The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

I don’t mind if I am in Chapter 113.

“It seems that your consciousness is very high!” Sun Wukong looked at Anantasia: “But you have to think clearly, follow me, you will give up everything!”

“Yes! I have already thought very clearly!” Antasia was excited and excited.

Priscilla is very surprised: “Antanasia, do you really want to withdraw from the candidate of the king?”

“Of course!” Antasia said, taking out the badge of her candidate for the king and handing it to the next person behind him: “Take this thing back! I am not interested in the throne, I have found it. Higher pursuit than the throne…”

“You really gave up!” Priscilla squinted and looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes revealing 1’s strange light: “In this case, Goku, you want to be my knight!”

“What are you talking about? Priscilla, Goku is mine!” Emilia heard the words and immediately pulled Sun Wukong to her side and yelled at Priscilla.

“Your?” Priscilla narrowed her eyes: “Emilia, if you have too much possessiveness, you can’t get anything~ And, Goku is doing that for me, but I am responsible. Oh~~”

“That… that kind of thing?” Fierut exclaimed with exaggeration and looked at Sun Wukong: “What have you done to her in addition to the fart 1 fart?”

“She said this is the matter!” Sun Wukong looked helplessly to Priscilla: “You deliberately want them to misunderstand?”

“Misunderstanding? How can it be! It is a fact!” Priscilla blinked and smiled: “The place is the 1 seat of the girl 1 secret. You hit it, touch it, don’t tell me Don’t want to admit it?”

“You are planning to rely on me, right?”

“Yes~ I am looking at you!” Priscilla covered her slightly red face with a folding fan and smiled.

“It’s really unmistakable!” For Priscilla, Sun Wukong has some appreciation. I think that everything in the world will match her. The confident Priscilla can be different from the ordinary girl.

“I want to use the beauty, Priscilla, you are so despicable!” Anantasia glared at Priscilla, and then hugged Sun Wukong’s left arm: “Goku, please follow me. Let’s get along! Everything I have is yours!”

Even the witches in the legend can easily level the existence of such a man, in the character of Anantasia, will never give up easily.

“Everything you have, isn’t it already Goku’s adult?” Priscilla smirked and watched Annatasia make up a knife: “Include yourself!”

Indeed, Antasia has owed Sun Wukong a debt of 1 shares. The number is huge and she can’t sell her.

“…” Anantasi suddenly became depressed and silent, not to mention that she was almost forgotten, her sales deed is still in the hands of Sun Wukong.

“Cough cough ~~ don’t mind if I say something?” Cui Xiu repaired a light cough and caught everyone’s attention: “The beluga’s crusade has been successfully completed. That, Goku, if you don’t mind, please come to my house.” Let’s be a guest… let me say…”

Before she finished speaking, Antasia had interrupted her: “Chu Xiu Xiu! I didn’t expect you to be such a person…”

The library’s facial expression is red, and the face is burning. “It’s not what you think. It just wants to thank Goku, to hold a celebration feast that’s all, you naturally have to participate…”

“Why are you going to your home? My home is more than your home!” Anantasia immediately retorted.

“A poor boy, there is no part of you to talk here!” Priscilla squinted at Antasia and made up her.

“You…you…” Anthony was not mad at the time, but Priscilla said that it was true that everything in her reputation was not her own.

“Okay, you don’t have to fight any more. If you celebrate the feast, come to the Mezas territory and be fine, now, dissolve it!” Sun Wukong spoke, and finally decided.

On the way back to the Rodsvall mansion, Emilia watched the Priscilla and Annatasia: “The banquet is scheduled for tomorrow night, you don’t have to go back and prepare?”

“This kind of thing just tells the next person to do was fine, isn’t our task responsible for eating?” Priscilla said with a look: “still, you don’t welcome us?”

“How come!” Emilia hurriedly explained: “You can come to be a guest, I am too happy to be there!”

“This sounds very fake…” Anantasi whispered: “In fact, my heart is full of hostility to us, right? Fear of us taking the Goku adults away…”

“Because…it won’t be!” Emilia’s pretty face was red, panicked, for a moment, the three women had big eyes and the eyes looked awkward.

Rem, who was riding a ride with Sun Wukong, fixed his eyes on Emilia’s cage, silent and did not speak.

“Rem, why haven’t you been talking? What are you thinking about?”

“Goku, you will not want Rem…” Looking away, Rem then stared at Sun Wukong with serious eyes.

“How come, why are you asking?”

“You are so good, even Emilia adults have been fascinated by you, and I am just a small maid…”

“What to say, you are my favorite maid!” Sun Wukong touched Rem’s head and smiled.

“Hey?~” Rem squinted his eyes and was surprised.

“However, although it is too much, but still has to say, I will not belong to you alone!”

“Well, it’s really too much…”


“Cheat you, Rem loves you!” Put away the flat face, Rem’s face hangs a very happy smile, gazing at Sun Wukong’s eyes became extremely serious: “Rem also likes Goku is an adult! This is the heart, all are fascinated by Goku adults, you are the hero of Rem! Rem doesn’t mind being a second room~~”

“Cough cough ~~ This second room is still to be tested…”

“You don’t want to put Priscilla into the harem?”

“As long as you are willing to be polygamous…” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled.

“Rem is no problem…” Rem’s face is red: “It’s the adult of Emilia… Then, after going back, you have to convince you to love Miria, and Rem will cheer!”

“My favorite thing is you!” Sun Wukong smiled and held Rem on her face, and Remy’s eyes became a crescent. ….

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