The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 117 Long Palace

The huge whirlpool on the sea gradually calmed down until there was no Soul Eater! Sun Wukong The rotation of the star array in the right eye dissipates the black inflammation above the sea!

Sun Wukong flew up and watched the huge ancient nest below the foot of the foot. With a big hand and a wave, in the rumble of sound, the Soul Eater disappeared out of nowhere and earned his world ring!

When the time came, the ancient nest disappeared, and the surrounding sea water madly rushed toward the center of the dry cliff! The fierce waves hit the focal shore, causing the entire cliff to start shaking sharply! The hard reefs can’t resist this violent flooding, and they are breaking apart! Without the cliff, the guardian of Mystic/mysterious, this cliff is finally unable to withstand this fierce bombardment, began to be flooded and collapsed!

“It’s a pity that the thing inside! It’s a miscalculation!” Watching the collapsed cliff that was gradually submerged by the sea, Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly.

“Goku adults, if you want treasures, I think there should be a lot of dragon palaces inhabited by Qingyun adults! Generally speaking, the treasures on the seabed are the most! There are also some precious herbs! Anyway, Qingyun adults The deadline is coming, it’s useless to keep it… Are you right? Qingyun adults!”

See the Sun Wukong in the blood coat, but it is a smirk of Qingyun looking to the side, that face is not a good expression, look at the Qingyun hate teeth itching! If Sun Wukong is not present, he really wants to rush to the same bloody clothes! What is left or not? Even if it’s useless, keep it for yourself to bury it!

However, the words of the blood coat have been exported, and it has also attracted the attention of Sun Wukong. Although it is not willing, Qingyun still accompanied a smile and nodded again and again: “What you said is that if Goku is not abandon, it is better to go to me.” How about a guest, how?” Although the face is smiling, but in the heart of Qingyun, I don’t know how many times the 18th generation of the ancestors of the blood coat smashed!

“Dragon Palace? This name sounds terrible! Ok! Then I will go and have a look!” Sun Wukong facial expression showed a smile, looking to the side of the blood coat, giving him a look of appreciation This kid is in the court.

Seeing the appreciation of Sun Wukong, it’s not possible to excite the blood coat! He does not hesitate to offend Qingyun, is he not hoping to please Sun Wukong? Pulling a relationship with such a strong person, the benefits can be described as endless use!

“Please come with me!” Qingyun gave a ceremony to Sun Wukong, and his body flew away from the sea! Where an island stands on the coast! That is when the Qingyun appeared, the Dragon Palace emerged from the deep sea!

Before the distance distance watch did not feel anything, but once it was near, Sun Wukong was really shocked by this luxurious Dragon Palace! The island was wrapped in a transparent enchantment and was not invaded by the outside world. Above the island, there is a splendid palace of sparkling and translucent, majestic and luxurious, filled with precious pearls and precious stones, sparkling and translucent shining, beautiful! The palace is surrounded by a multi-colored coral sea, on which a shining gem shines! Above a stone pillar, it is also covered with precious moonstone! Makes the psychedelic color here!

Around the road, there are precious plants growing in the plant! At first glance, you know that it is a treasure that is not low in grade!

Even the roads are paved with beautiful blue spar! The so-called luxury, here, is the most vivid expression!

“My grass! I haven’t paid much attention yet! The place where you live is more luxurious than the emperor!” Everything around the watch, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but swear! The eyes are shining, watching everything around, I don’t know what kind of ambiguity I am playing!

Qingyun saw Sun’s greedy possession in the eyes of Sun Wukong, and he was scared and careful that the liver did not jump out! Immediately, the bloody coat next to the evil side looked over! The hatred in the eyes almost wipes out his life!

However, the blood coat is directly ignoring him, so hey! How can you marry me, I can’t be pregnant! Watching Qingyun’s face was depressed and his painful expression, he felt very refreshed!

For the thick face of the blood coat, Qingyun is powerless! The strength is better than that of others, and there is a peerless strong person who can’t rise with his to resist heart! My heart can only helplessly sigh! He knows that watching Sun Wukong’s expression, this dragon palace may not be guaranteed! Didn’t see him wave his hand before, did the huge Soul Eater nest be taken away by him? It seems that this Dragon Palace is also a bad luck! In an instant, Qingyun seems to be more old!

“It’s posed! Anyway, it’s a person who will be buried! These foreign objects don’t care too much!” Qingyun finally sighed, he wanted to open, not entangled here! The so-called not resist, then learn to enjoy it!

Once you want to open it, Qingyun is also a rare and generous thing: “Goku adults! If you like it, please accept it here! Anyway, I will die! It will be vacant!” It’s better to give it to people directly, so that you can leave a good image for the other party.

“Hey? I didn’t expect you to be so generous! Then I was disrespectful!” After listening to Qingyun, Sun Wukong’s eyes suddenly brightened. He did not expect that this Qingyun still knows how to look at it! In fact, he has already made up his mind, even if Qingyun does not agree, he will take away the entire Dragon Palace! Such a luxurious palace is worthy of his identity!

“You are all leaving here! I want to take it straight away!” Sun Wukong watching Qingyun and bloody clothes, a touch of the road.

“Hey! Goku! You don’t want to visit?” The bloody coat smashed! Road. He is also very curious about such a luxurious place! And the treasures of the medicines around him, he wants to see it soon!

“With your two big men, what good to visit! After the brothers have recovered, it is not even more beautiful to visit with my baby wife!” Sun Wukong said lightly.

“…” Qingyun and bloody clothes suddenly become speechless! Feelings, you are disgusting us! Not talking nonsense, the two directly got up and flew outside the palace!

Sun Wukong is also leaping, and the mind turns, the huge soul force directly wraps the whole island! Mindful! In the sound of the rumble, this huge island was pulled up a little! The surrounding sea water suddenly surged more then, the waves startling the heavens!

The whole island was pulled up a little bit in the waves of tror! This terror shocked scene, seeing Qingyun and bloody eyes widened! Can a person’s soul power be formidable to the point of such a terror? It is abruptly out of thin air from the islands deep in the sea! This, how much terror soul power you need! No wonder he can easily erase the wisdom of the ancient nest!

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