The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 25

The color scales are soft and smile, and the appearance is peerless: “The talent of the lesser commander is really amazing. In the Time Chamber, the training period has a period of time. The strength is soaring. This coloring bird is a realm higher than her, but if it wants Beat it, still no difficulty…”

“Also… the colorful bird is just a seventh-order magic beast, but compared with the lesser, there is still a little gap… After all, we don’t lack resources…” Kaoru looked into the distance, softly laughed. : “But she is really trying to hard! Every day comes to this forest training…”

“No trying hard can’t do it… I thought that our strength has been the best in the world, but I didn’t expect it. After I came here, I found out how ignorant we were before…” The lunar expression of calmness, calm and empty Obviously, after coming here, she also learned Sky-dance Art.

The brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance, the huge body of the coloring bird traversed, and the terror Ki emitted makes the souls within a hundred miles of the fear.

Endless color feathers fly out, snoring, piercing the void, thinking about the small shadows underneath lasing…

The color of the coloring bird’s terror can not be offended, dare to anger, the price of blood and life must be paid, facing the people who dare to provoke their own majesty, she gives merciless killings without mercy.

The veil is covered, the lesser is still calm, and the feathers are scattered. The facial expression is still calm, like water, lightly crossing in the void, a trace of green awning emerges, and the roots are rushing. In an instant, it turned out to be a towering Qiulan ancient tree…

The flying feathers scattered all over the sky, all of them were resisted by the Qiulan tree that was suddenly raised in the flat…

The spread of the ancient trees of Qiulan is still uninterrupted, extending to the coloring birds above the sky at an extremely high speed…


A bright Qingming, the coloring bird spreads its wings, the wind is like a knife, and the cutting of ‘噗噗’ is on the huge Qiulan tree. The branches of the trees are ruthlessly cut off, just the ancient trees of Qiulan. The rapid regeneration, but still surpass the destruction of the wind blade… With the entanglement of a branch, in an instant, it is out of control, and the colorless bird that covers the sky is surrounded by Qiulan. The ancient trees bound the layers, hang high in the sky, bursting into sorrows, looking at the eyes of the younger brothers, tears shining.

“pā pā !” Above the sky, a burst of clapping sound suddenly remembered, I do not know when, Sun Wukong has appeared above the void.

“Goku!” Seeing the figures in the void, all the girls are facial expressions, and they all come to the air. In an instant, they will be surrounded by groups, and they will talk non-stop, in order to complain about the recent love of Acacia.

The new sister is indispensable, but I can’t leave my sister papers cold. When there is time, Sun Wukong enters his own world to accompany his wife.

“There are few commanders, do you want me to have wood?” Sun Wukong watching, next to the facial expression, calm and less, and smiled.

The little commander nodded, but he shook his head again.

“In the end is still wanting still, don’t want to?” Sun Wukong watching, less commander, shook his head helplessly, and immediately picked her up, hey hey smiled and said: “No matter, today, you have to let you ask for mercy. No!” Saying, with a big hand, the women around, instantly disappeared at the same time…

Only the poor coloring bird was bound to the ancient trees of Qiulan, and from time to time it burst into whine…

The shyness of the shame, in the Dragon Palace, has been going on for several days, and even the sun on the horizon is shy, never showing up…

God horse seven times a night, it is a weak explosion, like Sun Wukong, that is the great god of TRUE!

The sky is still not bright, and the darkness is a mess.


The morning sun gradually rises, adding a touch of gold to the refreshing morning.

In a small alley, the new battle has started.

“Ah! Don’t run… you can’t run away!” Jiao Jiao rang through the alley, a black-haired girl with a sledgehammer was chasing a big breast sister.

“I don’t want to fight with you, don’t always chase me!” The big breasted girl in front of her screamed and screamed loudly, her tone seemed helpless.

“Hey! There is no feathering, how can you let you run away!” On the other side of the alley, a man suddenly stopped the way of the big breast girl, looking at her gaze, looking extremely eager: “Don’t escape, With its solitary one, still becomes awkward!”

“You are not the person I am looking for, I will not go with you…” The big breasted girl watching the boy, very serious.

“There is no way for this… Eight islands, go, give me her catch, if she let her run, I want you to look good!”

“Yes! Master!” 鹡鸰 鹡鸰 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八 八More advice!”

“Ah! I am the knot of NO88, but I am sorry, although I also want to compete with you, but now, I can’t be bust…” Saying, the knot jumped and started again. Run away…

“Catch!” The buds of the Eight Islands saw their prey ran again, and suddenly screamed.

“嘭”, the eight islands are chasing after him, the sledgehammer in his hand slammed out, leaving a huge hole on the ground…

“Wow! This power is really awful… It seems to be playing with you… Unfortunately… I don’t have a reason for the battle yet…” The knot exclaimed, although the heart has the desire of battle, but still forbearance Live, catching up quickly after fleeing.

In a skyscrapers building, a handsome man looks at the shadows chasing him not far away. He can’t help but smile: “Is that the new awakening you said? I don’t think there is anything special about it… ”

“Oh… she is now the captain of the punishment force, Captain, who brought it out of MBI’s lab… I heard that her body has hidden power that is unknown…how, do you want to collect her? For your own use…”

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