The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The second hundred and twenty-five chapter brush boss

“This guy has been totally crazy!”

“Wow, you have to be eaten!”

Hu Meng couples each and every one are hung in the air in an extremely tempting 1 confusing posture, watching the sorcerer’s grass that they bite towards them, Fairy Zi hurriedly lifts the wand in his hand, with the brilliance of the magic light A magic card flashed instantly, cutting off the magic grass rattan that resides in Sun Wukong.

This makes Sun Wukong very speechless: “How can I save it? I don’t want to stay out of it…”

The purpose of his arrival here was for the oranges, and the second was to break the feelings of Hu Meng and other women, so he did not intend to shoot, if anything was solved in advance, it would be a fart. These jealous sister papers have to be hostile and dark.

But now that he was saved, he couldn’t do it. He watched those magic grasses that had bitten away from Hu Meng, Sun Wukong clenched his fists, and all the open-mouthed magic grass exploded in an instant. .

Together with the restrictions, Hu Meng’s rattans are also loose, and they have regained their freedom. The sound of 1 is followed by a sound, and they are both body transformation, and they launched a strong offensive.

It is a pity that there are too many magic grasses planted under the ground. It is almost inexhaustible. It kills a few but it is more, only a moment, just restored the freedom of Hu Meng, they are bound by the cane. stand up.

Even the chill of the white snow is ineffective. After freezing, the ice is bursting out in an instant. After absorbing the plume of Li Lizi and the cat, the level of the magic grass that Bai Xue and Sui summoned is too different, so it is frozen. Can’t live.

“Goku brother, help!” Fairchild purple first screamed out.

“After absorbing the enchantment of Li Lizi, this magic grass has also been greatly strengthened!” Sun Wukong lamented that both women have his Ki, so these magic grasses are not strengthened. Then one star and a half.

With a gentle wave, the wind blade flashed, cut the rattan, and rescued Hu Meng again.

At the same time, the figure flashed to the side of Meng Xiang, reaching for her to hunt in front of her, and took off the seal cross. The huge demon burst out from the body of Meng Xiang, and countless bats flew, indicating the S-class big monster. The vampire is already Awaken.

“Vampire? S-class big monster?!” Seeing the true body of Meng Xiang, the orange strip is a shock of a look, this group of people, there are so many powerful guys?

“But what can it be? Now I will not lose to anyone anymore!” The orange strip screamed at 1, exuding awesome magic, absorbing the plums of Li Lizi and the cat, her strength Get an unprecedented reinforcement, the wand in one fell swoop, surrounded by magic grass mad berserk rose, each and every one became a huge scorpion grass, the sky like a tentacle-like rattan flying, squirting them to the fragrant incense!

In the countless canes, the numerous sprouts were cut, and eventually the number was lost to the sky. Once again, the whole body was tightly tied and hung in the air.

As for the whole of the bead fish is hung in the air, it is purely soy sauce, she is a mermaid, can still play a little strength in the water, can go to the land, then there is nothing wrong.

“I didn’t expect this chick to be quite powerful. Even the incense is limited!” Sun Wukong saw this situation and sighed: “Sure enough, the tentacles are the natural enemies of women!”

“Goku, don’t feel it there, come and save us!” Hu Mengwatching Sun Wukong shouted for help.

“It’s useless to save you. Still, it’s been hung up again!” Sun Wukong spreads both hands: “You won’t cooperate with each other? They are fighting each other, single-on-one, how can you win?”

Say, we must release the Hu Meng them again.

But see the orange strip, a soft 1 drink: “I won’t let you succeed!” The magical force is released from the wand, and the earth under his feet suddenly splits, pulling out a huge sly magic grass, and taking her in one bite. Swallowed in, in the mouth of the magic grass exposed 1 out of the body, she turned out to be merged with the magic grass.

“How come, hey, if you use this magic, you will never get back!” Fairchild purple sees it, but it is shocked.

“Thoroughly gone?” Sun Wukong watching The orange strip at the moment, the body shape flashed, came to the front of the fragrant incense, a che broke the restrict to live her rattan, and at the same time, it was again, Hu Dreaming that they were saved, a few women came to Sun Wukong, watching and blending with the magic grass, turned into a monster orange, all face serious: “Goku, what now?”

“Groups play BOSS!” Sun Wukong smiled casually: “Don’t act alone, you can work together to win, I will save them two!”

Saying, Sun Wukong has already rushed over to Li Lizi and the cat’s quiet place. The two women secretly got Sun Wukong’s order, they have no to resist, they are sucked by the orange strip and become a soy sauce. of.

“Hey! Let’s do it! If I lose to the witch in the district, I can’t have a face too much!” Li Mengxiang snorted coldly, and at the foot, it was already rushing toward the magic grass!

“What is the witch in the district, you don’t want to look too little at the witch! Vampire!!” The magic grass screams angry, after a scream, countless thick 1 strong rattan spread out, and the fragrant whipping is going !

But seeing the white snow, the endless cold, the ice that is tentacle-like is frozen in an instant, although these canes will burst and freeze for a while, but the time won is for Li Mengxiang. It is enough.

Just in the moment when countless rattans broke through the ice, Li Mengxiang came to the front of the magic grass, and the 1 long 1 leg was kicked out: “Let me reflect on it!” In the loud bang, the huge magic grass was actually turned to the ground by her.

Not far away, Fairchild Purple has already finished a series of long-unknown spells, and the magical cards are flying, cutting countless tentacle canes that want to attack, and she is also two. The feet are soft, sitting on the ground, the magic is too much, no strength.

Hu Meng ten fingers nails like a sword, waving, cleaning the surrounding magic grass…

With the cooperation of several women, the combat power has greatly improved.

“You guys, it’s not good to die! Why do you want to resist!” The magic grass face is distorted, and the face is angry.

“Hey~ there are so many nonsense!” In the cool and cool cold snorted: “Don’t think that you have absorbed a little demon, you think you are invincible, you want to fight with me, you are still far behind!”

Terror is full of demon, condensed on the right foot, a loud bang of ‘嘭’, once again bombarded on the magic grass head with the 琉妃, the debris flies, this foot is actually the magic grass The giant mouth kicked the blast, and the cockroaches that shook it were a dazzling tinnitus. ….

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