The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 34 is as simple as that.

“Is it okay?” Sun Wukong, holding Li Maozhen, asked.

Li Maozhen shook his head and said that it was not a big problem. It was just like the holding of 1 by Sun Wukong. It made her facial expression slightly faint, and when she was ashamed of 1, she also had an inexplicable The sweetness of joy.

At this moment, she was like a waterfall hair draped over her waist. The tight ribbon wrapped in the Hungarian front also caused her Hungarian part to be completely released due to the break. It bulged, and at this moment, the daughter has been fully restored. body.

“It seems that this Li Wang is the female emperor of the Magical Square.” Seeing this situation, Li Cunzhong naturally knows Li Maozhen’s true identity.

However, this did not bring them a lot of surprises, because at this moment, they still have not recovered from the shock that Sun Wukong gave them.

“Impossible! Impossible!!! How can the handsome man lose? How can this handsome lose? How can this handsome guy be like a garbage like can be a bear!!”

Yuan Tianqi, who is covered in blood, struggles to stand up from the ground, and his face is full of anger. For a long time, his role has been absolutely invincible, but today, his self-confidence, this arrogant 1 proud is actually Ruthless breaking, which makes him somewhat unacceptable, like a maddening.

Sun Wukong shot still subordinates, but this Yuan Tianyi has long been broken and smashed.

But even so, he was uncomfortable, and the ribs of his body were broken several times, but they were all protected by the strong internal force of the forcing board, and they could not see the serious injury.

At this time, Yuan Tianyi was already angry at the extreme. In cooperation with his ugly face, it was like a evil spirit from Hell. It was really scary.

Unfathomable internal force runs to the body surface of the week, rising and coiling, aura amazing terror, causing a violent hurricane all around, the branches are swaying, flying sand and stone.

Sun Wukong blinked his eyes and looked at Yuan Tianyi. He took out a piece of clothing and put it on Li Maoyu. This is a gentle and calm opening. “There should be garbage in the garbage. I am not interested in garbage like you.” Play with you…”

The sound has just fallen, and the figure has already appeared in front of Yuan Tianyi. In his horror, before he responded, he suddenly felt a pain in the Hungarian mouth, as if he had been hit by a mountain, a mouthful of blood Out, flying backwards at a rapid speed, the road broke into more than a dozen large trees, and a loud bang, slamming on the rock wall behind it, was directly hitting it, but The situation did not stop here, and it was still flying at a staggering speed to the far side, until it fell into a waterfall pool several kilometers away.


The people on the scene watched the straight deep ditch left on the ground because of terror, and the broken broken branches, and the huge hollow that smashed the whole mountain, each and every one only left the air. sound!

At this moment, all of them have indeed been scared and stupid, and they have been able to kick the mountain and wear it. They also flew a few kilometers away and disappeared. This is the power of the monks. What can someone do?

“It seems that the force is a bit too strong, and kicked him a few kilometers away…” Sun Wukong sighed and looked at the surprised and dissatisfied Li Xingyun: “This old thing is ugly. Point, but the strength of still can, there is him to help you, there may be a little hope of reorganizing Li Tanghuang, to get him back!”

If Yuan Tianqi is so dead, it will be boring, and still leave a life to play.

Sun Wukong’s voice is also to pull Ji Ruxue back to God, each and every one ran to Sun Wukong to hold the hand or the corner of the clothes, and watched him with a look full of admiration and admiration.

“Mrs. wife… too strong! What kind of realm did you achieve?” Li Cunzhong’s voice was with a vibrato, and he couldn’t stop 1.

Li Cunxiao next to him is also a look of fear.

“This… this person is really unreasonable!” Zhang Zifan swallowed his mouth and looked scared: “…world… who else can hold on to this… metamorphosis?!”

“My mother, this guy is too strong, it is not a human!”

“Sister~~ Only such a man can accompany the sisters of our sisters!” Allure has made an orchid finger, watching Sun Wukong is a facial expression slightly red, in her meaning, the aging mother Look at this man.

“Āiyā~ I went, the girl said it was too reasonable!” The country’s own large 1 legs were deeply sensible: “But there are already men, but it’s not a kind of person who is arrogant. It’s a pity. However, this handsome guy is indeed a bit murderous, and the sisters and sisters can’t help it! Still bullying and bullying our family can be…”

“What do you mean by this?” Zhang Zifan heard the conversation between the two sisters of the country and made a look that I wanted to die.

I don’t say how people feel at this time. After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, Lu Linxuan looked back at Sun Wukong. The eyes of worship are also full of curiosity: “That…Goku Big Brother, that ugly is so far away from you. Can you still have a life?”

“I have been in love with my feet, and have protected his vitality. If I can’t die, at most, I have a broken bone. With his internal training, it will be fine for him for a few months. Nothing serious.”

“I have to wait for a few months, and said that there is nothing wrong with it?” Lu Linxuan whispered a whisper, spit out 1 head, and mourned for a minute.

“Why don’t you just kill him, what is it for?” Li Maozhen looked puzzled, and there was a trace of warm anger on his face. Yuan Tianyi blew her coat off, and even the ribbon wrapped in Hungary was broken. Although she did not take 1 light, but her daughter’s body is completely violent 1 exposed, so she still has some angry, saying that women are very vengeful.

“I am not here to mention the relatives? Just as a gift is good.”

“Career?” Ji Ruxue, they are full of curiosity at each and every one, Lu Linxuan has made a big red face, but his heart is very happy.

Sun Wukong looked at the side of Yang Shuzi and looked at it: “How, send you such a great expert, what do you think of my dowry?”

Yang Shuzi hurriedly clenched his fists and saluted him. He also said that he was very satisfied. “As long as Lin Xuan agrees with this girl, I agree with this marriage.”

Can with such a terrible strong person to get married, the anxiety of Yang Shuzi’s heart is a lot of peace of mind, at least, the uncontrollable bad handsome has no threat. ….

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