The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 115 is replaced

“Is it the man who kills the meditation?” The demon star watched Sun Wukong, and his eyes were shocked. Tong Ming, that is the supreme strong person who put their soul-killing ant ants together! A tortoise shell defense, even the fighting emperor is difficult to break, but such a existence, is actually killed by the people in front of you? In the blink of an eye, the star of the demon star does not know what to think!

“Give me a break!” Sun Wukong screamed out in the bleak energy of the day! Ki has skyrocketed, and the vindictiveness of the whole body has become more and more smashed! The strength in the hand suddenly increased! A fierce energy wave erupted from his fist! A bang! The energy of the sky burst into flames! The energy repercussions of terror directly shatter the surrounding coke to the shock and open the space in the shock, to shatter! On the dry cliff of the rocky stone, it was shocked to the ground in a flash! Even the big array that guarded the cliffs was smashed under the formidable repercussions!

The whole cliff began to shake violently, and the whole space became unstable!


The shimmering and strange runes above the ancient nest fell with the blow, and the light became more and more dim, and the open ancient nest slowly closed! And the ancient nest is really transformed into the deepest radiance of a first-class light to the ancient nest! It has already felt deeply uneasy! The person in front gave it the feeling of being too terror, even in the ancient prime condition, when Zhu Qiang against the enemy, there was no such fear that he was terrified! Therefore, it does not want to be in love, just want to quickly escape this formidable to strong person with terror!

However, if you want to escape in the hands of Sun Wukong, is it possible? I saw that Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and it was already in front of the ancient nest, and he reached out and grabbed him directly in his hand!

“Let me go!” An angry anger shouted in the ball of light in the hands of Sun Wukong! Then a terror’s energy wave is emitted from it! The destructive power attached to it is enough to shatter a fighting force! However, in the hands of Sun Wukong, it is useless to let it struggle fiercely!

A six-pointed star array emerged in the hands of Sun Wukong, and the ancient nest in his hands was instantly locked in! Sun Wukong directly lucks his terror like the power of the vast universe to directly invade the ancient nest!

“Ah~~” The ancient nest has just raised a trace of to resist, suddenly issued a scream of screams, the wisdom of the birth of thousands of years, the power of the soul of Sun Wukong like sea of ​​stars In front of me, in the twinkling of an eye, the smoke of the earthquake disappeared!

Sun Wukong immediately imprinted a soul mark on this ancient nest! Replace it with a thunderous and rude means! The message of the road flashed in his mind, and he managed to completely control the soul-hitting ancient nest that the world is afraid of!

The mind was moving, the ball of light in the hands of Sun Wukong immediately disappeared from his body! In this scene, I saw a few people in the demon star stunned!

“This… is it refining?…” Qingyun watched Sun Wukong in the ancient nest, and looked calm.

“…no…not…not refining…I…I can’t sense the Ki of the ancient nest….he…he actually erased the wisdom of the ancient nest…and replaced it… …Impossible…this is absolutely impossible…to the formidable of the ancient nest true spirit…the power of the soul of the terror as strong as the emperor refining pharmacist, it is impossible to erase the wisdom of the ancient nest…but he ……Impossible…this is absolutely impossible…how is the power of some souls on the world formidable to the point of terror…this is absolutely impossible…I don’t believe it! I don’t agree…oh~~!”

The demon star is hit by the facts in front of the incoherent! The eyes are full of shock and incredible color! I have been plotting for a long time, spent countless efforts, and even sacrificed so many descendants and massacres. In the end, even the watchful watch that belongs to oneself is easily taken away by others! She is not willing, how can she be willing!

“The ancient nest is my own! It belongs to me! No one wants to take it away from me!” The scream of the demon star angrid, his eyes suddenly became blood red! It is boundless madness and bloodthirsty: “No matter who you are, no matter how wellformable you are! Anyone who is against me! All damn! The army of magic ants! Listen to my command! Kill me!”

With the demon star’s ‘kill’ word fell! The surrounding Soul Eater ants all rioted! Even the soul-killing ants who screamed in the outside world seemed to have heard the orders of their own empresses, and they turned their bodies and rushed back like tides! Wherever you go, you can’t live without grass…

Watching the magical ants that rushed toward him, Sun Wukong frowned slightly, watching the crazy star, faintly shook his head! This woman is really a madman!

Sun Wukong tried to use the Soul Eater to control these Soul Eater ants. Unexpectedly, his mind had just turned, and the magic ants suddenly stopped, and the red eyes showed a hint of doubt and turmoil. Uneasy!

“What are you doing! Do you want to defy my orders? Don’t forget, I am your queen! You are all hatching me out!” Seeing the magic ants have stopped, sending out uneasi humming, demon star facial expression side There was a strange knot in the hand, and the strange ripples came out, and the sound of screaming spread out! It is that the soul-stopping ants who have stopped to stop, their eyes become more bloody, and they are madly coming towards them!

“Sure enough?” Watching the magic ant army that rushed toward him again, Sun Wukong’s heart is a sigh! These soul-throwing magic ants are the demon stars hatching with another nest! They only look for the demon star to be their queen. Sun Wukong alone relies on this ancient soul-harvesting ancient nest. Obviously still can’t control these magic ants!

“If this is the case, don’t blame me for killing!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, and the right hand took a lead! The space around the body suddenly fluctuated and swayed! Where the fluctuations pass! The soul-eating ants around are smashed by the earthquake!

“pū tōng pū tōng ~~”

The magic ant army of terror emerged from the whirlpool in the sea.

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