The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The twenty-third chapter ran

When the country screams, it can be said that the mouth is flying and the sound is deafening.

Because of anger, Ki is even more embarrassed, and the fists and feet are strong, showing a strong incompatibility with her obese and burly body. For a moment, Xuanjingtian is somewhat faint.

Sun Wukong arrived at this moment, and no longer mentions Xuanjingtian. The disadvantages have been broken. As a big heaven, if she can’t even deal with a middle heaven, she will simply find a piece of tofu and die.

I have to say that this country is really a gift of talent. Just relying on the strength of the Zhongtian position, it is faint to suppress the strength of the big heaven. It is really amazing.

Of course, this is only temporary. After the continuous attack on the country, after seeing the effect, it has become a little tired. 1 is soft, and Xuanjing’s real machine is a fierce counterattack. She is also a great talent, although Power is inferior to the country, but under the guise of internal strength, it is also possible to give more, and in terms of dexterity, nature is better than the country.

Devouring the country is only relying on an anger, making the attack as fierce as the madness, so that Xuanjingtian does not want to touch that’s all. As time goes by, the attack frequency has dropped, and Xuanjingtian immediately sees the opportunity. Before, with a strong internal force hard to pick up a few fists of the country, by means of flexible methods, and continuously shot a few palms in her Hungarian mouth, so that the country fell back and fell to the ground.

However, the country’s skin is thick and thick, and she is so sturdy that she has stood up and screamed at the sky.

You must know that the country is the one who can stand up immediately after Li Cunxiao’s attack. The ability to fight against this body is truly amazing. It seems that there is a slight deficiency in the attack power of Xuanjingtian.

“The skin is thick!”

Seeing that the country is like a person, it is standing up again. Xuanjingtian’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, but they are not weak. Immediately, they are added to the same country and fight together.

The touch of the fists and feet makes a dull sound. Fortunately, Xuanjingtian has a repression on the realm. After a few moves, it is a palm that will be thrown out of the country. But the next moment, this product is actually a squid, and It’s the Chao Xuan Jingtian rushing over the past…

“I haven’t played yet!” Xuan Jingtian was also beaten by the liver fire, and she was the most troublesome guy who was thick and hard.

With angry shots, it is back and forth to fly back and forth several times, but people are like cockroach, which is not dead. Every time they are hit, they stand up and attack, and the 1 angle is overflowing. There was a trace of bloodshot, but it was only slightly injured, and it didn’t matter.

When Li Maozhen saw this, it really couldn’t stand it anymore: “Xuan Jingtian, it’s useless for you to be beaten by her. It’s extremely powerful, and your attack is not very strong. If she goes on like this, she may be exhausted by her. You have to play the strengths of your big heaven, and attack the guilt within the inside. Her external strength is strong, but the guilt is a can bear!”

“Inner strength?” Xuan Jingtian is a glimpse: “This kind of skillful kungfu slaves will not!”

She was originally a big star, but suddenly she jumped to a big heaven, so many attacks have not been learned.

“…” Li Maozhen heard that it was half-sounding, and even this would not. The strength of this big heaven is really enough.

“It seems that after this incident, I have taught them a lot of hard work, and there is a big talent in the sky, but they can’t fully play, and add jokes…” Sun Wukong watching Xuan Jingtian shook his head and reminded: “Give people You will always transfer the internal forces? A little flexible, running the internal force in the palm of your hand, directly into the enemy’s body by means of arbitrarily, attacking the inside guilt!”

“This slave will!”

As Sun Wukong said, Xuan Jingtian’s eyes suddenly became brighter and he immediately made it. The body of the big heaven is not the same as the heavenly position. The two have also fought a few tricks. Succeeded by Xuan Jingtian, he was shot in the Hungarian mouth. The internal force of Berserk spread out from the palm of his hand and directly fell into the body of the country. The bombardment was between her lungs, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt and trip. At the ground.

“Ha, effective!” Xuan Jingtian saw the situation, suddenly a look of joy: “I don’t want to be the master, just a little bit of mention, you can let the slaves turn the battle!”

On the other side, he was stunned by Li Cunxiao, and his eyes were also bright. He did not blindly evade, but while he was dodging, he was immersed in the empty space of Li Cunxiao. He was also shot in the back of his heart, Berserk The internal force directly into the body, making it snoring, feeling the fire of 1 in the body, squatting forward several steps, almost fell to the ground.

“This method is really good!” Miao Chengtian hit a hand, but also a big joy, we must know that before her attack hit Li Cunxiao’s body, but did not hurt a little bit of fur, this Li Cunxiao’s cross-defense defense, compared to the country To be much stronger.

“Not good!”

Li Cunzhong, who has been evading Ji Ruxue’s two women’s chopping, saw the situation in the field, and the dark feeling was not good. If Xuanjingtian solved the problem of dumping the country, he would use the same method to attack his tenth brother. His tenth brothers will certainly lose, and now the big drink: “Ten brothers, sons, they are crowded, this place should not stay for a long time, withdraw!”

Li Cunxiao, who listened to Li Cunzhong’s words, heard this, and Pu Fan’s right hand swept to make Xuanjingtian have to go through the fall back, and he was moving the ground to shake the ground and ran to Li Cunzhong…

Seeing that the big man ran towards them, Ji Ruxue and Lu Linxuan were both surprised. They knew that they were not the enemy of this big man. They could only dodge and temporarily avoid the edge.

Li Cunzhong was a man who jumped over to the palm of Li Cunxiao’s 1 and climbed up to his shoulder. On the other side, Zhang Zifan, who was playing well with Li Xingyun, also abandoned Li Xingyun, and he was caught by Li Cunxiao. In the hands, rushing toward the distance…

“Well, you have a white-eyed wolf, and you have escaped. Do you want to leave our sisters? Nothing to think about!” The country watched Zhang Zifan’s back, suddenly furious, standing up from the ground to completely match her figure. The speed of the flight generally ran to the side of the city, picking up her, clipped under the 1, leaving a place of dust, dust chasing…

“This is… ran?” Lu Linxuan’s silly watching.

“Master, do you want to chase?” Ji Ruxue looked at Sun Wukong.

“No matter, jump the clown, don’t bother.” Sun Wukong is waving his hand, looking at Li Xingyun: “We still have to set off off, the mission is completed, I have to go see your master…” … .

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