The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 103, Surprise Surprise

The two liquids twitched in the nothingness, and a trace of yellowish impurities was extracted. As Sun Wukong turned, the impurities were removed directly under the control of his terror’s soul power. As the impurities are removed, the liquid inside becomes more sparkling and translucent!

With a move, the two liquid medicines that have been merged back to the hands of Sun Wukong! Watching the liquid in the hands of sparkling and translucent, Sun Wukong smiled a little: “It’s also very easy to refine the herbs! In this case, I should have no problem in refining the drug!”

The mind was moving, the medicine Ding next to it floated directly in the air, and a strange black blaze was directly thrown into the medicine by Sun Wukong! The black raging fire, suddenly rises from the tripod!

Sun Wukong looked at the black blaze that was rapidly rising in the medicine, and there was a smashing sound! Helpless shook his head. Even if the quality of this medicine is extremely extraordinary, but this thingness is swallowed by the hands of Sun Wukong! Under the blessing of his terror strength, what is its temperature? The nothingness of swallowing inflammation has the effect of phagocytosis. This medicine is obviously not able to withstand the power of this nothingness. The medicine has not been put in, and the omen of the frying furnace has already appeared!

Sun Wukong quickly controlled the nothingness to reduce the temperature and protected the drug with his supreme soul. This saved the drug and avoided the danger of the fryer.

And this medicine Ding in this terror temperature, the so-called Wending time is also omitted. After smashing his hands, Sun Wukong picked up the fire roots on the table, and the medicinal herbs such as the fire heart and the fire, and waved them into the medicine. At the same time, the previously tried hand-picked liquid was also put into the medicine.

His refining of the medicinal herb is a kind of Liupindan medicine Tonglingdan. Really, the first time he refining the six-medicine medicinal herbs, if it is passed out, others will not blame him for fools. He is a madman.

But what if it is really successful? Those refining masters are still not looking for a piece of tofu to kill! The first time alchemy refines the six medicinal herbs, this is what kind of enchanting can do!

As soon as a few medicinal herbs enter the medicine, the black blaze is like a hungry wolf, and it is swallowed up. In a flash, the medicinal material is rapidly withered.

The black blaze seems to be raging Aura. In fact, its temperature has been controlled by Sun Wukong at a very low level. Otherwise, those herbs will be ashes by Aura as soon as they encounter the nothingness.

The faint fine water droplets infiltrated from the surface of several herbs, and finally fell down the surface, and then merged with the liquid in the blaze that was thrown in by Sun Wukong in advance, suspended in the blaze, constantly dripping The yo tumbling.

As blaze continually roasts, the medicinal liquid continues to infiltrate from those medicinal materials, and the surface of those medicinal materials is rapidly fading. Ultimately, the pure medicinal power contained in it has been forced out by blaze. The formation of the mixture became a residue and became a pile of ineffective waste.

Under the control of the power of Sun Wukong’s soul, those residues were instantly removed. Among the blaze, only a group of dark red liquids formed by the fusion of various liquids were left. The liquid is only the size of a fist, but as the nothingness is swollen and refined, the size of the liquid is shrinking more and more! The road residue was removed a little bit, and finally only the size of the thumb! The whole body is ruddy and sleek, and the faint red awns are faintly flashing…

“Goku brother, where are you? Come out and tell us the story! You haven’t told us a story for a long time!” But at this time, in the courtyard outside the door, Alice’s delicate voice was heard. .

“There is a strong energy wave in the room, and Goku’s brother must be there!” This is the voice of Ziyan. As her words fell, the cluttered footsteps were getting closer and closer, and it seemed that a few little loli ran towards this side.

“It’s a strong scent of medicine! I don’t know what Goku’s brother is doing?” Ziyan’s tone was accompanied by the excitement of obvious.

The door was opened and the cute little head of Ziyan was exposed from the crack in the door. When I saw Sun Wukong in the room, the eyes suddenly lit up, but the medicine tripod that floated in the air was supposed to be loud. The voice of screaming was immediately swallowed by her. She is not a little girl who is ignorant. Sun Wukong is clear about what she is doing. The refining pharmacist is most afraid of outside interference when refining the medicinal herbs!

But she knows, but the little loli who does not bring her behind her knows! Seeing the purple research plug in the door does not move, Xiang Pho Li immediately squeezed in from the door crack: “I sense the Goku brother’s Ki, Ziyan, you don’t block at the door! I have to listen to Goku brother to us Tell a story!”

“Don’t go in, Goku’s brother is refining the medicinal herbs, it should not be disturbed!” Ziyan Limara lived with fragrant phosphorus. At the same time, Alice’s small head was squeezed in from the crack in the door. She felt a heat wave blowing her face and immediately exclaimed: “Wow! It’s so hot! What is Goku’s brother just doing?”

“Alchemy, let you be quiet and didn’t hear it!” Ziyan suddenly grabbed the mouths of two small Loli, but made two small loli screaming and struggling.

“If you come in, come in, don’t come in, just give me a play, I don’t have time to tell you stories!” Sun Wukong watching a few little loli at the door, I felt a headache. Fortunately, his soul power is very terror, and he is not afraid of others to bother when he refines the drug. If this is to be changed to someone else, it has already been ruined by them.

See Sun Wukong still can talk to them with ease, think of the strength of Sun Wukong, Ziyan also let go of the heart, the two loli in the arms are released. Asleep, Alice ran to the Sun Wukong with a heat wave, and watched the medicine in the medicine trip, the look of surprise: “Is this alchemy? Good magical!”

Ziyan Tongxiang Phosphorus and White came in, curiously looked at the medicine in the air, watching the black blaze in Dingzhong, looked surprised: “Goku brother, is that a different fire?”

“Well! The second-ranking nothingness of the fire list!” Sun Wukong smiled and looked at Dan on the table, then picked up a medicinal material and threw it into the medicine. The medicinal herbs entered, and immediately withered, but for a moment, the essence of the liquid medicine was extracted from it… With the support of his terror’s soul power, he refining the medicine while chatting with the little loli, there is no pressure at all. .

“Nothingness swallows?!” Purple research suddenly looked surprised, apparently, she also knows that nothingness is swollen.

“Wow! The medicinal herbs are blown up in a while, so fun! Goku brother, I will help you!” Alice squinted, and picked up a medicinal material on the table and threw it into the furnace!

“Don’t!” Sun Wukong hurriedly screamed, but it was already late, and the medicinal herbs had been thrown into the medicine. Sun Wukong hurriedly separated the power of the soul toward the medicinal herbs…

“Oh?” But suddenly, he stopped again, because after the medicinal herbs were thrown into the medicine tripod, the sparkling and translucent liquid in the medicine trip seemed to have a spirituality, and there was a hint of Mystic/mysterious The force of suction, between the stare blankly of Sun Wukong, has already wrapped the medicinal material in a flash! Under the refinement of nothingness, the silk liquid slowly flows out and falls into the sparkling and translucent liquid. When it is smashed, its liquid shines with a dazzling glory! The thick scent of the medicine fills the whole room, and it flows through the blaze, and it is full of spirituality!

With for a moment, the sky here, suddenly black clouds rolling, thunder and lightning, robbery cloud condensation, it seems that there will be a day of punishment will fall down! Whether it is Canaan College, still whole Canaan City, it suddenly boils at this moment! The day of the robbery came, the birth of its own spirit!

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