The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“…” Tenny was silent for a moment, and suddenly he laughed: “You are right, although the nature of the two is different, but the tricks are half-baked, but I am really curious, can beat Jose Jacks, more Strong person who can make you succumb to it, what kind of process does he formformable?

degree? “strong’s warfare suddenly turned into a fierce hurricane!”

“Hey ~~ Tenny, shouldn’t you want to challenge my master? As an old friend, I have to advise you, don’t do this, it will be terrible!”

“The more you say that, the more I want to do this!” Tenny’s warfare is even more so high. The Kir of terror faintly erupts from his body, and they shocked Liya. They started to have some Standing unstable.

“It’s really what any cat and dog wants to challenge me. I am very busy now, I have no time to deal with you.” I saw Sun Wukong volleying, just listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, Tenny’s huge The body turns into a star disappearing into the sky…


Such an exaggerated and shocking scene, seeing Liya, they are stunned at each and every one, but it is a dragon! And still one of the Dragon Kings after the resignation!

Even Guleifeiya, who has never been surprised, has changed to a dumbfounded expression. Of course, they are more shocked than Lilyz. They are Delige. As a friend of Tenny, he is the clearest real power of Tenny. This is the moment when the volley is swaying. Disappeared on the edge of the sky, more than one stroke to beat Jose Jack Lucifer


After all, when defeating Jack Jacks, Sun Wukong used the magical armor of the gods and the dragons. Now, he has nothing to use, and there is no magic surge. It is only by strength, and the power of the hand is actually contained. The terrible power of such a terrible!

With this in mind, Delaig couldn’t help but shudder, but his heart was more excited: “Sure enough! I guess it is true! My master… I really have more than two Dragon Gods. The power of terror!!”

“Don’t be in a daze, let’s continue to play.” Sun Wukong greeted the girls, and thought about it, once again took the dragon of the Dragon Emperor into the world ring.

This is just a small episode on the side of the road, but it does not affect the mood of Li Yasi to play, after a while, it is chat again…

And Sun Wukong is around the crowd and alongside the real Luo Yu Ji, with interest watching her.

Because Sun Wukong had long discovered that after seeing him, it was a tense body stiffness.

“Enlighten…Enlightenment…Goku adults…you…you don’t talk to…will they be together…run…run me this…what is it…what?” At this moment, Luo Jiji became physically stiff and even incoherent.

“Not welcome? Then I left…” Sun Wukong smiled.

“No…no!” Zhen Luo Yu Ji hurriedly explained: “Just… that… I… oh…” “Don’t be so nervous, you can’t be normal.” Sun Wukong smiled and patted the shoulders of Real Luo Jiji, magical is Suddenly, Sun Wukong, who had already seen Sun Wukong, was suddenly surprised to find that at this moment, her mood suddenly calmed down and she was surprised.

The eyes widened, and then the facial expression was red and rude to Sun Wukong: “It’s a rude, Goku, let you see the scene that I am so shameful…”

“Nothing, I think that you are a little cute.”

“哎?!!” The original heart of Luo Luoji, who had already calmed down, immediately mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and she violently jumped up, and she was nervous again.

It is said that Sun Wukong was the first girl Sun Wukong who liked him after coming to this world.

At this point, Mitilte’s voice suddenly sounded in front: “Hey, look at it, there are people in front.”

“Weird, this should be the territory of “Dragon Dragon” Tenny, how can there be others? “Liyas watched the incomparably feminine woman in front of her face, curious.”

Hearing the conversations of Liyas, Sun Wukong looked along the front and looked a little surprised: “This is not…”

“Goku adults, do you know her?” In the absence of a conversation with Sun Wukong, she became magical again.

“Let’s know…”

In fact, Sun Wukong has always been curious. Since Gaspar became the queen of the genus of Reese Phoenix, where did his original queen, Queen Bellina, go again?

I did not expect to meet again here.

Yes, the woman in front of the incomparably feminine is the Queen of the genus of Reisel Phoenix in the original work, Uberina.

It’s just that she is curious when she appears here.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” Uberina was full of vigilance after seeing Sun Wukong.

Guleifeiya watching Uberina said: “I have heard that Tenny had saved a woman because she could not understand someone’s sect and allowed her to live outside the territory of her own territory to avoid danger. It seems to be you.”

“Do you know Tenny?” Uberina heard it, but he was relieved.

Sun Wukong watching Guleifeiya: “Anyone you said will not be Risell Phoenix?”

“Is the original owner heard of it?” Guleifeiya had some accidents.

“Do you know Risell’s bastard?” Uberina looked very angry after hearing the name of Reisel.

“Oh ~ bastard, this makes people curious, can you listen to it?” Sun Wukong felt that his gossip fire started Aura, although he could see through everything, but can hear from the mouth of the party. It’s more fun.

“Why should I tell you?” Uberina was coldly snorted and turned to leave.

It’s just that this attitude, Shi Ling, Li Nali, they are angry, these three are 堕Angel, but they are better than Liya, they see that someone is so rude to their unrespectful master, and can you bear it?

“Bold! I dare to be rude to the owner!”

In the eyes of Karawana, the cold light flashed away, and a ray of light suddenly illumined on the foot of Uberina, and it was petrified and spread all the way…

“This is?!!” Uberina’s facial expression was shocked, but unfortunately already recruited. Sun Wukong took the hand and put it on the shoulder of Uberina, so that the speed of petrification stopped instantly, and then looked at the exaggerated front of Uberina: “It’s dangerous, it’s almost petrified here, then It’s a pity.” The petrified form returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye: “Come here, leave them alone, tell me about your business now.”

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