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Chapter 148 arrives at the inner court

Among the jungles, there is an empty space, new students, old students, all of them. Some elders of Sue’s emotions watched the women standing in Sun Wukong’s body, but they were all in the eyes! However, when he looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes flashed a hint of doubt and jealousy! He also got some information about Sun Wukong from Hugan, and not long ago, the deputy dean personally issued the mouth! This person must not be provoked! If you have any requirements, you can do it!

And the more than twenty beautiful women standing in front of him are all brought by him! This look at the whole continent, is the extraordinary person of the extraordinary, but he is all alone, think terror! And its identity is also the more Mystic/mysterious!

“This fire hunting game ended in a new victory!”

As the elders of Su had a little old voice slowly reverberating, except for the freshmen outside the house, they cheered loudly and delightedly! Although they did not defeat those old people! When the same, did not lose their fire! How can we not be happy if we defeat the honor of the old students? Because they opened the history of Canaan College!

And those old people in the inner court opened their mouths slightly and wanted to say something, but the result was nothing to vomit. In the end, I could only sigh and be hurt! This time, they lost too much, too thorough, and there is no room for rebuttal!

Elder Sue watched the group of old students, but it was a faint smile: “I know that you have dissatisfied for losing to the new students, but this is an unchangeable fact. If you want to be ashamed, then wait for the new students to enter the inner court for one month. Afterwards, can challenge them directly, as long as they promised, the inner court are open at any time.”

After listening to the old students, the eyes suddenly lit up and immediately faded! Although they are very proud, but they also have self-knowledge, the women who have not entered the inner court, the strength has far exceeded them, after entering the inner court, will be more formidable! Revenge in person, obviously hopeless, then only look forward to those inner courts of the list of experts!

Of course, there are naturally more arrogant people, can enter the inner court, the talent is naturally extraordinary, will you easily lose? Suddenly worried, after waiting to go back, must be desperately training, a snow today shame! Because in their opinion, losing to this group of girls, the old face is simply lost to the family!

Elder Su stunned everyone and fixed his gaze to the pair of people: “As the winner of this fire hunting competition, the freshmen present, each can get twenty days of fire, and the poison island scorpion , Gaocheng Lily, Gaocheng Shaye, Suichuan Shixiang, Xiaozhixian five, because the oldest hunting, so the extra reward green fire crystal card, plus 30 days of fire.”

“Green Fire Crystal Card?”

Listening to the words from the elders of the elders, those old people could not help but feel a bit stunned, and the envious eyes swept to the five nephews in the field. The latter is a face of tranquil and calm, such a reward, for them, it is simply chicken! Nothing is necessary!

To the other dozens of new students, but it is a look of doubt: “Qinghuo Crystal Card? What is this thing?”

Hehe, in the inner courtyard, the fire crystal card is from low to high, divided into black, blue, blue, red, purple five colors, the black crystal card in your hand, is the most low-level crystal card, this crystal The card only has the qualification for training on the first and second floors of the “Heavenly Burning Gas Tower”, while the blue crystal card is three or four layers, so the routine is pushed down. ”

“If you want to upgrade the crystal card, you need to pay the “fire energy” in the inner court. Generally speaking, from the black crystal card to the blue crystal card, you need to pay a hundred days of “fire energy”, and from the blue crystal card Switching to a cyan crystal card requires two hundred days of “fire energy”. Now five of them have won the “Green Fire Crystal Card” award, which is equivalent to saving 300 days of “fire energy”, this is not a A small number of pens!” The doubts of the new students, Su Long explained with a smile.

“Three hundred days of fire energy?” Hearing this number, those new students listened, and immediately understood why those old people looked at their eyes so envious! However, they did not feel embarrassed, but they were happy for the five women. If there were no one of them, I am afraid that the fire in their hands would not be guaranteed.

After the explanation was completed, Elder Sue swayed, and five cyan crystal cards appeared in his hands, and he slammed his fingers. The crystal card was shot at the five scorpions and finally suspended in front of them.

“The reward is already inside. You can draw the fire in the black crystal card and then return the black crystal card to me.” Su Chang smiled faintly. At this moment, he is obviously in a good mood. As long as there are such a group of people, the future Canaan College is destined to be well-known in the mainland!

The five women took over the crystal card, and after the posting, they returned the empty black crystal card to the elder Su.

Alice and other three little loli watched the blue crystal card in the hands of the five women, the eyes are very envious. Muttering a small mouth, simultaneously looking toward Sun Wukong: “All the Goku brothers are lazy, not willing to hunt those old students, or the first place must be ours!”

“If you like, you can take it to play!” A few women in the scorpion smiled and smiled at the three loli, and did not hesitate to hand them the cyan crystal card in their hands. Three loli facial expressions suddenly a hi, unceremoniously grabbed the crystal card in their hands, a look of satisfaction!

“Hey! I have two!” Alice shook her two crystal cards in her hand, very proud.

“Me too!” Xiang Pho is also proud of shaking the two crystal cards in his hand. Only white, a quiet face, well-behaved, even if only get a crystal card, there is no noisy! There is still a soft smile on his face! This kind of pure white snowy little girl, among the three little loli, is the most sensible.

For the performance of the five women of the nephew, it is to make those old students each and every one stunned! In their eyes, that is regarded as the most important thing, but it is so casual to give people, so that they can not react with each other! That is an envy in the eyes! I hope that I am the three little loli!

“So now, you will join us to enter the inner court!” For the performance of a few female nephews, Elder Su did not say anything, faint smile. Immediately, go to the jungle first!

Not long after, there was a gravel ladder in the eyes of everyone, but the elders and so on slowly went up…

This gravel ladder is not too high, only a minute or two time, Sun Wukong and others are on the last floor, as far as the eye can see, appear in the field of vision, so that some people slowly Take a sip of cool air.

“Is this the inner court?” The whisper of whispering, spit out from the new mouths on the hillside.

After the hillside, it is an extremely large depression basin. Looking at the shape of this basin, it is like a huge meteorite falling from the sky and coming out of life.

Inside the basin, towering buildings stand in the middle of the condescending view. You can see the shadows like a flea constantly leaping and jumping over the building. The line of sight spreads forward, but it is found that the area of ​​this basin is large. Some are surprising, the line of sight reaches the end, but still can only see towering buildings and lush green.

It’s hard to imagine that in this endless mountain in the back of Canaan College, there is still such a strange place still hidden!

Here, it is the location of the inner court!

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