuan watch, smiled slightly!

“Gu Yuan, don’t you say me, are you still coming in person? There are medicines, Shi, Ling… Haha! I didn’t expect our seven people to gather at this moment! How many years have not appeared? After all these events!” Yan Yan watched the strong people of various ethnic groups, facial expressions are easy to write, but each is alert, after all, they are all competitors!

“Oh! Dear, don’t come to me! I didn’t expect that I would have another chance to meet again!” The patriarch of the Lingzu hugged the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups in the sky, faintly laughing.

The speech will be in the sky, and once again tearing out a huge black hole in the space, five people shrouded in the black robe out of it, the strange, cold terror Ki sweeping the sky, making the people present in the face of the dignified color!

“I didn’t expect even the souls of Mystic/mysterious to show up!” Gu Yuan and others watched the sky, and the five people shrouded in black robes were exposed to the dignified color! The people of the Soul, who did not pay attention to the people of all ethnic groups, just looked at them with a faint look, and they flew away from the entrance to the shatter in the sky!

“This soul hall is really the most troublesome race! Set off without a single call!” The major races and some scattered strong person facial expressions suddenly became difficult to look at, and they rushed to the air. The entrance to the road to shatter flies! They have been coming a few days late, but they don’t want to be picked up first!

“呦~!” The sky screamed, a colorful bird was getting closer and closer by the horizon, and finally appeared in the sky of this group of people in the whistling wind! On the back of the big bird, there are a few colorful youths and gray robes. Seeing this group of people, the patriarch of the Lingzu faint smile: “I didn’t expect even the demon phoenixes to come! So I don’t know if the tyrannical cologne will reproduce the world?”

“Too virtual dragons? If they come, they are probably the first to arrive here. Now they have not seen them. There are only two possibilities, either they have entered the relics of the emperor, or they have not come. This!” The patriarch of the Shi nationality frowned, a touch of the road.

“You are still feeling a bit here! Everyone has set off! Be careful to go late, let you take a walk!” Yan Yihey hey laughed and took his own people towards the sky. Fly to the entrance to shatter!

“In this case, then we set off!” Seeing all the races have begun to act, the ancient Yuan faintly nodded to the people around, and also flew toward the entrance!

霎time, the wind bursts in the sky, colorful vindictive flashes in the sky, all flying in one direction…

After a hidden old tree, the space suddenly distorted, and a graceful curve of the body slowly emerged!

The beautiful woman who suddenly appeared, dressed in a graceful purple robes, the delicate body under the robes, plump and exquisite, like the mature peach, permeating a faint feminine, a three thousand green silk, random fragrance The shoulders are scattered down, perpendicular to the slender waist of the willow, and under the robes, a purple snake tail is exposed, the snake tail swings slightly, and a wild enchanting temptation makes people look at it and rises inexplicably. Hot.

Under the glamorous, with a touch of the noble and grace of the Queen, she is the queen of the snake family: Queen Medusa!

“Wait for more than a day, finally let me wait for this rare opportunity! However, these human strong people seem too forformable! I… really have a chance? No matter, since it is all this time It’s not my style to retreat! Just go in and have a look!” said, the space fluctuations in front of Queen Medusa disappeared again here!

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