The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 35—True Love

I have to say that the current uncle Yang’s mood is still very good, because of Lu Linxuan’s relationship, he can be able to get rid of the burden of bad people, and no longer need to be made in bad handsome.

Yuan Tianqi was rescued by Yang Shuzi and Li Xingyun. As Sun Wukong said, the bones of this guy have been broken, but Era/Time in this 1 line is not lacking. Some heavenly treasures, with Yuan Tianyi’s concrete details for hundreds of years, even the longevity can not be refining, and come up with some healing holy medicine still no problem, but the injury is too heavy, not for months, don’t want to Stand up.

The incident of Swordsman has come to an end, and the problem with Next is the people of the Library.

“You don’t care about the ugly agreement. Why do you want to go…” Sun Wukong tranquil and calm’s watching Li Cunzhong and others, and Zhang Zhanfan said: “You stay!”

Li Cunzhong heard the words, but hesitated a little, and he turned decisively away. Facing Sun Wukong not only brought them great pressure, but also because the surface of the library was arrogant, but in the dark it was a gang, with many different factions. The relationship is complicated.

“Kid, I can warn you, don’t hurt my family, or if you can’t beat you, you have to work hard with you!” The face of the country warned Sun Wukong, screaming Road.

“There’s so much nonsense, hurry to get out!” Zhang Zifan was afraid that the two sisters’ vulgar actions angered Wu Wukong and angered.

Although he can’t wait for these two sisters to die, it’s really a time of life and death. Still, some of them are unbearable. After all, these two sisters are the women who gave him the first time.

In addition, the two sisters are usually a violent blow to him, but they are very reliable. For example, now they dare to attack this even he is afraid of the liver he is afraid of p肝 tōng pū tōng straight Super Super metamorphosis of jumping, how many still some are moved to admire.

“It seems that the two of them are deeply affectionate to you!” Sun Wukong is not mad, but rather a playful watch Zhang Zifan: “I love it very much…”

“Please do not say, I want to die!” Zhang Zifan immediately put on a bitter face.

I still want to say something about the country, but I was dragged away by Li Cunzhong’s very interesting taste: “Hurry up, take the strength of the grown-up, if you really want to harm the children, we will all stay and useless…”

Seeing that Li Cunzhong and others have left, Zhang Zifan respects Sun Wukong with respect: “Sun Wukong, I don’t know if you left me alone?”

“Want to know your own life?” Sun Wukong asked directly.

Because of his relationship, many things have changed. Zhang Zifan has not had much communication with Li Xingyun. According to such a situation, I don’t know what year he will know his own life. Therefore, Sun Wukong wants to mention something. He took a moment to speed up the process of the incident.

“Do you know my life??” Zhang Zifan heard the words, became excited, and both hands became a little trembled with 1.

“Nature knows…” Sun Wukong smiled: “Go and find a mad priest named Zhang Xuanling. Maybe you can know everything you want to know.”

“Zhang Xuanling… mad priest?” Zhang Zifan whispered to himself, firmly remembering these six words in his mind, and then carefully watching Sun Wukong: “Why tell me this?”

“You dare to go up to the heavy taste of the country, I appreciate you very much…” Sun Wukong is a slap in the face.

“…” Zhang Zifan is silent and half-sounding, is the black line: “I don’t know if I should be happy. Still sad… If you like, I don’t mind giving them two sisters…”

“Hey~~ scum!” Ji Ruxue heard the words, but it was cold and screaming.

From the woman’s point of view, Zhang Zifan said this, there is indeed enough scum, Lu Linxuan, they are all practically disdainful to him.

“Hey~~ You guys are really standing and talking and not hurting…” Zhang Zifan’s face was depressed. Of course, he didn’t dare to say anything, but his heart whispered and vented, and he saw that he had angered a few women. It is the kind that is very close to Sun Wukong. He can’t afford it. He is now clenching his fist and saying: “I don’t know what Sun Wukong adults are saying?”

Make a look of ‘nothing, can I go?’

“It seems that you can’t wait to see your two beautiful 1 mothers, and get out of the way!” Sun Wukong waved his hand.

Zhang Zifan’s momentarily, but can not refute, can only hold the fist again, leave and leave.

“Goku Big Brother, why are you saying so much to those who are troublesome!” Hey Lun Xuan watching Zhang Zifan’s back is very uncomfortable, because Zhang Zifan wants to give his two women to Sun Wukong, the result is her Completely despised.

The fate of this thing is wonderful. In the original work, Lu Linxuan is not alone with the person who is troublesome at her time.

“Actually, I really appreciate him…” Sun Wukong’s face looked like a smile, and looked at Li Xingyun and Shangguan Yunxiao: “He and the country are like a teacher, like Shangguan Yunxiao, that It’s all true love!”

Lu Linxuan: “…”

Li Maozhen and others: “…”

Li Xingyun made an expression that was more ugly than crying: “Goku Big Brother, I didn’t scream at the end, so I lie down?”

As soon as the jokes and playfulness, the sky is gradually becoming clear, Sun Wukong and his party also began to go to the Tibetan Valley. After all, the swordsmanship is no longer hidden and burned by a big fire. Moreover, the drugs for treating Yuan Tianyi are also in possession. Binggu.

There was no interference from other things, and some people led the way. They only spent two days at the time, that is, they came to the hidden base of the long-lost bad people – Tibetan Valley.

However, when they left, they forgot a person, Zhu Youzhen, the Emperor of the Xuan Ming who had been neglected by them.

In fact, this can’t blame them. It can only be said that the shock that Sun Wukong brought to them is too great. They have already neglected other things, so that in the end, their thinking is followed by Sun Wukong, Sun. Wukong said that he left and said that staying is to stay, they did not think too much.

And Sun Wukong, at all, did not treat Zhu Youyi as one thing at all, and directly ignored it.

Until all the people left, here became a bit quiet and terrible, Zhu Youxi was hard to come out from a messy grass, the facial expression was pale, like a ghost: “Yuan Tianyi… Hey! Today’s shame, he will When a hundred times return!!”

There is endless cold and hate in the voice, but the back of the limping away is very pitiful…

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