The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 33: This is called strength.

“Yeah!!” Lu Linxuan exclaimed, and obvious was scared by Yuan Tianqi’s appearance: “He…he…he…how long?”

Even Ji Ruxue is also slightly moving each and every one. I have to say that Yuan Tianqi’s appearance is indeed scary. The face is ‘rotted’ like a zombie, 狰狞terror.

“The price paid for taking Elixir of Life…” Sun Wukong explained: “Because the Emperor Taizong’s eyes saw Yuan Tian’s misery after taking the drug, he took care of his own world’s name, so he did not dare to take it until he died. This medicine.”

“Do you know this secret?” Lu Linxuan watching Sun Wukong is curious and worship.

“The things in the world, really have something to lose!” Ji Ruxue exclaimed.

In the conversation between several people, Yuan Tianyi has already exercised his skill to the extreme, and the tyrannical Ki that emerged from the body has made the weaker people and the breathing become a little heavy.

“Take it!”

A slumber, like an instant movement, Yuan Tianyi has already appeared in front of Li Maozhen, and a straight fist slammed out, but it contains the power of a thousand!

Li Maozhen is also not afraid, but above the slender hand, it is also wrapped with a layer of substantial internal force, and the moment when the dull voice is heard, it is a turbulent wave of terror, and the ground is swept away. , forming a sky flying sand spread.

Just at the moment of the cross-attack, Li Maozhen’s facial expression is slightly changed. This pair of punches, she actually felt a faint pain in the fist, and she was almost shocked to fall back. Fortunately, she was in time. The right foot was on the ground, and the sole of the foot was deep in it, but it forced the body shape.

The two fists fluttered, the figure is not flashing, the light work has reached an extreme, momentarily ground, a little while in the air, but it is difficult to see the outcome in a short time…

Just as time goes by, Sun Wukong obvious sees that Li Maozhen’s stamina is somewhat inadequate. The long time battle makes her internal power consumption so serious that it is not as long as Yuan Tianyi’s, and Yuan Tian’s fist is heavy and heavy. The power is amazing, and the collision of long time makes Li Maozhen feel that his fists are slightly paralyzed.

This weakness is obvious, naturally it is ushered in a more violent attack by Yuan Tianqi. After a hundred 1 combination, because Li Mao’s fist is weak, he could not completely take over the rapid punch of Yuan Tianyi. His body shape is slightly stagnant. The momentary gap was naturally captured by Yuan Tianyi, and a punch hit out, taking Li Mao’s heart!

Li Maozhen had a short stature, but it was a short punch in the left shoulder of the synapse. At the same time, the internal pain was also smashed. The hysterical style of the fist was even more painful. Restricted the hair of the head full of hair cracked, full of black hair all the moment is sprinkled down, Li Maozhen immediately became a beautiful demon 1 Yan by Junyi extraordinary prince.

If this is the case, Li Maozhen’s current strength can be responded in time, but Yuan Tian’s palm is extremely fierce, and the entrapment of the Scorpio’s spirit is even more invincible. This punch is actually at the same time as Li Mao’s left shoulder. “Oh,” triggered the effect of the explosion of 1 clothes, instantly tearing her coat off!

Li Maozhen’s surprise was a minor act. He made the instinctual action that women should have. In an instant, it was used to protect the former Hungarians with both hands, but it was also bombarded by Yuan Tianyi in the place of Dantian. Li Maozhen immediately a mouthful of blood Squirting, the shape of a kite like a broken line flies out…

“哼~Woman is a woman!” Yuan Tianyi snorted, his face revealed 1 a bit of disdain: “With the old man’s tricks, even dare to have such a daughter’s mind, really looking for a dead end.

The shape of a flash, instantly appeared in the back of Li Maozhen flying in the air, it is necessary to give a final blow!

Li Maozhen’s facial expression has changed dramatically. Yuan Tianqi’s previous palm was extremely hot and squeaky, just hit her in Dantian. Fortunately, her internal strength is also good, and there is an internal gas body. This is not like Zhu Youzhen. Going to the internal force, but Dan Tian is also greatly shaken, for a moment but it is difficult to control the messy internal force, want to resist this last blow, it is already powerless.

If this last blow is a real one, it will be difficult to resist the form that she is now harassed. It is destined to follow the footsteps of Zhu Youzhen. Dan Tian is forced to use the internal force.

“This is the end of the enemy with me!” Yuan Tianyi snorted, and did not show mercy, but unfortunately, when it contained the right palm of the torque and the horror of Li Mao’s Dan Tian, ​​it was a stop. It’s hard to get in.

It turned out that his right wrist was already grasped by a hand like a hoop. Rao was how he tried hard and muddy into the sea. It was difficult to achieve the slightest effect. The facial expression was finally moved: “You…”

But before, the Sun Wukong has seized Yuan Tianqi’s right hand and lifted it over his head. He threw it to the ground, and the ‘bang’ sounded fiercely, and the whole earth was shaken for a huge hole. It is oscillating and open, spreading all the way, until dozens of meters away, deep in a meter!

“pu-chi” a mouthful of blood spurted out, Yuan Tianyi’s eyes widened, unbelievable, opened his mouth, but he couldn’t make a sound, because the pain and dullness of the whole body had made him temporarily shocked. Come out loud.

Sun Wukong is also a casual one. Like the garbage, Yuan Tianqi kicked out a hundred meters away. On the ground, it was the head of the rubbing blood, and the wolf could not bear, it was miserable.


Li Xingyun was so scared that he suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth. How did Yuan Tianqi, who was just brave and invincible, suddenly become a second?

“This… this… this… this person… is even stronger?!!!” Li Cunzhong said that he was also stunned, and that Yuan Tianyi’s strength is unfathomable and terror! But at this moment, they think they have been martial arts, but the unfathomable people are suddenly given the second by Sun Wukong. It is incredible, and at the same time, the heart is raging waves.

The strength of Yuan Tianyi has been so strong that it is unfathomable, and what level is insta-kill who has such a person?

At this moment, let alone outsiders, even Ji Ruxue, each and every one, was shocked and could not speak.

Even Li Maozhen was shocked by the sudden strength of Sun Wukong’s sudden shot. She had expected Sun Wukong’s strength to be above her, but I really didn’t expect that he would even be strong enough to even Yuan Tianyi. Person is also said to be seconds.

“Would you like to be so exaggerated?” Zhang Zifan’s face was sluggish, and the folding fan in his hand fell to the ground. ….

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