The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 120 Invitation

Shake was stunned and the sword fell to the ground.

“Hey, are you okay?” Leo Nai Li immediately lifted Sha, and was full of concern.

When Shayou deviated from the sniper, she also recovered a lot of strength, but this is full strength, but she saw the other party suddenly subordinates in the middle of the road, she naturally can not hurt Shayou, even if it is recovered A lot of strength, but as a priest, she can not be underestimated.

“Nothing…” Shake shook her head, but my heart was very surprised. If I changed it before, I wouldn’t feel good about it, but now she just feels the pain in the abdomen. It has returned to normal, and this pain still affects old injuries. Although her injury is almost good, she has not recovered.

“It seems that you are not a troublesome person. Well, I apologize for what I said, sorry!” Leona’s facial expression apologizes for a respectful dedication.

Shayou changed her attack direction midway, and she didn’t want to hurt her mind to win her favor.

To blame can only blame this emperor is too chaotic, what kind of things she has seen, so I saw Sun Wukong and Shayou’s for a moment, so that because of this, she It is not uncommon to assassinate the mission.

“Hey!” Shayou snorted and said: “Look at your sincerity, forgive me for a while.”

“Haha~~ It seems that you are also very big!” Leo Nai heard the words, and immediately took a hand on the shoulder of Shayou: “I appreciate you, girl!”

Sai Li has immediately turned a blind eye to the big sister, Leo Nai. “If you have nothing, please leave quickly. We are not familiar.”

For the things just done, Shayou still cares. It’s rare to be close to 1 like Sun Wukong. But before she was happy, she was suddenly interrupted by this guy. Can she be cool?

“Don’t say that, girl, my name is Leonay, I know you!” Leo Nai smiled heartily, saw Shayou didn’t care for her, nose nosed 1, and her eyes fixed on the table, eyes One bright, a look of joy ran over: “Ah ~ found target, this taste really makes people want to stop! Oh ~ ~ What is this thing?”

“It turned out to be attracted by food. I said how she suddenly appeared here…” Seeing Leonai’s appearance, Sun Wukong walked over: “The dish in front of you is cheese rabbit meat, the protein in the body is easy. To solidify , meat is as thick as cheese, hence the name; but this is self-supporting, no semicolon…”

“Cheese rabbit? Is there such a rabbit? I haven’t heard of it, what kind of danger is it?” Leo Nai’s face was curious.

“Okay!” Sun Wukong nodded.

“What about this?” Leonea pointed to the side to eat the rest.

“Ginger pork, as long as the meat is cooked, will have a ginger-like pig. The shape is also very similar to ginger. Although it is peculiar, it is only a very common ordinary ingredient.”

“It’s a strange species that I haven’t heard of…” Leonet snorted and swallowed again, asking, “What about this?”

“Rainbow fruit and bacon leaves are cooked… OK, don’t ask so much, if you like, don’t mind if we eat the rest, please eat!”

Don’t think that Sun Wukong’s food is relatively low-level, it is because you have to eat from low-level to high-level and slowly 1 tastes, otherwise it will lose a lot of fun.

“Really?” Leonard’s eyes brightened and he was very happy.

As a killer, it is not appropriate to eat such unsuspecting food that people who have just met him soon, but somehow, she instinctively feels that Sun Wukong feels very kind to her and will not harm her. Inexplicable has a trust in him, even she feels very strange.

It’s just the current food, and I believe in my instincts, so Leonay has been reluctant to think about it. After eating it, he said, “Don’t mind! Don’t mind!”

As I said, I have already been in the mouth of 1.

“Great! Mom!~It’s so delicious! This…Is this all you do?!!” Leone is just a mouthful of 1 mouth, which has been completely 1-dressed by this food, and his mouth is unclear and gorged. …

This ugly eating, Shayou did not laugh at her, because she was the same scene when she first ate this thing.

Just as Leonards wiped out the food they had left, Shayou came to Sun Wukong and asked the doubts in his heart: “Goku adults, I feel that my strength seems to be a lot stronger, is it with? What about the food I have eaten these days?”

Sun Wukong nodded: “Well, the healing medicine used also has the effect of strengthening the body!”

“Where are these things from where you come from? Every thing if rumors go out, it will cause vibration? Is such a precious thing casually given to us, will it be too wasteful?”

“How can it be wasted, precious and precious?”

Listening to Sun Wukong, the happiness of Sai’s heart is instantly bursting.

Maybe some people will be very disgusted with this kind of sweet talk, and they will feel embarrassed when they say it, but you have to know that if you say this to a girl who likes you, people still like it very much, so please don’t hold it, boldly go Say, if you are not sure, you will be off the list.

“Ah~ so cool! This is really not white!” Leonard touched his stomach, his eyes were shining, watching Sun Wukong and Shayou: “Is there still? Not enough!”

“Please eat well, you still want to eat? Do you know how precious these foods are?” Sai Li turned his eyes. Although Sun Wukong does not seem to take these dishes seriously, she is very clear about the value of these things, and naturally she wants to think about Sun Wukong.

Although such an idea is superfluous to Sun Wukong, it is also human nature, isn’t it? Which girl would like the person she likes to be the big head of others?

“I just talked about it, don’t mind!” Leo Nai said, got up and stood up: “As a thank you, I invite you to visit my house!”

“don’t tell me is the general headquarters that wants to take us to NightRaid?” I thought of Akasaka, Ma Yin, Xier and other sister papers. It seems that there are still a lot of beautiful women there, and most of them are not very good. Since they are coming, These sister papers are naturally to be saved. I nod and agree at the moment: “Well, we have nothing to do, anyway, it is good to travel!”

Sun Wukong has agreed, and he will not have any opinions on Shakeyou who listens to him.

“That line, do you leave now?” Leo Nai’s face was delighted, and Sun Wukong was invited not only because of the food, but also because she also saw the strength of Sha Yu, but she did not know, she invited A person who is enough to change their tragic fate…

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