The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 59—Mystic/mysterious little girl

“Gu Yuan!” Soul Heavenly Emperor looked cold and cold, and squeezed out two words from the teeth! The eyes swept away, the patriarch of the medicinal family, the patriarch of the Yan nationality, the patriarch of the Lingzu, the patriarch of the Shi nationality, and the patriarch of the Lei nationality! The six ethnic clan of the ancient eight ethnic groups are all here! They are all gazing at the watching souls of the Emperor and so on! For the soul family, none of the people here have a good impression on them!

“Oh! I didn’t expect you to have this old thing still dead! Why, do you want to compete with our five major families? I advise you to still take out all the things you just took out and let me wait for the split?” Lao Tzu soul emperor, the tone of the way. Although the Soul is Mystic/mysterious, there are also five fights in the presence, but compared with their six races, there is still a big gap!

The spiritual expression of the Soul Emperor at this moment is very ugly. They are not afraid of other six races, but now they are not in the war. He does not want to have extra-budgets. At the same time, there is a more terror presence threatening them. If they are not timely If you run away, I am afraid there is a danger of corruption! That strong person is too terror, and their ambitions to dominate the mainland are not so easy to achieve! After going back, you must act low-key! After my plan is successful, I will be with you!

Thinking about this, the Soul Emperor turned out to be surprisingly soft, nodded, and looked gloomy: “It seems that if I disagree, you don’t want to let me go! Soul, leave the thing half! We go !”

The soul shrouded in the black robe suddenly smashed, when did his patriarch speak so well? It seems that he had seen the impossible thing before! I have always turned to other patriarchs who are ants.

Shaking his head, the soul is not thinking much, a big hand wave, a pile of jade cards appeared in front of the ancient Yuan and others.

“Thing is here, if you want, you can divide it yourself! Dear!” Soul Heavenly snorted, with four subordinates, left here!

The refreshment of the soul of the Emperor, but it is beyond the expectations of the other six families, when, the soul of the Emperor so good to talk? Tell him to leave the thing, he really left? There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

“Today’s Soul Emperor is a bit strange! With my understanding of him, it is not such a good talker!” Gu Yuan frowned, watching the soul of the heavens, a few people, contemplative, but did not stop! If they are pressing, then the big battle is absolutely indispensable! And this level of battle, not to say that you can play! That is about the rise and fall of the family!

“Strange, this Soul Emperor, how so strange? So eager to leave so soon, don’t tell me What kind of extraordinary thing did they get?” The patriarch of the patriarch watched away from the soul of the Emperor, frowning!

“Forget it, we still have to divide the thing here, to find their own chances!” Gu Yuan shook his head, a touch of the road!

The patriarchs of other ethnic groups nodded, even if they were in a good thing, where could they be better? What they are meant is the inheritance of the Emperor, and the thing that is obtained in this place can be better than the sky?

“The patriarch, do we really give them to them, and then leave?” Soul looked up and looked at the eyes, the tone was very uncomfortable, I thought they were soothing, why fear other six, why should such a can bear leave? ? This is not the style of their souls!

“Hey! There is such a convenient thing, just temporarily depositing the thing on them that’s all, waiting for our plan to succeed, I want them to return ten times the profit!” Soul Heavenly Emperor hoarse and gloomy, today The situation is also extremely unhappy for him! This is the shame of his life!

“The patriarch, do we really want to leave now? Here is the place where the ancient emperor lived. Maybe there will be a royal medicinal medicine in the legend. Maybe…” Soul Yuantian is a little excited, so It’s hard to accept leaving here, and my heart is unwilling!

“Dianpin Dan medicine…” The eyes of Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly brightened up! What a tempting and wonderful name this is! Is the plan they executed not for the remains of the ancient emperor? For the inside of a emperor’s remedy! If you really leave, it’s really a bit unwilling! It is not the style of his soul!

“Oh, even if you are strong, how can you, my soul god has feared anyone!… And, you may not find that people are killing us…” Soul Heavenly Emperor pondered for a while, the eyes of the eyes flashed After: “Go, let’s go to other places to see…”

“hōng lóng lóng !”

Just as the voice of the Emperor of Heaven was just falling, the whole castle began to shake up. The heavens and the earth in this world began to riot. An altar slowly emerged in the temple at the deepest part of the castle. The clouds were surrounded and the gods flowed. For the essence of the heavens and the earth from the altar, the dense space, making the world’s vitality in the world increase by dozens of times more then!

A fist-sized little girl slowly floated out of the altar, carrying flaps, fanning, curiously looking around! I saw her whole body chasing surrounded, a strong fragrance from her body exudes, making people smell, there is a kind of faint feeling of breaking through!

Being guarded by Yun Yun to accept the inheritance of the soul, suddenly there is a sense, the facial expression changes greatly, the eyes are delighted and the color of surprise is full! Nalan stood beside her and looked puzzled: “Spiritual sister, what happened? What happened?” Nalan had already been Awaken as early as two days ago. Now she has already broken through to fight. Teacher’s realm! During this period, she has been guarding Yun Yun with her heart!

The spirit did not return, but with one hand and one wave, between the space fluctuations in front of the body, a picture slowly appeared in the air: which is a strange hall depicting the Taoist method, the heaven and earth in it is rich and powerful. In essence, an altar full of Mystic/mysterious textures is slowly rising in the center of the temple. A fist-sized little girl who is as thin as a cicada’s wing is slap in the light curtain on the altar. With wings, staring at a pair of bright big eyes, curiously looking around!

For a moment, I saw her pouting a small mouth and hitting her small forehead on the light curtain. The light curtain fluctuated, causing a small purple bag on her smooth forehead! In the bright big eyes, the tears flickered, the look was pitiful and cute, making people look, can’t help but want to hold her a few mouthfuls!

“Good! Cute little girl!” Nalan suddenly saw, her eyes immediately turned into a little star, a look of surprise: “Spirit sister, who is she? Really cute! On the world Is there still such a small person?”

“A few thousand years of Chen Ding… Have you finally formed it?… Hehe… It’s really time to appear!” The eyes of the spirit are bright, the tone is in excitement!

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