The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 26 is terrible

Jingdong Emperor, the most luxurious skyscraper on the building, the location of the MIB.

“You crazy, in the end, what are you going to do?” Sasaki Takami glared at Yuzhong Guangren, his face anger: “As a to hold person of the plan, why do you have to intervene between things…you Doing so will put the knot in danger…”

“Oh ~~ Don’t be so nervous! Gaomei, this is just a game! Yes, it’s just a game… It’s the game between me and him! Hehe… Don’t you think, is this more interesting? And you are relieved… The gene of the knot is not much different from that kid… I am helping him…” Yu Zhongguang’s smile, his expression is so sloppy and strange.

“You shouldn’t want to pull in all the people?” Sasaki Takahashi suddenly screamed and looked at her, almost to beat people.

“Oh… I don’t want to pull him in… but he has already joined the game…” Yuzhong Guangren said with a smile: “And not only that kid, but even your baby girl. Join in…”

“What do you say?!” Saabashi Takami’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and the facial expression became extremely dignified. If there is no Sun Wukong in this plan, she will not worry, but there is Sun Wukong, this someone else, she is very reluctant to let her children come to this drowning.

“You bastard, even this kind of thing has to hide me?” Saoqiao Gaomei glared at the Yuzhong Guangren, rushed forward, grabbed the mobile phone in the hands of Yu Zhongguang, and looked carefully: ” Flame and splendid?…It’s a good cockroach…”

“Actually… I am involved in the plan… I have a point, I am very concerned about it…” Yu Zhongguang helped the glasses, and suddenly the facial expression was extremely dignified.

“What?” Saoqiao Gaomei frowned at the Yuzhong Guangren.

“Look at the moon sea…” Yuzhong Guangren’s faint road.

“NO09’s Moon Sea… Has she been feathered? The bud is… Sun Wukong?!” Sagami Takami suddenly looked surprised and unbelievable.

“Is it discovered?” Yu Zhongguang, holding the glasses, his eyes, spurred out the inexplicable light: “When I made adjustments for her, I had already analyzed her data… I was feathered by that kid.” The success rate is as high as 99%. However, under such circumstances, the Moon Sea is still still being feathered by others…”

“So, can I assume that as long as it is awkward, will it react to that person? And the premise is… he is willing in the end… Oh, this is called Sun Wukong… it’s terrible! I want to grab him and study it well… But before that, still have to stabilize the strength first… After all, he already has eight crickets… and, still with that terrible People, living together… I think, even if it is beautiful, one day, one day, it will be feathered by him… This lineup… terrible! Terrible!…”

“How is this possible… Meilu is a mature woman, how is it possible…” Sagaki Takami immediately shook his head and denied.

“Don’t use the knowledge we have at the moment to use that person’s body… This is a good example of the car…” Yuzhong Guangren’s faint road.

“Abandoned…hey?…” Zuoqiao Gaomei’s eyebrows wrinkled, seemingly determined, and turned away from here. When he left, he did not forget to sue a lot of people: “You It’s best to be honest with me, don’t be doing something that is very troublesome… If you dare to do something else, I want you to see…”

It’s just that Yuzhong Guangren’s countless calculations are also incomprehensible. Anything in this world can’t escape Sun Wukong’s eyes. He knew it from the moment he appeared.

At this time, the sun has already risen, and the girls are busy, cleaning the yard, watering the flowers… making the morning of Yunzhuang seem extremely lively.

And Sun Wukong is sitting on a wooden chair, and I am a lazy man. Looking up at the sky, at the corner of the mouth, there is a hint of inexplicable smile.

“Oh… this Yuzhong Guangren is really interesting… I sent the knot to the neighborhood where Zuoqiao is living. I also leaked some news of the knot… so that many axils are hers. Target… This is to let Sagashi come to a hero to save the beauty, and then let the feathers be feathered? Sure enough, this president is really a BUG general existence!…”

“Unfortunately, you met me…” Sun Wukong said, the smirk at the corner of his mouth is thicker, and there is no abnormality in his mind. However, from then on, the knot will never be produced by anyone. Any reaction… except for him, Sun Wukong!

Ok! In fact, Sun Wukong is the one that opened the Super plug-in!

“Sister paper! Now the emperor has become very lively… Do we want to join in a fun together?”

“Hot? What happened?” Yuehai is very doubtful.

“Hey! This kind of thing, of course, is to ask me this all-in-one!” Song suddenly saw a head in the seams of the door, looking at the people in the courtyard, said. It’s just that her thief’s head is daring, but she’s a little timid and cute.

“Loose, I have already told you, you don’t need to hide. You are my Sun Wukong’s embarrassment, even if it was discovered by MBI, if they dare to move you, I will let them finish!”

“hey hey ~~ 习…have it…” The loose facial expression is red, coming out from the doorway, the warm sun shining on the skin, making her feel comfortable: “Ah! I haven’t sunburned for a long time. I really miss it!”

“Oh! If you like, you can go out and go at any time! Rest assured, I protect you, MBI wants to move you!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Really? Goku! Let you be my aunt, it is the right choice!” Song Lima excitedly into the arms of Sun Wukong…

“Damn! Loose… In the daytime, you should not be too much…” The moon and the sea are full of vinegar and anger.

It’s just that the Moon Sea is not okay, and it’s even worse when it’s said that it’s loose…

“You…you…what is this doing…detestable…” The innocent Moon Hai was shy and red-faced, and his speech was stuttering.

“松!don’t tell me, you forgot, out of Yunzhuang, but forbid this impure move…” Meilu suddenly appeared on the side of Sun Wukong, with a look of smile, so kind, however The wooden sword in the hand is a dangerous cold mang…

“Hey!” The loose body suddenly froze, and the big drops of cold sweat fell off the forehead…

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