The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 104 Zhang Liang

“It’s awful, it’s a big deal! It’s a big deal! It’s a big deal!” In the early morning, Kenting rushed to the hidden places of the Moh family and shouted loudly.

“Ding fat, early in the morning, what is your ghost? I thought Qin Jun found it here!” On the eaves, suddenly the figure of the bandit appeared, watching the courtyard, yelling Ding fat, no A good way.

“What happened? Look at you urgently!” The class master and others also came out from the inner house at this time, watching the anxious Ding fat man, they frowned.

At this time, the inn was already surrounded by the Qin army regiment and became the resting place of the generals. The Mohists naturally could not hide in the inn of Ding Fatzi. Here, it is just a remote abandoned huts in the city of Sanghai, simply packed up as a temporary residence, still can.

“There is something wrong! Confucianism has a big deal!” Ding Fatzi panted out loudly.

“Sit down and drink tea, slowly!” The master of the class asked Ding Fatzi to sit on the stone bench and poured a cup of tea to him.

“Call~~ ran so far, exhausted me!” After drinking tea, Ding Fatzi sighed and immediately entered the topic: “Today morning, I went to Confucianism to Mr. Fu Nian as usual. People went to eat… In the middle of the road, they found that a large number of Qin soldiers were poured into the city, and the main gates of the city of Sanghai were blocked…”

The classmates and other facial expressions suddenly changed. Xiao Gao was very serious: “don’t tell me, our whereabouts, exposed?”

“No! This time the Qin army is dealing with people, not our Mohist, but… Confucianism!”

“Confucian?!” Masters and other people are surprised.

Duanmu Rong frowned: “It is said that the government is extremely advocating Confucianism. It has always been to Confucian rites, and the prime minister Li Si is also from Confucian disciples. This time, why did the government suddenly deal with Confucianism?”

“It seems that because the government knows that Confucianism has something to do with the Mohist family, it is extremely angry. It also included Confucianism as a rebel. Now Li Si personally directs the people and encircles Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and Confucianism It was caught alive and besieged outside the hall of Xiaoshengxianzhuang! When I came, I found that a large number of Qin soldiers were digging a big pit. It was difficult for them to bury their Confucian disciples.”

“It turned out that my Mohist family was tired of Confucianism? How can this be good?” The class master was anxious and his brows were deeply wrinkled.

“Now the small Shengxianzhuang has been heavily guarded by tens of thousands of soldiers, even if we want to save people, I am afraid it is not easy…” Xiao Gao brows tightly locked, a look of dignity: “Unless…”

“Unless Goku’s big brother is willing to save it…” Shao Yu’s eyes lit up.

“Goku big brother?” Tianming left and right, but it is not the shadow of Sun Wukong.

“After leaving last night, I have not seen him. Don’t tell me He has already gone to Xianyang Palace?” Duan Murong’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, although the tone is cold, but it is not difficult to hear the color of care in the words.

“What Xianyang Palace… said 啥?” Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly flashed next to Duanmu Rong, smiling at her, said.

“I didn’t want to go…” Seeing Sun Wukong, Duanmu Rong was calm, but his expression was a little unnatural, and his head was slightly biased to one side. Under the watchful eye of Sun Wukong, her heartbeat was slightly accelerated.

“Look at your each and every one facial expression. Let me see what happened…” Sun Wukong glanced at the crowd and said with amazement: “No! Burning books and ruins? This is too fast.” What?”

“burning books and pits Confucianism…don’t tell me, does Li Si really want to kill Confucian disciples?” Gai Nie frowned and his eyes looked extraordinarily fierce.

Everyone in the Moh family showed a look of surprise.

“With the cruel character of the government, what can’t be done!”

“Who? Come out!” Gagne’s facial expression was cold, and suddenly looked at the roof of the house, and the wooden sword in the hand that had not yet fully formed was already in hand.

The Moh family and others are also full of vigilance and ready to attack at any time.

“Everybody, don’t be nervous, it’s me!” A man shrouded in a black robe, leaping down from the roof, uncovering the black cap that covered his face, revealing a familiar and familiar face.

“The ovary? How is it?” The people present were exposed to the color of surprise, and at the same time they put away the weapons in their hands.

“The world is unpredictable! Let’s talk later!” Zhang Liang waved his hand and came to Sun Wukong’s body and hugged his fist: “Mr. Sun, I haven’t seen it for more than ten years. I didn’t expect that your style is still the same, nothing has changed!”

“Zhang Liang… Why, haven’t you been arrested by Qin Bing?” Watching this handsome and elegant man, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile.

“I don’t know what to do… Because I learned that you have come to this city of Sanghai, I have something to ask you, so I have been looking for you… I don’t want to escape this disaster…” Zhang Liang Channel.

“Looking for me? What’s the matter?” Sun Wukong watching Zhang Liang, some small surprised.

“I heard that you know the technique of Qimen armor, but it is also the star-gaunting of the can, the future of the watch… even the fate of others can change…” said, the corner of the eye stunned a little feather, very solemn and serious: ” I just want to know one thing… What will happen to the future in the future? Is the so-called peace and prosperity, will it really come?”

After listening to Zhang Liang’s question, the people present were becoming serious. This question is actually the answer they always wanted to pursue.

“This kind of thing, you should not ask me, but ask him!” Sun Wukong smiled and pointed to Shaoyu.

“Ask him? What is the use of him?” The big hammer looked at Shaoyu and looked confused.

“don’t tell me less feathers… Shaoyu will be… No?” Masters and others, were surprised and opened their mouths. And Xiang Liang and others, the eyes are bright, it is difficult to hide the excitement in the heart.

“He is the one I chose. But the road he will take in the future is domineering, still king, it depends entirely on the people around you…” Sun Wukong smiled and meant something.

“Sure enough… everything is your control… Mr. Sun’s unpredictable means, Zhang Liang admire!” Zhang Liang deeply impressed Sun Wukong, sincerely sighed.

“So, have you made a choice?” Sun Wukong watching Zhang Liang, a smile on his face.

“This don’t tell me is not what Mr. Sun expected?” Zhang Liang immediately hugged his fist.

“It seems that you are not a pedantic person…” Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction and patted Shao Yu’s shoulder gently: “Congratulations, you have less feathers, so you can have Wang Zuozhi in Tianwei. Good cherish!”

“Ah?” Shao Yu looked confused and didn’t understand what they were saying at the end.

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