The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 147 ends

Between the dense woods, the raging, rushing to drink more then! In the jungle, there is a fierce fight! After a while, a man escaped from the forest with a shocking expression! There is a look of fear in his eyes! I thought that the opponents that can be easily defeated suddenly showed the inhuman strength and played them without any backhand! Sudden changes, making people fear! It’s hard to believe that it’s all beautiful and beautiful, can you express the strength of this kind of terror?

A delicate and beautiful figure flashed out in the sky, and in a flash, it appeared behind the running youth! The tip of the toe is lightly behind the man, and the cut is an amazing power! In the screaming, the young man slammed into the ground and finally slammed into a stone protruding from the ground. His face was twisted and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The pain in the whole body caused a flash of fierceness in the eyes of young men. Since they could not escape, they only had a hard time! I have to endure the pain, and I have not been able to show my fighting skills! A slap in the air that has been cut through the sky is on the chest!

“pu-chi !”

The young man suddenly spewed a large mouthful of blood, and his figure again flew out! I slammed into a big tree before I stopped my body! Facial expression pale as paper!

“If you don’t want to suffer from the flesh again, just hand over the crystal card!” Lilyzi helped the long hair before the forehead, and the young man in front of the watch, a look of calm and calm.

“What do you want to do with the card?” The young man watched the four stunning women who walked out of the forest. In the eyes, they flashed a hint of fear, but still groaned to understand the feigning ignorance.

“It seems that we need to kill you after you have found yourself!” The scorpion walked slowly, the tone of calm and calm, the expression was extraordinarily quiet. However, after the young man saw her, his heart was filled with a chill. This woman is terrible! He clearly remembers her bloodthirsty madness in the previous battle! Two of the teammates were beaten by the seemingly gentle woman! The strength of terror is to crush the same level of expert!

Although the heart is extremely unwilling, but the fear in the heart is cut by him! Because he knows that the five beautiful women standing in front of me seem to be gentle as water, and they will not have the slightest mercy! A bitter, bitter blue card from the ring, handed to the forefront of the lily.

Two crystal cards crossed, and the number of 39 in the lily watched, but the corner of the mouth was a satisfactory smile: “Is this the second team? I don’t know, there are still a few left in the ten team. ?”

“It shouldn’t be much! Our strength is a few stars away from the old people in these inner courts, but the training technique is too big! Other sisters should have cleared the rest of the old team. Let’s go!” Shizuka refers to the chin, a path of contemplation.

“We have cleared the two teams, I don’t know how many of our sisters can be ranked?” Shay’s face with a smile, ten teams, and they solved the two teams, the results are not bad!

However, it is at this time! They suddenly sensed a hidden and formidable Ki appearing in their perception. The scorpion smiled slightly and said: “This is the signal that Goku let us meet. It seems that the old people have been solved by us! Let’s go! Let’s go and join them with Goku!”

The blind man looked at somewhere in the forest, and his body slowly emptied and went straight away! The other four women are also showing the Sky-dance Art that Sun Wukong teaches them at the moment for a moment!

Watching a few women who are flying without the slightest effort, the remaining few old people, but the eyes are flashing deep and shocking color! Going to the air, it can only be done by Douzong! They know how the big fighters do it.

In the middle of the forest, at the top of a giant tree, the two old people sitting on the old man, opened their eyes again, and the two men looked at each other in unison, and they all saw a touch of joy and exclamation from the other’s eyes. meaning!

“This year’s new students, still extraordinary! Just two Shi Chen’s time, have solved all the teams of the ten groups of old people! This is nothing more than this! In this, in the inner courtyard, I am afraid there will be a big turmoil!”

“Let’s go! This fire hunting game, the new life wins with overwhelming power! This is really shocking result! This is something that has never happened since the opening of the hospital!… We are Time to go out…”

With the sound of two old people coming out, the figure of the two old men disappeared here so strangely!

In the central position of the forest, Sun Wukong is lying on the turf and rests his head on the sexy thigh of Nanlixiang! In the air, the sound of the road is empty, and all the girls are coming at an amazing speed and landing here! This quieter place, suddenly became lively!

The women around the together, chattering and non-stop, take out their own crystal card, climb the fire with whoever! There is not much pressure on this hunting game! Only in this way can we have a little more fun!

Among the girls, they are basically Sun Wukong’s wives. Naturally, everyone’s body has been baptized and strengthened by Sun Wukong’s divine power. In the same realm, it is invincible! Even if it is a leap-level battle, there is no pressure! This time the hunting game, the strongest but the six-star big fighter, how could be their opponent.

As a team of old people in the inner court, in the past few years, almost no old people have been robbed by new students. What is happening in this forest now is the fan of those who are very self-satisfied. Face, and this slap, still so loud. This time, they lost very badly! Very miserable! Ten groups of teams, all over the army! Even the chances of uniting have never been owned, because they are seriously injured and have not cultivated for a few days, don’t think about it! And in each person’s crystal card, only the remaining seven days of fire can be saved! This makes these old people feel like crying!

The same is true for these old people, and their hearts are hot! Everyone has such a hint of fantasy in their hearts! Because this time, in the inner courtyard, there are so many Heaven’s Proud Daughters! If you are fortunate enough to get the favor of one of the women, then it is a great life! In this inner courtyard, only beauty and strength coexist, which is the most attractive!

And if this fire hunting game is introduced into the inner court, it is bound to cause an uproar! And the old and the new battle, I am afraid it will not end! This hunting game is just a small test! TRUE’s strong person is also in the inner yard! With the appearance of Sun Wukong and others, the inner courtyard will become more and more lively!

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