The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 103 History Tragedy

“Goku Brother, are you going to take it?” After hearing Sun Wukong’s words, Shao Yu was very excited. In his opinion, as long as Sun Wukong shot, then the government can say that there is no death.

And Xiao Gao and others, their eyes are bright, they are very excited, they are very aware of the terrible strength of Sun Wukong, to say that under the heavens, can enter the Xianyang Palace, killing the people of the government, non-Sun Wukong is none other than .

“Would you like to go to Xianyang Palace and assassinate the government?” Shilan, who stayed aside and kept talking, suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked. Since Sun Wukong saved her with Tianming and Shaoyu, she also came here with Sun Wukong.

“Why, is there a problem?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Shilan and smiled.

“Xianyang Palace is heavily guarded, and there are layers of elite soldiers. It is harder to assassinate the government. It is not a wise choice…” Shilan looked at Sun Wukong and was particularly serious. For this benefactor who helped herself and saved Xiaohei, she did not want to watch Sun Wukong to die.

And the ink-makers are all frowning, and their hearts are not so excited. They also think that Shilan is right. Sun Wukong’s martial art is unfathomable, but how terrible it is, they don’t know, just know that maybe even the one who is present is not his one. The enemy, but even if it is, if it is hard to marry Xianyang Palace, it is dangerous…

Since the assassination of Jingjing in the past, for the sake of his own safety, the government has set up a number of levels, and the number of soldiers is not 100,000. At this moment, the Xianyang Palace is not much weaker than those of the Longtan Tiger Cave!

If the average person goes forward, there is no life!

“Under the world, where else can I go to Sun Wukong? It’s ridiculous!” Sun Wukong has a gentle and calm tone, but it is full of endless confidence and arrogance.

And his self-confidence, in an instant, infected everyone who was present, and they believed in Sun Wukong’s arrogant words, and they were determined to be unfathomable: if he was, absolutely can ……

“You are going to deal with the ruling, I don’t care… But how do you plan to deal with him?” A heart-warming sound suddenly came, and the goddess watched Sun Wukong with a calm face.

“Beautiful… woman…” for a moment, the people present, except Sun Wukong, are all alone. Even if it is Gai Nie, there is a moment of loss of God, because the face and temperament of the goddess is too perfect, standing on her side, giving people a warmth like a spring breeze.

“Where…who is it? When did it appear?” In the stunning, Gagne and others were secretly surprised, because they did not find the existence of the goddess before. She seems to be here out of thin air, it is too strange.

“She is called the goddess, my goddess!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Goddess? This name is really apt! I did not expect that there are such beautiful people in this world… This life, death without regrets…” The bandit stunned. Watching Sun Wukong’s gaze, it is an envy and hate!

The snow girl and other women, the beauty is enough to make the world crazy, and now see the goddess, the people present, want to destroy the heart of Sun Wukong! You can’t be like this! The beauty on the world has been turned away by you. What do you call us these bare feet?

“You haven’t answered my question yet… How do you plan to deal with it… is killing him, still just giving him a little lesson?” The goddess watched Sun Wukong, the language is gentle and calm and calm, not eating the world.

The Mojia people also looked at Sun Wukong, and they are also looking forward to the answer given by Sun Wukong Next! It seems that the life and death of the government is only between Sun Wukong’s thoughts.

“That depends on how his attitude is…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly and did not directly answer the question of the goddess. Instead, he pulled up the little hand of the moon and walked outside the house: “The night is deep, it is time to sleep.” ……”

After the women of Nongyu and other people greeted the Mo family, they followed Sun Wukong and went out…

“You said… Mr. Sun… will it be successful?” Watching the Sun Wukong group who has left, the classmates facial expression, the dignified watching of everyone present, said.

“Is this still used? As long as Goku’s big brother is willing to take the shot, the tyrant is ruthless, there is absolutely no death!” Shao Yu is very firm and loud: “You have not seen the terrible Goku brother TRUE… but we are The family has seen…”

Every time I think about it a few years ago, Sun Wukong’s shocking sword, Shaoyu feels hot and excited, and can’t be excited. It’s a thousand horses. In front of Sun Wukong, it’s just a negligible number it doesn’t matter…

“If Mr. Sun is really willing to take the shot… then the government will die, no doubt…” Fan Zenghua felt his own appearance, it was very calm, but the slightly trembling hand showed his inner peace.

“Now, what we can do is to wait and be prepared for everything… no matter what the outcome is, it is extremely beneficial to us… If the government is really killed by Mr. Sun, the world will be chaotic, when it will be I am still waiting for the best time for peace and prosperity in the world… Even if I am not dying, I will lose my face… With his cruel character, I am afraid that something will be done at that time… At that time, I am afraid I am away from Daqin. The day of demise is not far away…”

Sun Wukong’s world, at this time, he is rolling the sheets with his sister paper and enjoying the family fun…

The outside world, but it is a murderous machine, the world is in turmoil, has already begun the prelude…

And a new day is coming…

On the other hand, the Confucian crisis is already here…

“The prime minister, the majesty has a secret message!”

A ride on the fly, from afar, flew down, and lifted a roll of brocade, all the way to the unrestrained to Li Si temporary residence, watching Lees, who is coming out of the hall, Christine.

“The secret purpose?!” Li Si was surprised: “I will show it to you right away!”

After receiving the secret, Li Si looked more and more shocked. Finally, the brow was deeply wrinkled, and immediately sighed slightly. “I didn’t expect that things would develop into this way…”

“The order of the three armies! Your Majesty has a command! Confucian collusion with the Mohist family, there is a rebellious heart, but the imperial rebellion, besieging the little Shengxianzhuang, not letting go of any one! If there is a resistance, kill it!”

When the order was issued, the Qin soldiers were shocked, but the military orders were like mountains, they only executed!

At that time, countless Qin army entered the city of Sanghai, and surrounded all the retreats… Because of a secret order from the government, the Confucianism fell into a land of annihilation…don’t tell me, in history, burning Will the tragedy of the book and Confucianism happen again?

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