The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 56—Terror Magic Sea

“It seems that there are a lot of strong people! Originally, I should not stop them, but… Yun Yun is still accepting the inheritance, it is not appropriate to interrupt, in this case, let me go for a little time for you. Yun Yun, you don’t want to let me down…” Spiritual stand above the colorful clouds, watching the entrance to the horizon, a large crowd of people, the facial expression tranquil and calm as usual. In the hands of the road, the space is suddenly swaying out of the road! The land outside the castle changed, and it formed a sea of ​​hustle! In the meantime, raging waves

Here, she is the side of the world that she has opened up, and everything is naturally under her control! The exchange of land and sea is just a small means!

“In this case, you should be able to resist them for a while!” The spirit smiled, and at this moment, her body became somewhat illusory! It seems that she has consumed a lot of energy this time! The space around the body fluctuated wildly, and the spirit slowly disappeared.

When the ancient eight ethnic groups and the Tianluohuang people appeared in this sky, they found that their feet were not vast land, but the rough sea! As far as the eye can see, at the end of the remote sea, there is a small black dot, where is the castle where the Emperor lives!

In the middle of the sea, the sturdy Ki that came out of the sea was the one who made the presence of the people all face the dignified color! There is a fascinating sea of ​​magic beast lurking in it! If you are not careful, you may be in danger of falling!

“Weird, what I saw just now is terrestrial. How suddenly became an ocean?”

“Yeah! I saw land, but in a blink of an eye it turned into an ocean… This… such a means…don’t tell me is the test of the master here?”

In the crowd, there was a whisper of rumors, and the scene that suddenly changed in front of them was shocking them!

“It seems that the owner here does not seem to welcome us!” The ancient Yuan looked far away, but his look was faint, but his eyes were particularly dignified.

“Well! It seems that the magic beast outside is not fake! There is indeed an energy clone of an ancient fighting emperor! Only such a presence can display such a great power!” The clan chief wrinkled Brow, the expression is extraordinarily serious! If the energy of the ancient fighting emperor does not welcome them, it is a little trouble!

“Hey! What are the worries! Although the other party is the energy left by the ancient fighting emperor! But after all, it is clone that’s all, not my own! We are so many people, what are the fears?” The spiritual patriarch for everyone Worry but expressed disdain! The ruins are in front of you, can you give up?

“This is the end of the matter! I can only continue to move forward!” The patriarch of the Yan family was laughing, and the Kir of terror burst out from his body. The blaze of blaze spread out from his body, making this piece of sea water It gets a little hot! The figure flashed, and the family with their own people first flew to the castle at the end of the sea!

“So, let’s set off too!”

Someone took the lead, and all the people and horses abandoned the care of their hearts and flew towards the end of the sea!


Suddenly a strange scream came out from the sea, a huge tentacle spurted out from the sea! Sweeping between the room, the space trembles, a few people who are repaired in the battle, the body is instantly shocked, turned into a blood fog, fell into the sea!

“Not good! There is magic beast in the sea!” A scream came out, all kinds of tyrannical fighting skills whizzed down the sea below! The whole sea surface has been shaken and raging waves!

However, with so many attacks from all sides, the magic beast in the sea does not seem to be a big problem! The waves roll, the water column of the heavens startling the heavens! The lasing is in the crowd, causing countless deaths and injuries to all the people, the sea is red, floating many bodies, all kinds of! Shouting and killing the sky, but for a moment, it has become a bloody sea!

“Awful sea magic beast, do you dare to kill my people?” A big rumor came, a strong person in the battle of the peak of the vindictive, hurricane blowing, blue waves of the sea surface are rippling. “蛟龙杀!” I saw him screaming, the vindictiveness in his hands, condensed into a fierce otter, and shot down the sea below!

“嘭~~~”, amazed waves! For a long time, the sea has calmed down! At this moment, the sea surface has been stained with blood for a few miles, and a huge octopus-shaped sea magic beast emerges from the sea. It has a huge blood hole on its head! Obviously, I was given a hit insta-kill by the previous fight.

“It’s the magical beast of the Eight-Claw Sea! It turned out to be an eight-order basic octopus magic beast! Is the Octopus magic beast not only the sixth-order? It is the relic of the Emperor! Just come out with a magic beast, all Everything is different!”

“legend” This octopus magic beast will not be shaped in this life, sweeping the sea with its huge shape! It is not fake! This eight-claw magic beast has been eight steps, but it has not been transformed. !”

Everyone was amazed, and then followed the crowd to the end of the sea! And the magic core of the eight-claw magic beast, but no one dares to go to the sea to take, because in this sea, full of unknown danger! Although the eighth-order magic core is precious, but compared with life, the difference is too much. After all, there are TRUE treasures waiting for them!

“Damn humans! You dare to fly over our heads. This is trampling on the dignity of my magic beast! I want to eat them all!”

A roar came out, a large fish covered in green scales jumped out of the sea, and the blue light shone, like a lonely island of blue, swallowing up countless strong people in the sky! Then crashed into the sea and stunned the waves! Some of the incompetent people were swept into the sea on the spot by the huge waves of this sky! In an instant, I was given a corpse by the magic beast in the sea, and the blood was stained with blue sea!

“God! Is the Qingdao sea magic fish in the legend! The ancient sea magic beast that has disappeared from time to time? It has appeared here!” A strong human watching in the sea, a huge sea magic beast like a small island, Trembling in my heart! Have risen up! Stay away from the sea! That is an eight-step high-level sea magic beast! In the sea, even if it is fighting against the strong, you have to avoid the edge!

“Troublesome humans, you can give me all to die!” I saw the huge island-like Qingdao sea magic fish roaring out, a big mouth, like an endless black hole, the suction burst, the wind and the dance ! Those fighting powers and fighting sects, which were not good enough, were only a moment, and they were instantly sucked into the huge hole like the bottomless black hole!

“I didn’t expect that there is still an ancient sea magic beast that has been extinct. It seems that we have to take it out!” Gu Yuan and others resisted the power of the giant mouth below, faint. This is the end of the matter, they can no longer sit back and watch, or people who are with them will be sucked into the entrance!

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