The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 5: Young Field

“Goku! Don’t kill them…!” Xi Rihong was shocked by Sun Wukong’s sudden move, hurriedly grabbed his hand and prevented his Next behavior.

“What?” Sun Wukong saw some dissatisfied red and white.

“You can’t kill them, or we will have a conflict with the sound-bearing village…” Xi Lihong hurriedly explained.

“Afraid of a small egg, the district of Yin Rencun, irritates the Laozi, killing them in minutes…” Sun Wukong is very domineering. The so-called Art High is daring, and he has never considered what is the consequence, because everything in this world has not been seen in his eyes.

“You are really a big tone! It doesn’t seem to put our voice in the eyes of the village…” At this time, a very feminine man came out of the crowd, and his guard It is the protection of the village of Yin Ren.

“Why, you are not convinced?” Sun Wukong faintly watched people, at the corner of his mouth, but inexplicably hangs a trace of evil. He saw at a glance that this cargo was disguised by the big snake pill.

The big snake pill suddenly jumped, and an extremely dangerous perception started from the heart, looking at Sun Wukong’s gaze, and suddenly he was alert. The snake’s perception of danger is extremely sensitive, and the danger Ki given to him by Sun Wukong is unprecedented. This will definitely be a big enemy.

“When did the wood leaf appear such a person? Hey hey … interesting…” The big snake pill’s heart is puzzled, but he does not want to stun the snake, or it will affect the plan behind, but it is not worthwhile.

“Oh… that’s not true. It’s true that the people in our village are not right. I apologize to you here. I wonder if I can let them go?”

“Let? Who do you think you are? Tell me to let me put it? That is not very faceless!” Sun Wukong did not care about the big snake pill, you told me to let go, I want to kill them all.

The behavior of Sun Wukong instantly made the expression of the big snake pill extremely gloomy, and the snake uncle was not vegetarian!

“Goku! Don’t! Look at my face, you will spare them…” The red sun at that time called an anxious! If these two people are really killed, it is really possible for Muye to fight with Yin Ren Village. As everyone knows, the current Yin Ren Village is to destroy their wood leaves.

Watching the sorrow of the face of the sun, Sun Wukong brows slightly wrinkled, although he can ignore the sound of the village, ignoring anyone else, but the feeling of the red sun still has to take care of it, after all, she wants to Raiders One of the targets, can not leave a bad image.

“Since you have said this, then I will look at your face and spare them a life…” Saying, Sun Wukong gently released his hand…

However, it was a loud noise of “Touch ~~”. It was only a few centimeters high. Toss and Sac were in the crash, falling to the ground and directly splashing a hole in the boss. The two are deeply immersed in the ground, seven holes bleeding, white eyes, and many bones may be broken, no a period of time of recuperation, I am afraid it is difficult to stand up.

“You…” The disguised big snake pill eyes are more and more gloomy, and the angel is at the extreme. However, there is always a voice in the heart telling himself that it is not appropriate to play against this person. Therefore, he has tolerated it.

“Look what to see! Believe it or not, I will kill you!” Sun Wukong watching a gloomy watching his own big snake pill, extremely arrogant and shouting. You shot! You shot! If you shoot, your brother will fly you away… Sun Wukong is thinking about it all.

However, in the end, the big snake pill still bears down. First, I can’t see the truth of Sun Wukong. Second, I don’t want to be awkward. The people here are so noisy. If the flaws are revealed, his plan can be ruined.

“But! It’s boring! Let’s go!” Seeing the big snake pill didn’t make it difficult, Sun Wukong felt bored, waved his hand, and left here with the red sun…

“Oh ~~ you look, I remember it… hey hey ~~~” The long tongue sticks out from the mouth of the big snake pill, holding the bitterness in his hand, and it looks extremely evil and disgusting.

Along the way, Xihonghong watched Sun Wukong’s back and finally knew what it was like to get into trouble. Just before he met, he almost went to the same village. It is no wonder that the three generations of adults have to hand over such a task to themselves. A person like him who wants to do whatever he wants is going to kill the other person. It is really a time bomb! In addition to myself, there are really few people in this wooden leaf village who can persuade him.

In the barbecue shop, Sun Wukong, who was gorging in the evening, was stunned by the stack of plates that he had watched in front of him. “You…had you not eating thing for a few days?”

“Don’t be surprised, get used to it…” Sun Wukong smiled and continued to eliminate the food in front of him.


Waiting for the rotisserie, Xihong red watched his empty wallet, I don’t know what to say, God, this guy actually ate my meal for a week, such a rice bucket, who can afford it?

At the same time, on the street not far from here, the young girl, the dog’s fangs, the oily woman is three people side by side, while the front of the head is holding a white puppy’s teeth while watching from the rotisserie. Sun Wukong and the evening sun, in the eyes of Aura, the raging gossip fire, exclaimed: “You look! Is the red teacher! Who is the man next to her? Don’t tell me is a boyfriend?”

“Well! It’s possible!” Chi Nai pushed her glasses and a glimmer of light passed away.

“That… that is…” Only the young field, the eyes fixed completely on Sun Wukong’s body, Eyes won the boss, there is a mist in his eyes: “Goku… brother…”

“Hey? Youngfield, do you know that person?” Both Tooth and Chino were curious and looked over at the young field.

“Well!” Chen Tian blushes and nods, but does not say much.

“hey hey ~~ I followed them to see… see what they would do in the end…” The eyes of the teeth were filled with curious gossip.

“This…this is not good!” Chen Tian immediately whispered weak and weak, and immediately looked a little scared and looked forward: “He… they came over here…”

“Hey! Kid! Who do you want to follow?” Sun Wukong came to the side of the three on the same day, and looked ridiculous.

“Red teacher…” Chen Tian three people immediately said hello to the evening sun.

“Enlightenment…Goku…Brother…” and Hiroshi, who was flushed, looked very nervous at Sun Wukong. The little hand is more uneasy and tears his own clothes. Immediately, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Sun Wukong.

“Hey! Young! I haven’t seen you for a few years, I didn’t expect you to remember me! And also grew up!” Sun Wukong watching The cute young field in front of her, some of her beloved licked her beautiful hair. When I was young, I learned that Sun Wukong likes girls with long hair. Therefore, I have always had a long hair with a soft hair. This is more beautiful than the original work.

Just just touched by Sun Wukong, the pretty face of the younger field became blood red, and the heartbeat was accelerated. It was very easy to lean back and faint…

“It seems to be more shy than before…” Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly after catching the fallen field.

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