The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The second 12 chapter is a point

“Hohou ~~~ It seems that the big heavens are just like this!” Seeing the situation changed for a moment, Li Cunzhong was proud of the strange laughter.

“Master, Xuan Jingtian and Miao Chengtian do not seem to be their opponents!” Ji Ruxue watched the field, his brow slightly wrinkled.

“Well, they both entered the big heavens, and the practice of practicing is not so good. It is really difficult to face the power-type opponents.” Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the wonderful days in the field, reminding: “Single On the single, you are not the opponent of this big man, to avoid the edge, delay time, his attack power is amazing, but the flexibility is not enough, so it is easy to avoid his attack still, so Xuan Jingtian solved the two Amazing, your sisters will work together to defeat this big man.”

Miao Chengtian heard the words, did not think much, and took the lead: “Yes!”

Li Cunxiao began to fight, facing Li Cunxiao’s domineering attack, not to pick up, only to dodge, fall back, so that Li Cunxiao’s attack has repeatedly failed, but he was so angry that he yelled.

“Mom, this is too mean!” Li Cunzhong looked at the roaring voice, turned his head and looked at the country. “You two points, and quickly solved the Xuanjing Shengji, but Can’t let them meet, otherwise we will lose!”

“Shut up, let’s fight, you talk less!” The country was immediately turned to Li Cunzhong.

“That is, the hustle and bustle is dead, you go to your captain!” The city did not give him a good look. These two sisters are used to me, and I have been greeted by others.

“You…you…you…” Li Cunzhong was mad at the two sisters, and his heart was angry: “Hey, you will be arrogant, and if this is over, you must have a good lesson!”

“This thin monkey is really annoying, Xiaoxue, Xuan Xuan, you two to let him shut up!” Sun Wukong glanced at Li Cunzhong, said.

“Xuan Xuan?” Lu Linxuan listened to this title, holding his face in both hands, and his face was very disgusting.

“哼~花痴!” Ji Ruxue took a look at Lu Linxuan, disdainful, and took the sword to Li Cunzhong to kill the past.

“Hey, what do you mean by that? It’s clear!” Lu Linxuan immediately chased after a look of disappointment: “But a maid around Goku’s eldest brother is so arrogant!”

Sun Wukong sees this, but looks at Li Xingyun: “The two of them shot Li Cunzhong. The name of Zhang Zifan will definitely not stand by, so he will hand it over to you!”

Sure enough, just as Sun Wukong’s voice just fell, I saw Zhang Zifan want to shoot, Li Xingyun saw it, and then said nothing, Zhang Zifan hooked his finger to the front: “Your opponent is me!”

Zhang Zifan turned and looked at Li Cunzhong: “Nine uncles, two girls no problem, right?”

“Hey! You still worry about yourself!” Seeing that he was being stunned, Li Cunzhong screamed out, and now he was attacking Lu Linxuan…

Li Cunzhong’s strength is a big star, and Lu Linxuan is not in the middle of the star position. No matter the strength and actual combat experience, it is not as good as Li Cunzhong. Therefore, in the face of his attack, Lu Linxuan is not an opponent, and only the parry is suppressed.

But don’t forget, there is also a Ji Xingxue, who is also a big star. When Li Cunzhong launched a continuous attack on Lu Linxuan, Ji Ruxue also saw the opportunity and stabbed Li Cunzhong with a sword. If you don’t dodge, it’s definitely a cool heart.

As a last resort, Li Cunzhong had to give up Lu Linxuan and avoid the fierce sword of Ji Ruxue. Next, Li Cunzhong could be a bit embarrassed. Lu Linxuan, who was out of the air, cooperated with Ji Ruxue, and the two women’s swords were slashed and forced to succeed Li Cunzhong. Fall back, because he is bare-handed, he has to temporarily avoid the edge, jump with a monkey like a flash, but it is a stalemate with the two women.

And Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan are also playing against each other. The strength of both of them is a small heaven. You come to me, and it seems that there is no win or loss in a short time!

In the same way, on the side of the country, it is also a fierce attack on Xuanjingtian. Don’t look at the sturdy body of the country. The action is also very capable, not wading in mud and water, and the boxing style is hū hū It’s loud and powerful.

Because the body is thin and small, the movements are more flexible, and the Xuanjingtian is restrained, so that the country can find the right time and give it a heavy blow.

Because the country-natural-born is endless, if she is photographed by her, it is enough.

However, for a moment, the two sisters of the country’s allures suppressed Xuanjingtian.

“It seems that Xuanjingtian is not the opponent of these two people…” When Li Maozhen saw this situation, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and the situation was somewhat unfavorable. He had to be personally shot, but he was stopped by Sun Wukong: “killing chickens A knife, a few small cockroaches, you have to shoot, there is a loss of 1 identity.”

Li Maozhen sat down again and watched Sun Wukong: “What should I do?”

Sun Wukong is a smile, look at the field: “Xuan Jingtian, Next listen to my command… Move left half a step, to the right side, work in the left hand, full strength back elbow!”

Although the sound is dull, it is like magic. It is clearly audible and heard by Xuan Jingtian. The body actually does what Sun Wukong said.

The Xuanjingtian, who had been forced to succumb to the ruling, was immediately avoiding their combined attack, and the one-click elbow was even more beautiful, just like the prediction was good, and the original was around. After the sneak peek into the body of Xuanjing Tian, ​​the sneak peek out!

And this elbow hit just hit her neck artery, concealing the power of the big heaven, but also exhausted the full strength, even a single blow, it is the stun of the city.


Li Maozhen saw it and shouted loudly. The timing was accurate and the sinister eyes were completely penetrated. The next move was even seen and restrained. It’s just a slap in the face, and it’s amazing to reverse the counterattack in an instant.

At this moment, Li Maozhen deeply understands Sun Wukong’s unfathomable terror means, and his admiration is deepened.

This strength is not only unfathomable, even with the battle experience is such an amazing terror, Li Maozhen secretly shocked, even now she, facing Sun Wukong, I am afraid it is also a face to lose it? What level is this person strong?

Regardless of Li Maozhen, shocked by Sun Wukong’s mention, the battle in the field is still going on.

Seeing the great situation, my sister was instantly knocked down and fainted, but it scared the country to jump: “Sister, how are you? Anything?”

Seeing that the whole city did not return, the country was suddenly angry: “Budget, dare to hurt my sister, see if I don’t pull your skin!” ….

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