The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 242

“Excessive? What is wrong with killing human beings? What is the killing of human beings? Those stupid humans should die! It should be wiped out!” The orange stripe reveals 1’s incomparable hatred.

“don’t tell me, is there any other way? Can a peaceful solution?” Fairchild’s weak and weak road.

“It’s useless. It doesn’t matter what you do now. The owner of the museum will punish humans!”

“It is a very embarrassing tone to say what is punishing. Isn’t it? To hurt others for your own purposes, what is the difference between you and humans?” Hu Meng’s face is unhappy: “Hey~ This is the style of your witch.” ?”

“Well~ I really did it too much!” The cat squinted and agreed.

“What do you know, if the hill of the witch is flattened, I will be homeless!” The orange strip screamed.

“If this is the case, then you can go to the school life with us. There are a lot of companions there, and you will not be alone!” The cat thought quietly and looked serious.

“This method is really good! Hey, you will go to the school with us!” Fairchild Zi looked happy and watched the orange strips.

“So, are there two witches?”

Watching Meng Xiang and other women have a happy face, orange strips are really a little heart.

“Don’t say this first, the sky is getting dark, let’s have dinner! Hungry!” The cat looked at Sun Wukong with his eyes on his head.

“Then start cooking!”

Meng Xiang and other women are starting to get busy, and Li Lizi took out a dress from his backpack and handed it to the orange strip: “Look at the forgiveness of Goku adults, I Let me wear it!”

“Thank you!” The orange stripe immediately took the clothes and put them on his body. He always used his hand to block the spring 1 light in front of the Hungarian. It was really inconvenient and embarrassing.

A dinner for all the girls to eat is very happy, even the orange-striped face is also 1 out of the smile of the rare, seems to be fully integrated into the group, just wait for the cute fragrance they are sleeping, she But left alone…

Watching behind, let yourself enjoy 1 for a moment of peace of mind and warmth, the oranges are very sad, but also turned and left: “Although I want to be with you, but my life can not be changed… ”

Sun Wukong walked out of the tent, watched the back of the orange strip, and looked at the place where the mansion of the witch’s hill was located: “The old woman seems to have just died, it seems that she can’t help but rush away…” Look at the beaded fish behind the head and look at it: “Go to wake up and scent them, there is something to do…”

The hill of the witch, the mansion.

The orange strips pushed open the door, and the purpose was to darken the room, a back covered by a black robe: “The owner of the museum…”

However, the answer to her was the rattan that suddenly came out from the room and hung her tightly in the air. This made the orange stripe panic and fear, and hurriedly explained: “Please forgive me, the owner of the museum. I absolutely don’t want to betray the owner of the museum!”

However, the owner of the museum seems to be indifferent, and the rattan that binds the orange strips has become more and more vigorous. It seems that the body of the orange strip is broken!

“Sorry, the owner of the museum, please spare me, I will definitely listen to your words, will not be easily shaken, please ask the owner to give me another chance!”

“…” The owner of the robe under the black robe was silent. For a moment, the rattan tied to the orange strip suddenly released her, causing her to fall to the ground, but the orange strip seemed to have no Feel the pain in general, hurry to the ground, the grateful face: “The owner of the museum please rest assured, I will not let anyone close to 1 渎 our witch’s hill, those guys will hand over to me to deal with Let’s go!”

Said, the orange strip suddenly rose, his eyes covered with madness and cold, holding a wand out of the room, flying around a few crows, screaming at the same time, flapping wings, landing countless black feathers, huge magic from her wand The middle overflowed and wrapped around the body, causing the back to suddenly eject three pairs of black wings, which looked like a crow wing, but now more like the wing of Demon!

The cold watching has already arrived at Sun Wukong and other people on the side of the mansion. In the eyes of the orange strip, only the strange coldness is left: “You should not come again!”

With the magic wand in one hand, the huge magic poured out, and the ground instantly extended countless vine branches, just like the tentacles, Sun Wukong and others were wrapped around the 1 and hung in the air.

“This… is this?!”

Hu Meng, they were all shocked. Looking at the six wings of the body, they looked at the orange strips that walked slowly toward them. It was very puzzled: “Hey, are we not already friends? Why are you? Also attack us? We are worried about you and want to see you!”

“Friends? I don’t have friends!” The orange-striped face was crazy, and the wand screamed in one fell swoop: “All those who smash 1’s sorcerer’s mound will die, and you are no exception!”

The huge magic is passed from the wand, and the magic grass that binds Sun Wukong and others suddenly mad berserk rises, grows each and every one takes 1 like a big mouth, bites away towards them…

“Bastard, you really want to kill us!” Li Lizi looked angry: “It seems that you have not learned enough!”

Said, just want to change back to the real body, but suddenly came the voice of Sun Wukong: “No shot!”

“Hey? Why?” Li Lizi’s facial expression was a stagnation. It was only during this moment of doubt that the orange-striped attack against her had already arrived. Numerous branches were wrapped around 1, and she was bound like a scorpion. At the same time, a few more rattans pierced her arm, the skin at the shoulders, sucking the demon in her body!

“Hey? This is?!!” Feel the horror of the body’s rapid loss, Li Lizi is a shocked look, want to break out to resist, but got Sun Wukong inexplicable command, and dare not body transformation.

Together with the cat, Jing Jing is also the same command from Sun Wukong. There is no shot. Like Li Lizi, the arm shoulders are stabbed into several rattans, madly sucking the demon in their bodies.

“Haha~~ I thought that only Li Lizi had such a terrible demon. I didn’t expect even the cat to be as quiet as you! Haha!! I will never lose this time. You! These magic grasses will suck your demon to enhance my strength, this time, you don’t want to escape!”

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