The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Bold, Pisisis! Do you know what you are doing? Don’t tell me Do you want to openly rebel the kingdom?!” The head of the gendarmerie regiment, Nel Deke, screamed.

Then waved: “Come, come back to me for this rebellion!” The people of the gendarmerie around the group took up their weapons and surrounded Pisisi and others, and they were about to grab the people, but they saw Liwei. The figure of the body flashed, and the weapon in his hand was already on the neck of Nair Dirk: “I advise you to stop the person who told you to hurry, otherwise I can’t guarantee it.

Prove that your head can be safe and sound! ”

“Stop! Stop! There is something to say! There is something to say!” Nair Dirk felt the edge of the neck, and was really scared of facial expression turned pale: “Lewell, you have to think clearly, this But the crime of rebellion, you…”

“You don’t need to talk nonsense, I know what I am doing!” Liwell said with no expression, kicking a kick at the ankle of Nair Dirk, causing him to slammed to the ground. .

Nair Dirk’s current facial expression is red, but the knife is on his neck and he can’t help.

“Bastard! Li Weier, quickly put the head!!” The personal head of the gendarmerie group was so humiliated, they were all angry.

Then they answered them, but Li Weier’s blade was closer to Nair Dirk’s neck, and the red blood slowly ran down: “If you are nonsense or in a step closer, I guarantee his neck. There will be a blood hole on it.”

“Retreat! Give me back! Do you want to kill me?” Nair Dirk was so angry that he screamed in vain.

The people of the gendarmerie can only endure the fall of anger.

“No… isn’t it?!! The people stationed in the corps and the investigation team have rebelled? What is this in the end?!!”

The people of the Hina Wall were so shocked by the facts they saw. Human beings have been swaying in the wind and rain. If they engage in rebellion, can they really survive?

In Dariz Zaka, the situation is still calm and calm. He looks at Pisis and El Wen Smith with great dignity: “I really didn’t expect that both of you would also be betrayed. It really is good. Changed!”

Pisis spread his hands: “No way, I just chose a hope that can make humans live. That’s all!”

“Is this why you choose to rebel? Pisisi!”

“don’t tell me, isn’t this enough? If it’s arbitrarily…” Without waiting for Pisi to finish the words, the sound of impatience in the carriage interrupted him: “I said the old bald head, can you stop talking nonsense?” I am bothered to listen!” Said, the curtain opened, Sun Wukong came out of it: “You guys like to do things, always like dragging and pulling, since

Things have been clarified, why bother to talk nonsense with them. “You are Sun Wukong adults?” “Daris Zachary fixed his eyes on Sun Wukong’s body, and then looked at him with a glance, the heart instantly squeezed like a god of death, instantly scared to sweat, shouted In the ground, shortness of breath



The princes and ministers each and every one were shocked by this sudden change: “What happened? What happened to the President?”

“You are the military commander of mankind, Dariz Zachary?”

“Yes…” Darris Zachary listened to Sun Wukong’s question and hurriedly answered, but he was almost scared and shivered, and he no longer dared to look up at Sun Wukong.

terrible! It’s just a moment of sight, it’s actually letting him feel the terror of a soul flying, this person is really too dangerous!

Sun Wukong diverted his gaze from Dariz Zachary. The old guy was scared by his eyes and gave him a moderation time.

So Sun Wukong looked at Nair Dirk and signaled Liwell to let him go: “Tell me, what is your choice?” Nair Dirk screamed, and he was free, in the first For a moment, he turned and fled to his gendarmerie regiment. With the protection of his own large group of soldiers, he also had a gun and a gun to give him the courage. Now he yelled at Sun Wukong: “Our gendarmerie is king. Direct jurisdiction

How can the team be in the same league as the civilians who are kneeling down, fast! The fixed guns gave me all the shots, and I gave this group of rebelliousness to me! ”

“This…this…but there are still a lot of innocent civilians on the street!”

“At this time, what are the civilians who are squatting! Let me launch!”

With Nair Dirk screaming and roaring, the gendarmerie regiment, which was still hesitating, finally made up its mind, and countless guns followed, and the shells slammed into Sun Wukong and others like raindrops…

And the civilians on the streets are also becoming fearful and fleeing…

“Things really have become like this!” Pisisi faced the artillery fire from the bombardment, but it was like not seeing it, but it was a helpless expression: “It seems that our arrangement is not up.” What is the role?”

El Wen Smith looked calm: “Unexpectedly, people like Sun Wukong who have absolute strength can’t have the patience to play with us, so the most direct and effective way is his favorite. of.”

“Sure enough, using force to solve the problem is the style of my Sun Wukong!” Sun Wukong faced the countless artillery fires, but smiled slightly, and snapped a finger, the gunfire from the air was strangely disappeared. .

“This…this is?!!!” Everyone in the gendarmerie group saw this strange scene, which was a big change in the facial expression.

“I don’t have any good feelings about these locusts in your gendarmerie. So, since you have chosen to take the shot, then – go to hell!”

With the fall of Sun Wukong’s voice, those of the gendarmerie regiment, under the horror of countless people, suddenly turned into a disintegration of blue smoke!


Everyone sucked a sigh of relief.

Even Levi’s each and every one was scared to be cold.

Because the picture is really weird, too terror, just a word, thousands of people in the gendarmerie have disappeared so strangely, this is simply the means that God can have?

“Then tell me your answer.” Sun Wukong turned his attention to the so-called princes.

Being asked, these so-called ministers of the princes suddenly became tight, and they were scared by Sun Wukong. They dared to oppose it. They didn’t even think about it. They slammed into the ground. , chose to yield.

“A group of soft eggs.” Sun Wukong watching Their eyes are full of disdain. (PS: There is something to go back to the country, there is only one more today.) ….

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