The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 114: Hey! Crimson

Time hastily, a glimpse of a month has passed…

In this month, a lot of things happened. From the third day of the banquet, with the support of Sun Wukong, Kushen successfully succeeded in the throne and became the TRUE queen of the pro-cage kingdom Rugnikika. The first day she succeeded to the throne was to abolish the covenant with the cage.

In her words, Rugnikika is human, not caged, and her purpose of becoming a queen is precisely because of this, and she did it.

It’s just that her behavior is naturally angering the giant cage. However, before the giant cage is retaliated, it is kicked by Sun Wukong. The strength of terror shocks the world, and indirectly makes the person who opposes Cui Xiu also become Dumb, dare not say a word.

“Is this absolute strength…”

In this regard, Anantasi has become more admired by Sun Wukong, and she is full of yearning for the strength of other people’s lives. Since then, Sun Wukong has had a small follow-up…

After another week, the news that the five king candidates were married to Sun Wukong at the same time shocked the whole kingdom…

In the early morning, the Queen’s Palace, Cui Xiucai has just started chuang, and Priscilla has rushed in, and the crown that will be put on the side is put on his head: “Goku said, the Queen’s everybody came. One month, starting today, it’s my turn!”

Say, pull up the library, and sit down, flip the fan in your hand, and squint at the side of the library, and slowly say: “How do you suddenly feel that your shoulders are a bit sour? I want someone to pinch 1. Pinch it!”

“You…willn’t it mean me?” Cui Xiu repaired his finger and pointed at himself.

“What do you say?”

Kusui Xiu directly ignored her and turned and walked outside the palace…

“Hey, I am the queen now, the Queen’s order is absolute!” Priscilla shouted at the back of Cui Xiu.

“Who cares about you!” Ku Xixiu directly turned a blind eye: “still your queen’s addiction!” Say, go out of the palace…

Just seeing Sun Wukong coming out of the opposite room, followed by Rem and Emilia, his face red, very fanatic 1.

At this time, the cute 1 Mi, who was so eager to take off, ran in from outside and climbed to Sun Wukong’s body three or three times and sat on his shoulder: “Goku brother, where are you going today?”

“The time I spent in this world is almost the same. I will take you to my main world today, how?”

“Is this going to take us home? Very good!” Priscilla, who had just come in, was delighted.

As soon as I heard that I was going to travel to other worlds, Felice, Beatrice and other women were all coming. What kind of world is different for them, they are curious and look forward to it! Even Ram was pulled by Rem under the direction of Sun Wukong…

Sun Wukong has always been an activist. He said that he is leaving. This time is no exception. He simply confessed some things to Wilhelm and other ministers. They took Reim and they returned to their main world…

I will not make more expressions on the journey of the world. After taking all the girls down, Sun Wukong continues his new journey…

The soft moonlight shines down from the night sky, bringing a soft glow to the dark night, and faintly seeing a village in the jungle of the jungle.

The bonfire swayed under the guise of the night wind, and the village that had always been peaceful was rendered a touch of miserable blood tonight.

A smirk of laughter, sharp weapon thorns 1 into the sound of 1 body and elongated black shadow, mixed with terror screams…

A crowd of soldiers dressed up is killing the villagers!

A beautiful woman hugged her child in her arms and fell to the ground, looking at the watched eyes of Demon’s crowd, trembled and asked: “I beg you, spare my child! He is only one year old.” As long as you are willing to spare my children, let me do whatever I want!”

“Is it…” The soldier glanced back and forth on the beautiful woman’s 1 body, and immediately smiled and reached out, grabbed the throat of the child in the beautiful woman’s arms, forced it out, and then cruelly smiled, the next moment the child cried. The trouble is also abruptly stopped…

This is no longer counted as a person, but a group killed only for killing – beast!

“You will definitely report the report! It will be reported!!” The beautiful woman is full of anger and anger, and it is not tears, but blood: “Bee! You are a group of animals! God will definitely Pack your beasts!”

“Ha ha ~~~”

A soldier licking 1 licked the 1 corner of the blood-stained lip. The face of the crazy smirk, the butcher’s knife in his hand has been raised high: “If there is retribution in this world, we will have no bones!”

In the crazy and excited laughter, the butcher’s knife in the hand has already slashed down…

The starry sky at night suddenly made a slap in the face, illuminating the dark night sky!

‘呲啦’, slammed on the person who raised the knife, his crazy expression was in solidify, a gust of wind, his body instantly turned into a black ash dissipated…

“Retribution! Really retribution! God finally opened his eyes!!” Silent night, the beautiful woman kept two lines of blood and tears, crying and laughing, like a madness.

“What retribution! You are a skunk 1, less nonsense!” A soldier was angry because of his heart and fear, and he slashed with a knife, but in an instant, it was a squatting down, and he was instantly It became gray!

“God is open! Your death is here! Come!!” The beautiful woman cried and laughed, like a ghost.

The soldiers who had been madly killed by the sudden fall back, watched the bright starry sky, and the endless fear emerged in their hearts, and they fell into the hail: don’t tell me. Will it really greet retribution?


All the soldiers were afraid to look at their heads.

“Retribution is fart! If there is such a retribution in the world, the bad person has already died, and then we get the round?” Captain screamed and screamed: “Who? Dare to secretly attack, there is a way to see it!”

The quiet night sky is quiet and terrible, and everyone can clearly hear their fierce beating…

For a moment, under the tens of people’s Eyes, the space above their heads suddenly broke open, and a handsome and burly man stepped out of it…

He stood in volley, looked around, and his brow wrinkled slightly: “There is a strong bloody atmosphere, this world, I don’t like it very much…”

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