The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Next Sun Wukong has naturally become a guest of the Gimony family and has been warmly welcomed by them.

I have to say that Liyas’ parents are more accommodating than other nobles. There is no shelf for the superiors. Instead, like an ordinary person, without a little Demon, it gives Sun Wukong a good impression.

Sitting in such a high position, but there are few people with such a mentality.

Until the evening break time.

Zhu Naidi for a moment hugged Sun Wukong’s arm and watched herself intentionally or unconsciously, staring at the beautiful big eyes: “So Goku, who are you going tonight tonight, if you live in a room with me, I Will do things for you that they can’t do~”

What is it? This is really a fuss.

“What do we can’t do?” Lina Li Li stood up and decisively hugged Sun Wukong’s right hand. She looked at Zhu Nai with a provocative look: “All of us are masters, not masters. What do you want?”

“And, we still have three people!” Caravana pulled Miltilt and stood behind Lina Li.

“Ah, ah~ Want to win the number?” Zhu Nai smiled and pulled Liyas, the kitten, and Guleifeiya to her front: “We have four people here~”

“…” Just when Lina Li was silent, ready to start the mocking mode, the door was suddenly opened, and Cang Naoji and Serafol appeared at the door: “If you say the number, who are you?” Can you compare with me? Goku adults, please be sure to visit our Sidi family tonight!”

“Goku sauce, I met again~” Serrafu squeezed out his sister and rushed into the hall and hung on Sun Wukong: “So touching the picture, you shouldn鈥檛 give some candy snacks to reward Anyway?”

“Sister…” Cang grabbed his forehead and made a very helpless expression. Sun Wukong flashed in his hand, and a box of exquisite gift boxes appeared in his hand. Before he could talk, the box in his hand had been robbed by Serrafu, and he ran to the side to disassemble it. Then he was excited and exclaimed. Every corner of the living room: “Wow! The whole box is all! Goku sauce, you are too big.

Fang! ~”

The kitten walked over to Sun Wukong with a blank expression, poked his finger on his thigh, and then watched him with a straight hook: “What about me?”

I forgot to have a snack here, and Sun Wukong changed her box and gave it to her.

“Hey~ Kitty~ What is that? I don’t have a yeah here, can you send me?”


“Kitten bully ~~5555~~~”

“…if you change it with me, can.”


Very magical, a distinguished Demon King and a Demon servant, actually created friendship in this way.

Obviously, for the kitten’s attitude towards Serraph, they can see that Lina Li is extremely admired: “It’s really amazing. In the face of Demon King, the kitten can be treated so calmly…”

Caravana strongly agreed to nod: “In a sense, the kitten is really amazing ~ Mitilt, also as Loli, why is the gap between you and her so big?”

Mitilt blinked in the blink of an eye: “Who said that I am Lolly? Are you saying that I am small?…”

Liyas watched Lina Li, they started to fight their own mouths, shook their heads and looked at Cang: “Cang, you are not going back? Come here to join in the fun?”

“Who said that I went back, I came to pick up Goku to go to our Sidi family to be a guest.” Cang went to Sun Wukong and gave a slight gift: “Goku adults, please be sure to show your face.”

As for the real Luo Yu Ji watching Sun Wukong body suddenly became stiff, this is nervous.

“Okay, you don’t have to say it, just come to my room to sleep!”

So, Liyas, they each and every one really ran to Sun Wukong’s room…

However, one night, in addition to enjoying some beautiful scenery, nothing happened.

The next day, since coming to the underworld, Sun Wukong naturally plans to take a good look. As a tour guide, Li Yasi was very positive and very good. After all, with the help of Sun Wukong, she canceled the marriage that made her extremely troublesome and restored her freedom. The good feeling for Sun Wukong was greatly increased. Defeated his most admired brother, and this respect

Bye also passed on to Sun Wukong.

A group of people walked on the forest road, but it seemed very busy. It was just out of the territory of Jimenli. The sky suddenly floated through a huge black shadow. Lina Li looked up and looked at them, but they changed: “That is… Dragon?!”

“Everyone is careful!” Zhu Nai sighed and prepared, ready to prepare for and attack.

However, Guleifeiya looked unusually calm: “Please calm down, everyone, that is not an enemy!” Saying, watching the huge, so-called ‘dragon’ living beings: “Good morning, Tenny Adult.” After the strong hurricane, the dragon stopped in front of Liyas and his party: “It turned out to be Guleifeiya. It was really rude. I heard that a glorious monarch came to the territory last night. The adults, using the original Chi Long emperor’s armor to defeat the Saskats adults, this is really shocking!

Max’s adults will lose even! “Speaking, I fixed my eyes on Sun Wukong: “I must be Sun Wukong adults, right?” Say hello to you in the “Dragon Dragon St.” Tenny! 鈥?/p>

It seems that this guy already knows that Sun Wukong has defeated Jack Jackson. It just doesn’t seem to know that Sazekes was defeated by Sun Wukong, but it is also reasonable, this kind of face-loss thing, others If you don’t ask, Sazekes will not say it.

Sun Wukong looked up and down Tenny: “This is the dragon…” The expression was speechless.

“Looking at you looks like the first time I saw a dragon like me. You don’t tell me haven’t seen the body of Dregger?”

“He is not a beauty, why should I see him?”

“Hey~ It seems like this is the case…” Tenny said very embarrassedly: “Sun Wukong, Delag, why can’t I sense his Ki?”

Sun Wukong’s right hand stretched out, the dragon of the real dragon emperor flashed his hand, and the treasure on it immediately lit up: “Master, let’s talk about it, can you change my place where you can store it? Nothing in the space of nothingness, nothing. It鈥檚 really not called every day, it鈥檚 scary!鈥?/p>

“Master? Delag, do you think he is the Lord?!” Tenny said he was shocked.

“Well? Isn’t this Tenny? It’s been a long time no see!”

“Answer me, Delag, listen to you calling his master, I am very shocked!” “What is there, you are not turning to generate Demon.”

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