The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 115 is not good for animals

“Fucking the ghost, shoot him down!” The Captain, although the two 1 legs that had been scared, shivered, but before the department, they didn’t want to expose 1 to timidity, and screamed and ordered the attack.

Although the soldiers are afraid, but the military order is like a mountain, they must respect it. For a moment, the arrow is like a rain, spurting the sky…

“The human face is beast, you are self-sufficient – under Hell!”

The indifferent voice came from the mouth of Sun Wukong, and the blazing arrow rain disappeared into a light smoke, and the soldiers below, burning in the fire, could only feel their bodies being screamed in the screams. A little bit of Aura is exhausted, and it is dying out in endless pain and fear…

“Dead is good! Dead is good! Let’s die!” The beautiful woman watched the group of soldiers who screamed in the fire, crying and laughing, seeing each and every one of the villagers and their children. The cruel killing forced her spirit to withstand this painful blow, but the hatred of the soldiers was already in mind.

“The most unseen scenes like this, if you meet me, it will be your relationship with me, just help you…” Sun Wukong waved lightly, and a light shines on the beautiful woman and her dead child. The original spirit of her collapse, she gradually returned to the gods, and the child who was cut off because of the gas is also a big eye that opened the smart ‘wā wā ‘ crying…

“Child! My child!!” The beautiful woman stunned, suddenly ecstatic, holding her child in her arms, kissed and kissed.

“Let’s live well! Not for you, but for your children!”

The beautiful woman suddenly heard a majestic sound, shocking her to be a spirit, hurriedly looking up at the sky, the silent night sky, long before the shadow of Sun Wukong…

“Thank you for your kindness! Thank God! Thank you! Thank you!!” The beautiful woman holding her baby, even hoeing, even if her forehead has been smashed, she still keeps on…

Walking alone under the night sky, the city in front of Sun Wukong watching was completely shrouded in the shadow of blood that could not be seen by ordinary people. Even he seemed a little surprised: “How many days of anger and grievances can gather such strong grievances…”

Entering the city and walking on the street, Sun Wukong can smell a very strong bloody Ki, especially when passing through a mansion, it gives him a strong sense of disgust.

Because the mansion was completely covered by a strong death that ordinary people could not see, this can only explain a problem. In this glamorous mansion, the back of the house killed more then more than a hundred souls.

“It’s no wonder that the whole emperor was shrouded in an astonishing bloody shadow. I didn’t expect even a mansion to have such a dark death…”

With a slight brow, Sun Wukong ignored the wall of the mansion that blocked all sights and directly saw the interior of the mansion…

The nursing home, the mansion, the courtyard filled with flowers and vegetation, and the dark and dark chamber filled with cruel torture, and the each and every one were tortured like human figures and hung in the air. , ropes, walls, or dead, or dying people!

An elegant and mature beauty woman 1 looks like an ugly smile. A man in front of him vomits black blood, moves like a pen, and takes notes…

A middle-aged man is holding a short squat, and a young woman is cruelly cut with a knife. Under the spur of blood, his ugly expression reveals 1’s metamorphosis.

And an innocent girl, revealing 1, like Demon’s smile, holding a pair of iron tongs in the nails of a girl who was tied to a stake, the blood of the means, it was terrible…

Even if Sun Wukong saw it, it was a slight frown. For the ugliness of this world, there was a new understanding. Humanity has long been distorted. People are still people, but their hearts are already ugly and they are not as good as animals.

“This is the so-called beast with a human skin…” With a slight sigh, Sun Wukong’s figure has disappeared in place…

In the dim and bloody musty dungeons, the cute girl looks like 1 is like Demon’s twisted face, screaming out: “You are calling! You are calling! As long as you call, as long as you like Dog-like cockroaches add 1 to my toes in front of me, I might spare you a life, haha~~ hurry for mercy! You scum, walk the dog! You beg for mercy!”

Although the fingers have been vague and bloody, the girl who can be tortured has been tortured by the pain of her pain. However, she still breathes a faint and unpleasant air. She does not scream, her eyes are firm, and her hate is revealed. , ‘呸’, a spit of bloodshot spit in the Chinese girl…

“Ah! You are a scum, you can dare to vomit me!” If the girl in a Chinese costume is mad, her face is distorted, and the name of the person is actually in terms of her. Obviously, she does not think of the girl in front as a people!

A handful of the woman’s bloody smooth long hair, it is necessary to tear it off, but unfortunately, it was caught by a powerful palm that suddenly appeared: “I Sun Wukong is also very knowledgeable, but so distorted human nature. On the one hand, I really saw it for the first time. It seems that I am also ignorant and ill-informed…”

“You…who are you?!!” Sun Wukong showed no signs. Obvious scared the little girl, a weak expression, without the twisted human side before half a bit. At the moment, she looks like It was a frightened helpless little girl.

“Touching you, I feel a bit disgusting…” Sun Wukong loosened her grip on the little girl’s arm and pushed her to push 1 to the ground.

Turning to look at the girl in front of the shawl, the face is revealing 1 with a smile of appreciation: “With such torture, I didn’t even scream, to be a female hero, I really appreciate you…”

Speaking, lightly pointed, the iron rope that bound the girl broke open instantly, and her heavy body 1 body rushed toward the ground, but was picked up by Sun Wukong: “Although I can cure the injury for you, But this is the most precious and rare memory of your life. It will surely let you remember this pain in your life and learn the lesson, so I will not be idle!”

The girl watching Sun Wukong’s eyes flashed a glance, but the voice was weak but firm: “Can…send the sword…to me?”

“Happy to be!” Sun Wukong opened his palm, and the ancient sword flew by himself, and he was caught by him.

“Thank you!” The woman snorted, shaking 1 shaking her right hand, holding the ancient sword handed by Sun Wukong, pushing him away, squatting forward, his eyes filled with endless killings, sitting in the ground Let the girl look at it…

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