The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 97

The bison and several long-dead mercenaries slowly opened their eyes under the shocking eyes of Xiao Yixian and others. They looked up and looked around with enigma. They were puzzled: “Where is this? I Isn’t it dead? Don’t tell me I am not dreaming?”

Each and every one mercenary is full of doubts, only the bison knows about it, because he is not dead, although the consciousness is vague, but what happened next to him can still sense a little! However, I was not sure that the group could not help but look at the mercenaries next to them.

One of the mercenaries pointed to Sun Wukong and swallowed his mouth. He said: “You are already dead… but… it was given by Goku… to save…” Speaking of the word “saving”, he once again swallowed a mouthful of water, and what happened in front of him was simply unfathomable, making them small mercenaries have not turned around.

“Death? resurrect? Are we really dead?” Gradually, several mercenaries have come back. They have already remembered the moment of their death, and immediately looked at Sun Wukong with a shocked look. In front of him, the eyes in front of him almost saw Kami-like respect and worship: “Goku adults, really thank you for saving us… I…we…” Several mercenaries have been excited I couldn’t speak, and I couldn’t help but express my excitement and gratitude to Sun Wukong.

Even the buffalo has opened his mouth, I don’t know what to say! He did not expect that this person who had known before had such a supernatural power! Come back to life, this magic, only the god in the legend can master?

“Get up! You don’t have to be like this! You are killed by saving the little doctors, I will not let go!” Sun Wukong smiled and was worshipped like a god. This feeling is really cool.

After several mercenaries got up, they watched Sun Wukong with respect and admiration. The heart was excited and emotional! I don’t know what kind of blessing I have been in my life, I can’t even meet these strong people!

“Bison, this time you did a good job! You are so strong in the lineup of the other side, you dare to scream, your friend, I am not staggered!” Sun Wukong watching a bound buffalo, a smile.

Along the way, he also learned from the mouth of Xiao Yixian that the behavior of Bison and others! The people of the Emperor of the Emperor, whoever came out alone, could kill them. Even the people who were in the eternal remedy would not dare to put a fart. I did not expect that they would stand up for the friend of Xiaoyixian. This is the generation of loyalty. It is what makes him feel good.

“Peng…friend… Are you still my friend?” Bison listened to Sun Wukong, and the excited facial expressions became red! Such a presence as Sun Wukong actually recognizes his low-ranking mercenary as a friend. Can he not be excited?

“Of course, you did a very good job this time! Come over! I will help you improve your strength, and it will be a reward for you!”

“Improve strength?” Buffalo listened to Sun Wukong’s words, it was very exciting, he don’t tell me to give me what Tianbao Dibao to improve the strength? As soon as the thoughts started, the Bison ran to Sun Wukong with excitement and looked at him with a look.

But see Sun Wukong stretch out his right hand and put it on top of his head! The light flashes in your hand and instantly covers the bison! When the time came, the Buffalo suddenly felt a steady stream of anger from his body! The repairs that had been trapped for years and could not be intruded turned out to be in an instant, and there was no sign of stopping. His cultivation was still rising at an alarming rate!

One Star Big Fighter… Two Star Big Fighter… Samsung Big Fighter…

This crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood-like ferocious breakthrough, not to mention that the bison himself was shocked and widened his eyes, even the mercenaries on the side were shocked by the scene! Just like being confined at the same time, more than a dozen mercenaries have maintained a shape, then grew up mouth, wide eyes, a look of shock!

“It’s amazing… not only can people come back to life… but also can easily upgrade the strength of others…he…what is it?” The little doctor’s eyes flashing watching Sun Wukong, although it is a look of surprise But it is a lot better than a dry mercenary. Obviously, the psychological quality of Xiao Yixian is much stronger than these mercenaries.

Just for a moment, the strength of the Bison has been upgraded from the Nine Stars to the Six Stars! This is already the limit of his current potential!

“I have already ignited all the potential hidden in your body! In the future, if you want to breakthrough, you will only surpass your current limit!” Sun Wukong put his hand down from the top of the buffalo, a touch of the road.

“Dou… Fighting spirits… I… I actually reached the realm of fighting spirit… This… this is too unfathomable…” The shocking color of Buffalo’s face, after listening to Sun Wukong’s words, was waved again and again: “Enough is enough! Even if I can’t go further in my life, I am satisfied! Thank you! Thank you very much, Goku! You will be told in the future, my buffalo will go to the fire and not leave!”

Sun Wukong waved his hand and watched the group of excited and expectant watching his mercenaries, faintly smiled: “Choose the team, come one by one! I will also help you develop the potential! How much can be improved, then It depends on how big your own potential is!”

“I am coming!” “I will come first!”…

The mercenary’s excited facial expression was red, and they all shouted and lined up! Sun Wukong each and every one developed the potential for them! However, the dragon set is a dragon set, and most of them are only used up to the potential of the fighters. As a result, there is a two-star big fighter!

More than a dozen fighters, a big fighter, a fighting spirit, the buffalo’s mercenary group with the help of Sun Wukong, can be said to have surpassed all the forces of Castle Peak Town!

Sun Wukong just gave them the potential to improve, and then left with a small medical fairy! Because the group of mercenaries looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes and he couldn’t stand it! It’s too hot! Too much worship! It’s just a difference with a group of flower idiots! This looks like Sun Wukong’s egg hurts! Directly an Instantaneous Movement, leaving the place with a small medical fairy.

On the street, Xiao Yixian watched and stared at her own Sun Wukong, her heart was flustered, her eyes were at a loss, and finally she was helpless. She had to show her courage and whited him. “You… why are you watching me?” ?”

“Essence of poison! You are studying that colorful poisonous memo?” Sun Wukong watching small medical fairy, a touch of the road.

Xiao Yixian’s heart slammed and suddenly lowered her head, her eyes were dodging, and she dared not look at Sun Wukong. For a moment, she was weak and weak: “You…will troublesome me?” She said, she looked up Come, look at the Sun Wukong with a look of worry and anticipation! Just seeing Sun Wukong’s soft smile, inexplicable, her heart is also put down! There is also a faint smile on the corner of the mouth! She has got the answer she wants from Sun Wukong’s eyes.

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