The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 116, because I am a god

“Want to win by volume? You seem to have chosen the wrong opponent!” Sun Wukong faint watching that is crazy star! From the beginning to the end, he did not put her in the eyes, no, because it is said that he did not put anyone present in the eyes!

The right fist is pinched forward, and the space tremors, tens of thousands of soul-throwing magic ants are smashed in an instant! With one hand and another wave, the layered space is instantaneous time to shatter! In the scope of the to shatter space, countless soul-splitting ants are immediately divided by the space of the shatter, and are torn into a blood mist in the space crack, dissipating in the air!

“The power of this space is still quite good!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, and was quite satisfied with the Ability to master the power of this space law! After trying the power of this space, watch the soul-eating ants that are constantly coming out of the sea vortex! Sun Wukong also lost the fun of playing!

“Since all of you come in and die! Then I will be all right!” He said, the black blaze emerged from his body, and the direction of the sky and covering the earth swept away toward all directions! The violent temperature even burns the crack of the terror even in the space! The tens of millions of Soul Eater ants are in this black smoke! They have turned into coke corpses, and they have fallen into the sea in a moment, and they have been broken down in a moment. The blue sea is only a moment, but it is already black as ink, emitting a light of dark colored light

Some of the corpses fell to the ground, and they were crushed and shattered. The breeze blew the Buddha’s room and turned it into a black dusty smoke. Make people breathe a little harder!

Sun Wukong brows slightly wrinkled, immediately put away the nothingness of swallowing inflammation, the power of this fire is indeed terror, but always leaves some unnecessary residue, making the air here become cloudy!

The eye of God quietly opens! As far as the eye can see, the raging black inflammation flashes out again! In the twinkling of an eye, it’s a few miles away! In this range, the things touched by black inflammation are instantly nothingness by Aura! Even the air, the black smoke made by the corpse, was also exhausted by Aura! Even in the vast seas, under this black inflammation, raging Aura, steaming and dive at an alarming rate!

“I want to destroy the corpse, and the use of the fire of the sun shines!” Sun Wukong smiled! Just a moment, the tens of millions of Soul Eater ants in this space are exhausted by Aura! This situation! If you don’t see it, how many people in the world can believe?

Using such a large range of skylights, the consumption of spiritual power and power is amazing! If you change someone else’s words, you will have been killed and killed! But for Sun Wukong, this is a bit of consumption, but it’s all that’s all!

Raging Black inflammation surrounds the huge vortex in the sea! A steady stream of soul-eating magic ants spurt out of the whirlpool, and cut into the endless black inflammation, in a flash, Aura!

Between momentarily, the rushing army of magic ants is like a moth, just appeared, and it is exhausted by Aura! This is the magic ant army that fears the world. In the hands of Sun Wukong, it is a can bear!

“Impossible! This is impossible! How could there be such a presence on the world… My magic ant army! That is the army of magic ants that make the whole continent tremble! Why… Why can it be so Bear hit?! You are not a person! You are not a person at all…”

In front of the horror, seeing the demon star wants to go crazy, a few want to collapse! Sun Wukong’s formidable made her feel deep fear and deeply helpless!

“Yes! Because I am a god!” Sun Wukong watching, the faint star, a smile, the tone is supreme: “And offend the end of God, your fate is already doomed… It is over, things are born by me, then self-sufficient “I am coming to an end!” said, Sun Wukong stared at the demon star slowly… When he was, the black blaze wrap her up in the blink of an eye! Raging Aura is up!

The demon star was screamed by a little bit of Aura! She wants to use her own vindictiveness to resist, but this strange blaze even her vindictiveness is also in Aura! She is afraid, she is scared! In the screams, I began to ask for mercy from Sun Wukong! However, Sun Wukong is really indifferent! This woman is too evil, too cold!

She has no feelings at all! She is just a magical adult bloodthirsty magic beast! There is only killing in her eyes, and life is like a mustard in her eyes! It is too dangerous to keep such a person in the world!

Of course, this is not the focus of Sun Wukong wanting to kill her. The point is that, at the end of the day, she still wants to kill Sun Wukong and then! That is, you have already killed your heart, then you must take up the fate of being killed! Even if you are a woman! The enemy is the enemy! Since it is an enemy, it must be eliminated by ruthless means!

Watching that a little bit of Aura’s slag is left in the demon star, Qingyun and bloody clothes are chilling! See Sun Wukong and watched them, scared almost without running! The body’s vindictive involuntary operation, guarding the whole body, a watchful watching Sun Wukong, I am afraid that the terrible black inflammation suddenly emerged from them!

“You are called Qingyun, right? I want to take revenge for Tong Ming, I will give you a chance!” Sun Wukong watching Qingyun, a face of tranquil and calm. Before the Qingyun’s hostility, he clearly felt it!

Qingyun’s careful liver was almost scared. He looked respectfully: “The grown-up is laughing, you just give me a hundred courage, I don’t dare to fight with you! Although I am old with Tongyu, I still don’t. As for the death for him! My limit is coming soon. In the rest of the time, I just want to spend my old age here! I hope that adults can be perfect!”

Sun Wukong squinted at the clouds and ignored him. He could feel that the vitality of Qingyun was almost exhausted, and at most it was only a year or so! A dying person, he is too lazy to pay attention to it!

Seeing Sun Wukong turned his head, Qingyun is obviously relieved! Under the gaze of such a terror strong person, it is really challenging the limits of people! And the blood coat that was ignored on the side is happy in the heart, ignoring it! Ignore yourself, it means that the other party will not be embarrassed!

With the death of the demon star! After the initial madness, the Soul Eater ants from the whirlpool of the sea finally calmed down! Until the tide retreats, there is no rush to go inside!

However, the outside soul sorcerer ant cut is becoming more violent! Without the command of the Emperor, the tens of millions of Soul Eater ants suddenly became more beserk! At the moment, they only have instinct! Swallowing, killing, swallowing, wherever you go, the bones are tired, the grass is not born! … a catastrophe is spreading to the human settlement at the speed of terror…

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