The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 98—Teaching the Burning

Sun Wukong An Instantaneous Movement returned to Canaan College with a small medical fairy, and the incineration has already arrived. Next, it is naturally handed over to the Kaoru training. For Sun Wukong’s Instantaneous Movement, Xiao Yixian is just amazed, and immediately relieved! Sun Wukong can do even the trick of bringing people back to life. What surprises this skill?

Sun Wukong has just appeared in the vanilla home, and I saw the women in the courtyard and other hard-working trains! Even a few small loli, such as fragrant phosphorus, are also seriously training.

“Yeah! Goku’s brother is back!” Seeing that Sun Wukong suddenly appeared, Alice suddenly gave up training and stunned in the arms of Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong opened her hands and hugged her up. She patted her little hips and smiled. “It’s hard to get! You are at home too. I didn’t see you before I came back!”

“Well! Before the purple research sister took us to find the medicine, we searched for a lot of medicines! But most of them were eaten by Ziyan sister!” Alice blushes and looks excited. Explain to Sun Wukong about their journey to find medicine.

“Goku brother! My medicinal materials? I heard Jingxiang sister said, you have got a lot of medicinal herbs!” Ziyan came to Sun Wukong, watching him with a pair of big eyes, which was full of expectation.

Sun Wukong thought of a move, directly took out a dozen of five or six herbs, and a large number of medicinal drugs robbed from the hands of the various ethnic groups have been handed over to the purple research, said: “Give you! These are enough for you I have been eating for a while! Those high-grade medicinal herbs have been made into medicinal herbs for you!”

“Wow! This…this…all these are for me?…” Ziyan watched the medicines of five or six products and the medicinal herbs, and even one of the seven medicinal herbs, her eyes were full of excitement. The stars are coming! Jumping around, hanging on Sun Wukong’s body, squatting on his face, smashing a few mouthfuls, leaving Sun Wukong’s face with a slobber on his face, only to look up happily and look at his arms. Herbs come with medicinal herbs!

“Goku brother! You can’t be eccentric! I want too!” Angel came to Sun Wukong and stretched out his own hands.

“What about me?” Xiang Pho took the white hand and surrounded it. She extended her small hand to Sun Wukong. It was a white-faced quiet standing there, and it was very well-behaved. However, the flash of expectation in her eyes did not escape the eyes of Sun Wukong.

“Your strength is not enough to eat these high-grade medicinal herbs, then give you some healing remedies! Keep your self-defense!” Sun Wukong nodded and took out some three or four products of healing Dan. The medicines were put into a few nuisances and handed over to four little loli, such as fragrant phosphorus! Well, Angel is a big loli! He robbed the monks of the great tribes of Zhongzhou! There are no fewer than one hundred in the hand, and the pieces are high-level goods.

“Wow! It’s Naruya! It’s about the same as Ziyan’s sister! It looks like a high-level pass! I’ve wanted one, thank you, Goku!”

After seeing the Na Ring in the hands of Sun Wukong, the four large-sized loli sipped a sigh of relief on his face, and took his own ring to run to see the thing inside! There was a period of time in the side of Ziyan. She had nothing to do and played her own ring in front of a few small loli. Therefore, Xiangxiang’s understanding of Nayong is very deep.

A few loli are gone, and the nephew and other women are also coming around. The lily is watching the little doctor, and the smile is: “Goku, don’t you want to introduce this little girl?”

“She is a little doctor, you introduce yourself!”

“Little doctor is right! My name is Yuri! Welcome you to join us in the whole family!” Yuriko squinted at her eyes and smiled at the little doctor. In the tone, if anything.

“I am a poison island scorpion! Goku’s wife! Please take care!”

“My name is Bulma and I am one of Goku’s wives.”


Listening to the self-introduction of the women, Xiao Yixian was surprised by the grew up mouth, and could not calm down for a long time! The heart is also a bitter smile! However, the nephew and other women are Sun Wukong’s good wife! Hey, said a little in the ear of Xiao Yixian! Make the little doctor’s pretty face more blush! In the end, the only difference is that the head is not buried in the mouth! Occasionally, Sun Wukong glanced at him, and the facial expression became more and more rosy.

The performance of the ladies made Sun Wukong very satisfied! My own wife is helping my sister paper! Have such a good wife, sleep can wake up!

Shizuka shimmered with a pair of big eyes, and came to Sun Wukong. He looked forward to watching him: “Goku, Alice, they all have a ring, what about us?”

“Yes! We are also your wife! I have a period of time here, and there is no one in the hand.” Nan Lixiang double-bracelet, a look of your watch. In fact, the gold coins that Sun Wukong left for them do not know how many can be bought! But they didn’t buy one, but they are not waiting for Sun Wukong to buy them! Rings have a special meaning in their minds!

“Oh! How come you have less! I have brought a lot of nuisance to you this time!” Sun Wukong secretly wiped a sweat, he really forgot about it, hurriedly from the world ring Take out dozens of high-level squads out of it! There are more than a dozen of the highest rankings! These martial arts are the nuisances worn by the chief patriarchs. As a patriarch, can the quality of the Naduan be low?

The imprint on the Naduan had been forcibly broken by Sun Wukong, so now it is no object. Sun Wukong is always on the stone table in the yard, and the women are going to pick their own styles!

Watching there is some hesitant Yalong, Sun Wukong can’t help but smile: “I see that your pass is just a low-level pass, you can also pick one! Naruto is! You pick! ”

When I heard Sun Wukong speak, some hesitant Yahoo couldn’t help but smile: “Then I will be welcome!” He said, twisting the water snake-like waist into the girls.

Sun Wukong is not going to take care of the nephew and other women for the time being, and beckoning to the side of the Kaoru, said: “I have already got it, I will come over, I will pass it to you!”

“…” Kaoru hesitated and came to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong stretched out with one hand and reached her eyebrows. A strange rune flashed out of his hand, following his fingers, and fell into the eyebrows of Kaoru! The road font information immediately floats in the brain of Kaoru, firmly imprinted, and you can’t forget it if you want to forget it! This is the burning method of burning!

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