The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VI The strength of the young field

“Hey! Youngfield! Are you okay?” The teeth on the side of the watched fainting field, suddenly shouted anxiously.

“Don’t worry, just because you are shy, emotions are too nervous and fainted!” Sun Wukong smiled and handed the young field to the side of the red: “still, take care of her, or she will wake up after she wakes up. “Talk, with a light hand, a trace of Yingmang did not enter the brain of the field, so that he woke up in an instant.

“Xian Tian! You are dizzy when I touch it, but it is a bad habit! It seems that trying hard can be changed!” Watching the young field, Sun Wukong smiled.

“Well! I… I will try to hard…” Youngfield’s facial expression is blushing and dare not look at Sun Wukong’s eyes. Because he was brought to the Time Chamber by Sun Wukong for a period of time, so the current young girl did not marry Naruto, but the heart was already filled with the shadow of Sun Wukong.

“What are you doing here? I am not asking you to go to the free training first?”

“That kind of training is too boring, and I am going to take the exam quickly. The teachers in other groups are training their own students… but we are still free to train…” The voice whispered. Obviously for the evening sun this practice is somewhat dissatisfied.

“Kid, do you want to train? Go, let’s go!” Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile. Anyway, he is idle and has nothing to do. During the period of training, he can still chat with him on the same day.

After listening to Sun Wukong, the red eyes of the evening were suddenly brightened. She clearly understood what kind of strong person Sun Wukong was. If his students got his advice, then there would be nothing to worry about in this test. It is.

“Can’t you delay your time?” The evening red still asked very politely.

“Nothing, I am free to do nothing! By the way, I will send a time!” Sun Wukong waved his hand.

“Goku brother wants to train us? It’s really good!” Hsiao’s eyes suddenly appeared, and it seemed very exciting. I hoped for several years, and today I finally got it again.

“Hutian, why are you so happy? This guy is very strong?” The teeth looked curious.

“Not very strong! But very strong!” Chen Tian looked affirmative.

“Even Hsiao Tian said so, then I am really looking forward to Next’s training…” Zhi Nai helped the glasses, it was a deep road.

The back of the wood leaves, a wide forest, here is the place where the young people gather training together.

At this time, it is the mourning and dissatisfied from time to time: “This is what you call training? We are not a physical ninja, why do you have to work so hard?”

At this moment, both the tooth and the Zhina are sweating around the forest, but that Ki is like a dog, but it is not flattering.

Don’t look at them without any weight. In fact, Sun Wukong has already laid a gravity on them. Now they are running like a big stone carrying a hundred pounds.

“When I play… I can’t stand this hard work, and I still train a fart!” Sun Wukong waved his hand like a fly, and then continued playing cards on the same day.

“Do you guys really train people? And why doesn’t Kaneda need to be with us? This is about the results of our test of the test! If you drag your legs, what should I do?” The teeth are obviously uncomfortable at the moment.

“Well? Are you skeptical about the strength of the young field? Tell you, among the three of you, the youngest is the strongest, you two slag, the young field only needs a punch to put you two instant insta- Kill !” Sun Wukong watching teeth, a look of disdain.

“She? Young field? Can Instant insta-kill I am with Shi Nai? Haha! You are not kidding… The youngest is the weakest of the three of us, you guy, really don’t understand anything!” Sitting down to the ground, not running.

“Hutian, it seems that you are usually very low-key! Let them see the strength of your TRUE today!” Sun Wukong looked at the young field and smiled. Then I thought about it and removed the gravity of the tooth and the genius.

“This way, okay?” Chen Tian said hesitant.

“Nothing, I allow you to use the strength of TRUE!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Understood!” The eyes of the young field suddenly stood up, and stood up, very polite to the mind and the teeth: “Tooth, Chino, please advise!”

“Haha~~ You are not? Youngfield, are you really going to try to compare with us? Don’t forget, you used to lose to us all the time…” At this moment, watching the young girl in the field The expression, some accidents, immediately began to laugh very arrogantly. Obviously, the young field was not put in the eye.

“This is the meaning of Goku’s brother!” Chen Tian’s expression is extremely serious, and her heart is more determined: “For many years, the training has been obscured, for just one day, I can prove myself in front of Goku’s brother! And now Goku’s brother spoke, so I can’t disappoint him!”

Watching Chen Tian’s face is extremely serious, and the brows of the teeth and Zhina are wrinkled: “It seems that you are serious! Then let me go to play with you!”

The younger watched his teeth and shook his head. He said very seriously: “You still have two people coming together!”

“Hey! Hatfield, when did you become so arrogant?” For the sudden change of the childfield seems to be a person, the teeth look very uncomfortable, and some are difficult to adapt.

“It seems that Goku has a great influence on the young field… What is the relationship between them?” The red day of the day, the very serious expression of the young girl, is also very unexpected: “No weakness, no mystery, some Only firm… What did he do to the young field? I am also looking forward to the performance of Next Tiantian…”

The look of Sun Wukong is also full of curiosity.

“Although I don’t know why… but look at your expression, it’s serious! Ok! Let me teach you your tricks with your teeth…” Watching the expression of the young field, Zhinao nodded. With his hands open, countless black bugs flew out of his sleeves…

“I really can’t help it! Then, Red Pills, let’s go together!”


“Hutian, you have to be careful, but we will not subordinates the mercy! Tooth!”

Zhina is silent, with one hand and one wave, countless black flying insects are attacking the young field…

In contrast, the facial expression, calm expression calm, made a soft fist start, but this start-up, but on the spot to make the day of the red facial expression shocked: “This … this starting style … don’ t tell me is…?”

“Gossip palm back to heaven!”

A sip, answering the guess in the red heart of the evening…

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