The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 119, Leonard

During the rehabilitation of Shayou, Sun Wukong did nothing and stayed with her. On the third day, her injury was almost as good.

Although no treatment is used, the healing medicine provided by Sun Wukong has a magical effect.

When I opened the bandage and watched my own white 1 red skin, Shayou was a surprise: “There was no scar left even, it was so powerful! What medicine did you use for me? Give yourself a self-defense Use it!”

“Well, this is the senzu bean. Now it’s no use for me. Take it and eat it!” Sun Wukong generously gave a pack of senzu beans to Shayou.

“What is the role of senzu bean?” Shake’s face was curious.

“As long as you are still alive, you will be able to recover as soon as you eat it! Even if the heart is pierced, as long as there is still a sense of consciousness, you can eat the senzu bean and you will be able to come back to life!”

“So powerful? Really fake?” Shayou stunned and widened his eyes. It was so powerful, just like the heavenly treasure in the legend. If it is rumored to go out, it will not cause the madness of the whole world?

Moreover, such a precious thing, Sun Wukong turned out to be a pack, at least there are more than 30! You thought it was a jelly bean. It is no wonder that Shayou will doubt it.

“Say good heart will believe me!” Was suspicious, Sun Wukong immediately pretend to dissatisfied pinching her nose.

“I’m sorry! It’s just too exaggerated!” Sha said with a red face: “Who told you to give it a bag, who would believe it!”

“Then you will come to be the abnormal person!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Well!” Shau’s strange face nodded seriously, holding Sun Wukong, his eyes full of love: “Even if you lie to me, I will believe it!”

In her most desperate time, Sun Wukong, like Kami, came to save her; countless legends and unheard of stories made her obsessed; two days of meticulous care allowed him to walk into each other’s hearts; countless unheard of foods To shock her, magical and unfathomable means to make her full of curiosity…

In short, this man full of Mystic/mysterious colors has been deeply fascinated by her and can no longer extricate herself.

If you want to explain it in the way of game, now Shayou has already had a good impression on Sun Wukong. No matter what he does to Shaw, the degree of affection will only increase and will not decrease, even if it is abuse, in Shayou The eyes will become love 1 caress.

“I didn’t expect the effect to be so good. It seems that when I save my sister’s paper, I can’t cure it all at once!” Sun Wukong climbed his chin and laughed and thought.

“Why are you so ridiculously laughing, what are you paying attention to?” Sha said with his hands in front of the Hungarian, looking at the watchful Sun Wukong.

“Don’t dare to say that I am wretched, see how I can clean you up!” Sun Wukong ‘sinful’ rushed over…

“Ah~ How can you touch where?”

Just as Sun Wukong’s hands just stretched out 1 into the clothes of Shah-Hung, a woman’s head suddenly came in from the window, watching the two poses, a sinister expression: “But, actually saw it. Such a pair of dogs 1 men and women, really stained my eyes…”

Originally because of being discovered, I was ashamed of the facial expression. I was so bloody, and after listening to the woman’s snoring, I was furious: “Who are you talking about 1 dogs? We bother you, shut you down!” The sword was cut off…

Suddenly being crushed by others is a dog 1 men and women, whoever is also angry is incomparable! Sun Wukong is no exception, but when he sees the woman’s face, he has taken away the killing.

“Hey~ I’m not going to say anything about this anecdote, right?” The woman outside the window was also a temper. Seeing Shake’s hands, not to be outdone, she took a fall back and avoided Sha’s attack. At the same time, they will be beastified, their hands will become lion claws, and two cute ‘cat ears’ will grow on both sides of the head.

Shayou, who was chased from the window, saw that the woman suddenly became like this. She suddenly looked surprised: “This is…”

“Emperor – the king of beasts [Lion King] – belt-type emperor, leap to enhance their own Ability, smell, etc., Shayou, don’t care, this giant 1 breast is very powerful!” Sun Wukong didn’t know when he had already arrived outside, watching the giant 1 breastfeeding girl who had already beasted in front of him.

When I heard the name of the emperor, the identity of the woman was already out, and Leona, a member of NightRaid, was a huge 1 niece.

Just because she knew the identity of the other party, Sun Wukong didn’t start with her. If someone else told him a dog 1, he must have tried the 18-layer Hell’s strict torture law.

“The emperor has made it? I have heard it, but I have never seen it before!” Sai has become very wary: “I heard that the emperor is very powerful. Let me see how powerful it is today! sword!”

The ancient sword swayed, turned into a cold light and slashed to Leo Nai, clean and savvy body, sharp and quick sniper, actually forced by Leo Nai fall back.

You know, in the past three days, Shayou has eaten a lot of food provided by Sun Wukong. Although Shayou has no food cells, the energy contained in the food has been completely absorbed by her, and naturally it has been amazingly strengthened.

The body is light and fast, and the footwork is light and smart. Even Shayou is shocked. When did she become so powerful?

Under the meditation of my heart, it is the instinctive bias to avoid a straight punch of Leo Nai…

“Is it reinforced along with the reflex nerves? Don’t tell me about the foods that Goku adults gave me?” Shake squinted at Sun Wukong and took back her mind. During the war, she didn’t dare to do more distraction. Although my heart is doubtful, I will ask again.

I have been beastified, and I have been suppressed. Leo Nai is surprised: “It’s so powerful, I didn’t expect the ordinary people, there are people with such skills?!”

“As a priest, should you more then this strength?” Shayou completely suppressed Leo Nai slash, but the frown was slightly wrinkled.

“But! Just momentarily has the upper hand, you don’t want to be too proud!” Leo Nai heard the words, suddenly furious, as a priest, even despised by the ordinary people, she is naturally dissatisfied, and her eyes are sharp Flashing away, not even dodging, but grabbed the past with the ancient sword of Shayou…

“You…” Shayou’s obvious was shocked by the other person’s self-seeking death. She just wanted to teach the woman who was “smelly”, but she never thought about killing her or cutting off her hand. Ah, hesitating for a moment, this sword is deviating…

But Leona’s punch was a slap in the middle of her belly…

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