The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 27—Scum

“…beautiful…beautiful…I was wrong…” A bang of silence, hiding behind Sun Wukong, the look of fear, looks so pitiful, but there is a different kind of Lovely beauty. Beside Sun Wukong’s ear, don’t forget to whisper: “Goku, you said you want to protect me! Hit her! Beat her for me!”

In an instant, the beautiful expression was black, and Sun Wukong looked at it with a glance, and it seemed very speechless. Obviously, Songna thinks that the whisper that can’t be heard by the beautiful woman has been completely listened to by the beautiful woman.

“Āiyā! It seems that my position has been provoked… It’s sad…” On the beautiful face, the smile is softer and softer. It’s just a soft smile, but it’s a cold back.

“Goku! You are not saying, are you going to watch the fun? What are you waiting for, let’s go!” Song pulled up Sun Wukong’s big hand, ‘嗖’, and ran away…

“Loose! Where do you want to take my husband and I? It’s too cunning…” Yuehai immediately sighed and chased it up.

“Hey! Let’s go check it out too!” The prostitute smiled and said hello to the beautiful woman. She left the Yunzhuang with her daughters and chased them up to Sun Wukong…

Looking at the back of a few people disappearing, the smile on the face gradually converges: “Hey plan… It seems to be a little different… Is it good or bad… Sun Wukong? If it is him, maybe ……”

Zuoqiao is a man. In the simple house where he lives, four people sit opposite each other. They are all with big eyes and small eyes. After careful explanation by the flames, they already know what a bud is, what is it?

“…I didn’t expect…this world has such a strange thing that is not known!” At this moment, Sasuke was lighted by Jiali’s eyes, his face was excited, watching the vera, not hey hey straight Laugh: “Also in other words, in the future, everything about you belongs to me?”

“Yes, yes…” The sexual expression of vertebrates is red, obviously a man, but it is such a daughter state, at first glance, a pseudonym.

“hey hey ~~ In this case, I have just a few sets of costumes, let you try it out…” Zuoqiao was stunned by Jiali’s eyes, hey hey laughed and kept up, stepping forward to the vertebral dish. That looks like a big wolf approaching a little sheep.

“Dangdang!”, on the roof, suddenly a loud noise came, gravel and dust scattered, a beautiful shadow was from the shatter’s hole down…

“Ah! Sorry… I didn’t mean it!” The couple who looked at the face looked awkward and apologized.

However, at this time, a girl with a giant hammer in her hand descended from the sky, and slammed down the hole in the roof…

“You…what do you want to do?!” Zuoqiao is all about the moment.

Just, it is already late!

“Where to go!” The girl holding the giant hammer sighed, and the sledgehammer in her hand was already roaring down…

“Bang!!” A loud noise, the roof of the house collapsed instantly, and the dust filled the whole house, so that the people inside could not even cough…

As soon as the sun shone, Saoqiao was watching over the top of the head, the huge hole, crying and crying: “This… this is the house I rented…”

“Ah! Sorry about… I am really sorry…” Yashima continued to apologize.

“You are an idiot… I apologize to others and hurry to catch her!” A man with a long knife jumped from the roof and saw the appearance of the Eight Islands. Ibar fell to the island and slammed it at the foot: “It’s a useless waste… hurry up and stand up and grab her…”

“Hey… are you doing this too much?” Zuoqiao, who is on the sidelines, can’t really see it. A big man, even slamming on a woman, is this behavior different from scum?

“My thing, shut your ass, she is mine, I love how to do it, how to do it!” The teenager glared at this Sasuke Bridge, and his face was arrogant. Saying, it was a few feet on the island of Yashima.

Hachishima endured severe pain, but did not dare to backhand, because the person who beat her is his own axillary bud. That looks very miserable and pathetic.

The brows of the flames are slightly wrinkled, and the coldly said: “This way of treating your own cockroaches is really a squid like scum…”

“Well? 鹡鸰?苇芽? don’t tell me You are also coming for this blameless?”

“Hey, I said that this scum is really a big fire! It broke the house of others, and even dared to be so arrogant!” Zuoqiao was not able to stand up with Jiali, and he sighed with both hands.

“What scum scum! You are a woman who is really hot!” The boy suddenly screamed, and the long knife in his hand suddenly slashed down to Zuoqiao by Jiali!

“By Gary!” Saoqiao’s facial expression suddenly changed. The moment he exclaimed, he was trying to save himself, but one person’s speed was faster than him.

I saw the sudden flash of the shape of the vertebrate, which was blocked in front of Zuoqiao by Jiali. The power of death in the hands emerged, and the long knife that slashed down was pinched by hand: “All who hurt by Jiali… Unforgivable…” Speaking, the eyes of the vertebrate are in a twinkling moment, and it is a deadly, chilling death crisis that suddenly comes down…

The man, in a moment, the facial expression changed dramatically. At this moment, death is so close to him…

The flame felt the death of Ki from the body of the vertebrate, and the financial expression changed a lot. It immediately stopped the road: “The vertebrate, the hand, he is human…”

The body of the vertebrate was shaken, the eyes recovered and the sin of death disappeared without a trace. Released the hand holding the long knife. Just a jingle, the long knife in the hands of a teenager, but in an instant, broken into pieces, has been decayed into pieces of scrap iron…

The young boy fell to the ground with a stunned face, and was scared and almost pissed off his pants…

“Master…” Eight Islands hurried forward, lifting him up from the ground, a leap, and the flames and other people opened up a lot of distance.

“It’s all you useless bastard! I’m almost killed by the old man…” After the boy came back, the first thing he did was to smash his own island into the ground, 狠A bang of kicks and kicks to vent your fears…

“It’s really a bad bud…” The flames frowned, and the teenager’s gaze was full of disgust. However, they are outsiders, but they are not good at interfering.

“This person is simply scum!” Sao Bridge is full of anger by Jia Li.

“She… really pitiful… this way, it must be very painful!” The discerning watched the eight islands, and could not bear it.

“Determined… It’s really too flamboyant… such a bud… Even if it’s a violation of the rules, I have to teach you a good meal…” At this point, I’m so angry. Drinking, fists clenched, a powerful sense of Ki broke out from her double fists…

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