The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Hey?!” Sistria’s face was astonished.

“Hey~ It seems that you really forgot a lot of things…” Rhodes Reyes watched Shistelia with a voice.

“We don’t want to hear your nonsense, we just want to know the truth!” Livel stepped forward and looked at Rhodes Reyes coldly: “Tell us, King Reyes, tell us what you know Everything!” “In this case, it seems that I can’t say no…” Rhodes Reyes sat on a step and looked a bit like a lonely old man: “The three walls are all around. About a hundred years ago, it was built by a great giant using the power of giants to make humans from other giants.

The mouth survived…” “But the grace of the giant can be more then. In order for us to survive the days of peace, it even smashed all human memories with the power of giants, except for a very small number. Beyond the blood family, its descendants and other human beings have nothing to say about one hundred.

The memory of the world years ago, where the giant appeared, no one knows…”

“There is only one person, she is Frida Reis, my eldest daughter, that is, Sisteria’s sister…”

“I have a sister? Why don’t I know?!” Sistria’s face was astonished. “That’s because, in your mind, my memory has been sealed by your sister…” Rhodes Reyes said, reaching out and touching the head of Hisstra, Sistria. I only felt a shock in my mind, as if I had opened a closed door, the memory that had been forgotten was like a tide.

Water appears in the brain…

Sistria suddenly widened her eyes, her face was astonished, her eyes flashed with tears: “Why… why would I forget such an important person…”

Rhodes Reyes patted the back of Sistria, which was comforting and continued the previous topic: “Freida is not only the power of the giants that’s all, she also knows the origin of this world and All the details related…”

Everyone who heard this was excited and they were getting closer and closer to the truth.

“Why would my sister know this?!” Sistria asked with wide eyes.

“Your sister got the power of the giant at the age of fifteen and the memory that lost in the world…”

“How did you get it?!!” Han Ji Zoe has an incomparable excitement.

“Eat my brother… This is the mission of the Reyes family as a royal family! Frida inherited the power of the giant and the memory of the world from her uncle… In this hundred years, we Reizes the family This generation has been repeated for generations…”

“Family friends eat their loved ones… it’s a cruel legacy!”

Everyone was stunned by the mission and inheritance of the Reyes family. At this moment, the resentment and dissatisfied of Reyes was reduced a lot, but some of them were poor.

However, the reasoning person can not be deceived by this kind of performance, and the three frowns ask: “Why, why don’t you make this secret public? End this cursing cruel heritage?”

“Yeah! Do you know that you have always concealed the truth of the facts, how much disaster has it brought to mankind? How many people have lost their lives because of this secret that they should have known?” Li Weier squinted and cold . “I don’t want to be open, but I can’t!” Rhodes Reyes hugged his head tightly: “One person masters the power and true memory of the giant, making this person a living dictionary of whole world, and will be all The fate of mankind is entrusted to this person, who can both

The mystery is made public, and the mystery of the world can be locked in the heart, but… no one has ever made this secret public, and this is exactly the ironclad that they inherited the creation of the world’s original King thought in this wall! ”

“It’s not that no successors want to make the secrets of this world public, but they have all been influenced by the thoughts of the early King Reyes and changed their minds!”


Liwell, they are all shocked, the truth of the matter will be like this?

“So, what about you?” Li Wei and others looked at Rhodes Reyes with a very terror look: “Are you affected?”

“No! I have not inherited the power of the giant!” Rhodes Reyes hurriedly explained: “Because I am afraid of being influenced by the thoughts of the original Reyes, I have never dared to inherit the power of the giant!”

“Where is the power of the giant now?”

“I was taken away by people…” “Is it taken away?!!” Hanji Zoe screamed with exaggeration: “Is there anything wrong! That is what you have been with Reyes for generations. You Now, it is actually taken away by others?! Who was taken away? If you dare to lie to me, I will call Goku adults

Your soul is pumped out and fried in a frying pan! “I didn’t lie to you. It was half a year ago, when the giant first broke through the wall of Maria. The man appeared in front of us. He also can body transformation. He killed the Foley.” Da, took the power of her giant, and then killed my wife and the other three

Child, only I escaped…”

“Sister… is it dead?!!” Sistria stayed.

“Hey, hello~~ The giant who knows the truth of the world, how can you think it can’t be killed casually, you play us!” Hanji Zoe glares at.

“No, at that time, Frida had just mastered the power of the giants, and could not use the power skillfully, and the other party was not weak, so she lost…”

“Anyway, your mouth is long, you can do whatever you want.” Hanji Zoe squinted.

“Who do you know who took the power of the giants that you have been inheriting from Reyes?” El Wen Smith calmly asked the key to the problem.

“Grisa Yeager!” Rhodes Reis hated. “Grisa Yeager?…this name sounds familiar…” After hearing the name, Amin muttered to himself, then stunned his eyes and shouted: “This…this is not Ai Is the name of his father? It is Allen’s father who took away the giants of the Reyes royal family.

force? ! ! ”

“Is the little demon of the recruiting camp of the can body transformation giant? What is your hairpin?” asked Pisi Aming. Rhodes Reyes screamed: “Yes, the power of the giants of our Reyes family is now in the body called Alan Yeage, as long as the power of the giant is regained from his body. You can know the truth of this world!” ….

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