The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Sistria, replace them all at the time, such locusts are only pests.” Sun Wukong’s words directly announced the future fate of these princes. In the normal situation, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to say such things in front of these ministers. The people who have just chosen to surrender are unsteady, and it is the right policy to appease the people. But Sun Wukong is directly trying to remove them. This is simply to rebel.

Their rhythm.

“Okay.” For Sun Wukong, Sistria naturally does not have any meaning, not to mention that she herself is a must-have for these ministers who only know how to conspiracy and enjoyment.

Naturally, these ministers who have just chosen to surrender hear that each and every one is discolored.

“Why, do you have dissatisfied meaning for my words?” Sun Wukong watching The ones of the ministers of the princes laughed, but they scared them to shake their heads and waved their hands again: “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Naturally fair and just, we are all convinced!” They are in high positions and play tricks. They naturally see the current form very thoroughly. In front of Sun Wukong, they have no right to speak. This person is just a sentence. Let thousands of fully armed soldiers disappear. This has been exceed for their can to resist

Ability, power and life, they naturally choose the latter.

You know, that is the gendarmerie regiment. If you want to join the gendarmerie regiment, only the top ten in each recruiting camp will be eligible to join. The Elite level, in general, is far better than the investigation team.

However, because of the comfortable life, the people of the gendarmerie have become more and more degraded. It is really necessary to fight with the people of the investigation team. The disadvantages will be obvious. This is a comfortable life and lack of the consequences of developing.

Solving the problems of these ministers, Pisisis also began to appease the people, using a long period of time, so that everyone is temporarily quiet. “I know that everyone is very upset now, very scared. Human beings are already facing a desperate situation. They should not guilty again at this time. Otherwise, it is just self-destruction. However, we also have reasons to do this… I don’t say much nonsense. Now let you see and see the facts with your own eyes…”

Pisis said, indicating that the people stationed in the Corps fired at a high wall. A door fixed gun was neatly aimed at a wall, and was firing under the stunned eyes of countless people, but suddenly saw several middle-aged men rushing out of the crowd and blocking in front of the fixed gun: You can’t fire at the wall, they are the gods that protect our survival, you

We are in 亵渎Gods! It will be condemned! ”

“Why are you teaching you all the walls, give me go away! Don’t block!” Liwell walked over, very dominering a few feet is to give those walls of the church to the side: “fire! ”

“pēng pēng pēng !!!” The sound of the guns rang out, bursting on the wall, splashing the dust of the sky, and then looking at the cracks on the wall…

In the demise of the crowd, I saw a scene that shocked them –

“God!! Giant! Is that the giant is right?!!”

“Why are there giants in the walls?!”

“What is going on here? Please tell us!”

“As you can see!” El Wen Smith screamed at the crowd: “This is not a giant in the wall, but this miraculous wall is cast with a giant!”

“The wall is actually cast with giants? How is this possible!!” El Wen Smith screamed: “We also felt very unfathomable at first, but the facts are in front of us, we can’t believe we don’t believe it! It’s hard to believe, protect us humans. The walls that are not harmed by the giants will be cast by giants. I can’t believe that the kings will not know that they must have known the secrets of the giants, but they have always hidden and never said, watching. We died in vain for the secret of the giants. In the back, they will be mocking us like a clown, saying that we are useless, stupid.

Let’s go! ”


The people around us heard this, they were all stunned. They were not stupid. They all said this. Naturally, they didn’t need to talk about it. They all understood it. So, the royal moment of the royal family reached its peak. .

The so-called wall is pushed by everyone, and the current situation is no longer a problem that cannot be pushed.

The situation instantly turned into a one-sided, and the people on the wall of Hina also stood on the side of Sistria, trying to find a king to talk.

Dalis Zachary saw this scene, helpless sighs, and these situations are simply a return to power.

“So, Lord Dalis, what is your choice?” Pisisis watching Dalis Zachary smiled.

“You have won, this is already the situation. Even if I object, I am afraid no one is willing to listen to my orders? If you want to know the answer, go ask the king yourself!”

El Wen Smith made a heart-giving military gift to Dalis Zachary. He said with a solemn voice: “I am sorry, Lord, everything we do is for human beings, just want to know the truth. Truth and answer!”

Under the leadership of Sistria, the Sun Wukong group came to the place where the supreme ruler of the city was inhabited.

At the time of the imminent arrival, Sistria glanced at Sun Wukong and whispered: “Goku adults, I can’t wait for a while, don’t be embarrassed, my father… he has always been thinking about humans…”

Sistria is in a very complicated mood. She is awkward and afraid to see her father. But she does not think that she is doing this wrong. She simply wants to use the power of Sun Wukong to deal with those outside the wall. giant.

“See people and talk about it.” Sun Wukong smashed the head of Hisria.

After a while, everyone finally saw the supreme ruler in the wall. It was a surprise. He was not noble or majestic. Instead, he looked like an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

“I was surprised. Sistria, when the little girl who left home was waiting to meet me again, she would meet me as a queen.” Rhodes Reyes looks calm, unlike It is what mad looks like.

“I’m sorry… I just want to save everyone…” Sisteria didn’t dare to go to see her father. “You don’t have to apologize, Sistria, because I originally intended to pass the throne to you…” ….

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