The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 102, the first alchemy

Xiao Yixian feels his strength at the moment, the two-star big fighter, the color of surprise. Before, she was just a small fighter. In a blink of an eye, she has become a real big fighter! She has already admired the means of Sun Wukong! The dying body has always been synonymous with panic on the mainland! Its poison is fierce, it is dead! However, Sun Wukong not only did not have the slightest fear, but stimulated all the poisons in her body by means of Thunder, and gathered it to help her form a poisonous Dan in the body! Therefore, the successive generations of the successive generations feel helpless to solve the problem! These means are rare in ancient and modern times!

It absorbs the original virulence of the dysfunctional venom, and the strength of the small medical sage is also rising! And for the gratitude of Sun Wukong, she is also deeply in mind! The verbal gratitude is not enough to express what Sun Wukong has done to her! She only wants to stay with him silently in the future and give everything for him!

After leaving the room, the nephew and other women have surrounded the little doctors! I sent a heartfelt message of concern! They just saw the scene of Sun Wukong condensing poisonous Dan for her outside the house! It’s hard to imagine that such a delicate girl is actually pregnant with such a terror!

Watching the care of the beauty, the heart of the small medical fairy, bursts of warmth and surging, the facial expression emerges heartfelt smile! She is very fortunate, fortunately she can meet Sun Wukong, can meet so many know that she is ill-advised, still cares, will not alienate her friends! Because of Sun Wukong, she will not be in the tragic fate of successive generations of the evil owner!

Even as the owner of the ill-infected body, she can live like the ordinary person! Looking at the figure of the stalwart, not far from the side, looked at the beautiful face next to him, and the eyes of Xiao Yixian flashed a firm! She doesn’t want to get anything, she just wants to stay with him silently!

On this day, doing nothing, Sun Wukong accompanied the girls in the city of Canaan for a good time! Large groups of beautiful women naturally cause frequent sights of many passers-by! There are even some people who are not self-sufficient to come and talk! However, they were all thrown down by Sun Wukong to the riverside road! Cruel suppression all the way! It’s up to those who have come to talk about it! It was not until the sunset that Xishan was able to return to the vanilla house with the still-unwanted women!

As soon as I returned to the vanilla, the girls rushed to the hot spring in the courtyard! After visiting the street for a day, they also had a lot of sweat! The first thing to go home is naturally to have a comfortable bath for a shower! Because Wu Xing’s daughter is also among them, Sun Wukong is also embarrassed to go along with it!

Back in my room, Sun Wukong took out a medicine from the world ring! This medicine tripod is engraved with the signature of Mystic/mysterious, as well as the magic beast of the sky! Whole looks quaint and Mystic/mysterious! Even if there is no medicinal material in it, when the drug appears in the first place, the room is full of strong medicinal herbs! Let people know that it is not a product!

What is the name of this medicine, Sun Wukong does not know, but it is obtained from the patriarch of the pharmacist! Nothing is idle, he has searched all the memories of the refining pharmacists in the old brain! Now, he is trying to try to refine a potion! It is very complicated and complicated for the refining pharmacist to refine the medicinal medicine. It is not that he absorbed the old memory of the medicine and immediately became a master of refining medicine. The process still needs him to slowly practice his hand!

A lot of low-level herbs were taken from the world ring. Sun Wukong’s eyes changed, and the eyes of God also opened. The star array turned, a black blaze with a diameter of one meter, and a strange emergence. In front of Sun Wukong’s body. Look at its blaze, it turned out to be a kaleidoscope to write the unique fire of the wheel! The fire of this day shines in the hands of Sun Wukong! Its power is simply not comparable to the different fires in the world!

Of course, this is not to say that the fire of the sky is stronger than the fire, but the fire of the sky is displayed in the hands of Sun Wukong, and it is extremely powerful! The power of the technique depends on my strength. The stronger the strength, the stronger the power of the surgery.

Sun Wukong took a medicinal herb of three products and threw it directly into the fire of the group. He only listened to the slamming sound, and the three medicinal materials were instantly turned into a nothingness by Aura! Sun Wukong shook his head faintly, and the fire of this day was exactly the same as he thought, and could not be used to refine the medicine! This blaze is not an ordinary blaze, it is a blaze that burns everything! Even if Sun Wukong keeps the temperature to a minimum, it won’t work, because the characteristics of this day’s fire are burned out, burning everything in the world!

And such a blaze is displayed from the hands of Sun Wukong, and its attributes are even more vivid! Don’t say that it is to refine the medicinal herbs, and actually throw the medicine ding into the fire of the sky, I am afraid that it will be athingness by Aura! How can this kind of blaze be used to refine the medicinal herbs!

“don’t tell me must use this world’s different fires?” Sun Wukong shook his head, his heart was moving, and the fire of the group was gone. The right hand swayed, a black primordial fire appeared in front of him, which is the second most nothingness of the fire list! “Use you for the time being!”

Saying, the power of a terror’s soul emerges from the eyebrows of Sun Wukong, and the original fire of the nothingness is swallowed! Then Zhang mouth sucks, the source of the fire is so sucked into the body by Sun Wukong! Different fires into the body, under the suppression of the mighty soul of Sun Wukong! Nothingness Swallowing does not dare to have the slightest to resist, 乖乖 表示 under the control of Sun Wukong expressed surrender!

“Oh! There is no difficulty in refining this fire!” Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and he has refining the second-order nothingness of the second-order nosingness: “The Kaoru wants to swallow all the fires.” There is still a long way to go! I will control you for the time being! By the way, help me refine some remedies!”

“So! Let’s get started!” Saying, Sun Wukong took a shot, a black blaze rushing out of his palm, and a cluster of black flames emptied into the air and quickly dissipated. The fire has been refining by him, and this nothingness is naturally under his control!

Grabbing a four-piece Qiyelian, and gently throwing it into the blaze, I saw that the seven-leaf lotus was just contaminated with nothingness, it was instantly calcined into a group of cyan liquid, liquid Slowly rolling in the blaze, reflex is faint.

“Sure enough, still needs this kind of fire in the world to have a miraculous effect!” Sun Wukong smiled and threw a medicinal material into the nothingness, and began his first alchemy on the world!

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