The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 60—The Royal Medicine

“So Danxiang, so rich in the world… This… Is this really what you said? Here… actually there is a royal medicinal medicine?” The soul of the Emperor looked around and watched the steepest part of the castle. Aura of light! The eyes are hot and excited: “Go! This is the emperor’s medicine, I am bound to get it! I can’t let other people get it!” After the body shape, the five people turned into a black smoke, and they went to the altar at the extreme speed. And go!

“It’s really a shame! It’s not the Dongfu of the Emperor! There is still such a medicinal herb! It seems that this trip is not empty!” The ancient Yuan and others who had just finished the smashing, watched the distant straight light of the straight straight Columns, eyes are full of shock and fiery color! They looked at each other! In the eyes, there is a hint of vigilance and hostility! The birth of the Imperial Medicine is probably the fuse of the fire between them! Immediately, I rushed to the side and rushed over there!

The riots in this world naturally attracted the attention of all parties, and they all showed their enthusiasm and rushed to the deepest part of the castle! The flash of the shadows, the castle, the more lively! Even the strong people of the outside world who are rushing here seem to have sensed this unusual Ki, and they have rushed over to their own speed. Some even don’t hesitate to ban. Show it out! Just for can hurry to the scene that’s all!

Just a moment, this hall is full of people! Among them, nature is wrapped in the seven ethnic groups of the ancient eight ethnic groups and the Tianluohuang family, and even the Taikoo virtual dragon family also appeared in the field! The North and South Dragon Kings are present! They are too old and empty dragons because of the disappearance of the Dragon King, but they have been split for many years, and each is self-proclaimed, but for this action, the rare and primitive dragons are temporarily united together!

At this time, everyone did not have the heart to say hello to the various ethnic groups. They all showed up on the fiery watching altar, the little girl in the mask! The seductive fragrance from her body makes people obsessed and fascinated!

“Dianpin Dan medicine! It turned out to be TRUE’s emperor medicine…not the young Dan!” The soul of the Emperor watching the little girl, the excitement is a little shivering! In the cave house of Tuo’s ancient emperor, which he got from the nothingness of swallowing, it is just a news of the emperor’s young Dan. This one is actually a well-formed TRUE! How can this not make him excited! Get this emperor drug, then, he will be able to live in the legendary world of the legend! At that time, who else in this world will be his opponent?

“Hands!” The spirit of the soul of the Emperor is desperate, and it is decided! The sound fell, and when it was first, it suddenly burst out, and the vindictiveness of the sky filled the air, and the punch went to the light column on the altar!

“Boom!” A loud noise, the whole hall began to shake! However, the beam of light was not only not smashed by his fierce punch, but instead of the more terror’s anti-shock force, the soul of the Emperor was sent to the students! The wall of the hall was smashed, and in a flash, it was shaken out of the hall! In the air, I stepped on a dozen steps, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor stabilized my body!

Immediately, from the hole in the wall, look at the energy beam on the altar: “Amazing restrict light array, there are such amazing defenses! Is this the means of the Emperor? It is amazing. “When you say it, the eyes of Soul Heavenly Emperor become more and more excited!” Only such a realm is the realm he is pursuing!

“This light column seems to be difficult to break open, everyone together! The Imperial Medicine is in front of you! Everyone cheers!” In the crowd, suddenly a loud scream! A temperament bombardment instantly hits the light column! Everyone looked at each other and squandered their anger, and they rushed toward the light column with a fierce attack!

When the time came, the bang sounded, and numerous attacks of various colors came out, and the whole hall began to shake sharply!

“It seems that this light column is difficult to break! It is only the power of the crowd! Let us also shoot!”

The big force watching of the parties, this chaotic scene, frowned, helplessly sighed, and also came out! A fierce attack bombards the energy light column! It made the energy light column become more and more dim, and it didn’t take long for the light column to burst, and a terror of energy repercussions burst out! Going around in the blink of an eye! The crowd flew, and the hall was bursting into the thick dust and smoke!

Under the shock of the sudden energy repercussions, the incompetent people have been crushed by the earthquake, flesh and blood splash, only a moment of sight, more than half of the death and injury!

The little girl among the beams of light was able to escape. The facial expression suddenly became a joy, and a cheerful call was made, and the flaps were lightly shocked. In the twinkling of an eye, they appeared on the sky! The speed is fast, it is astounding! Curious to look at the crowd below!

“Catch her!” Gu Yuan sighed, his body flashed, and instantly appeared in the air, his hands suffocating, and he grabbed the little girl in the past! Seeing that he was going to succeed, suddenly a man with a strong black mist appeared beside him, and the vindictiveness of the sky condensed, and the palm of his hand went to the ancient Yuan!

“Soul Emperor!” The ancient yuan facial expression is cold, retracting the right hand, the hands of the temper, and the palm of the hand to the soul of the Emperor bombardment! The fierce energy repercussions between the two, the two were shocked and opened at the same time! However, the little girl at the center of the collision between the two people, at this moment, was a small mouth, the hair was a little messy, and the mad watched two people: “You are a bad guy, you want to attack me!” The small hand lifted up, and a heart-rending energy wave emerged from her hand, and then instantly turned into two energies and spurred toward the ancient Yuan and the soul of the Emperor!

“Fast!” The ancient expression of the ancient Yuan and the soul of the Emperor, suddenly changed, the hands of the sky suffocating, forming a fighting barrier in front of the body! In order to withstand the sudden attack!

However, when the beam bombarded them on their defensive barrier, the defensive hood burst and opened, and it suddenly burst! The two are discolored at the same time! The body shape flashed, and the danger was dangerous and escaped the fierce beam! When the speed of light hits the air, it directly penetrates the space. In the twinkling of an eye, the strangeness pierces out from the space in front of the ancient Yuan and the soul emperor, and goes straight to the two people!

“Space puncture?!” Ancient Yuan and the soul of the Emperor’s facial expression changed greatly, not to keep hands, terror’s vindictive out of the two bodies, like the tide like a streamer in front of the body!

“Booming and banging!” The two people’s terror carries the vindictive power of the power of destruction, and the crazy cross-fire on the beam, the fierce energy wave moves, making the crowd watching below show the hustle and bustle!

The other great powers that followed were struggling, and the face of the dignified face screaming at the sky, looking at the little figure of mad! The heart is shocked! This small seemingly weak figure actually contains the power of these terror! It’s the best medicine in the legend!

“You want to catch me, then eat me? Hey! It seems that you are not good people! I want to refine all of you!” The little girl’s facial expression is cute and cute, and the sound is crisp and beautiful! However, what is said is that the people who are present are all in the cold!

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