The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

12 chapter 23 minutes

“hey hey ~~ interesting…” I love Luo Watching disappeared in the sky, a few people in the field, the bloodthirsty in the eyes and the more berserk killing, the deep excitement, making him look extremely crazy.

“Handcuffs… I love Luo in this way… It’s not good!” Kanjiro watches I love Luo, and there is a hint of fear and worry in my eyes.

“…Let’s see it! If it’s really gone… We are far away…” The hand frowned slightly, the faint road.

“It can only be like this…” Kanjiro sighed slightly, not only to be on guard against the opponent, but also to guard against his teammates. The same group with such a dangerous person, their pressure is also great!

“Young… young field… you still fly? This… what is this ninja?”

Above the sky, the dog’s fangs watched the jungle under the rapid to fall back, looking at the eyes of the young field full of shock. Even Zhi is a surprise.

“This is the Sky-dance Art that Goku’s brother taught me…” The younger bird was somewhat shy by the fangs and the surprised eyes of Zhina.

“Goku Big Brother? It turns out that he still has such a powerful ‘Ninjutsu’! I don’t know when he will teach us a trick and a half!” The teeth looked forward to the next look.

“Goku’s brother won’t teach you…” The field’s facial expression is reddish, hesitated, and still weakly said.

“Well? Why?” After listening to the affirmation of the younger brother, even Zhi was frowning.

“Well… that… Goku’s temper is very weird… he won’t teach boys…” Hsiao Tian’s blood blushes, whispering.

“Hey!~” Think about the time they are going to together with Sun Wukong. The forehead of the dog and the forehead suddenly have a big drop of cold sweat. It is really possible, do you want to be so heavy!

“Okay! It seems that we really have no hope… but he can give us the gravity training, and it’s not bad. In the past few days, our strength has indeed improved a lot…”

“It’s already…” At this time, Zhi Nai suddenly came faintly.

Watching the central tower in front, the dog’s fangs are very excited: “I didn’t expect that we actually came here within three very minutes of the beginning of the exam…”

“This is still a lot of loss to the young field…” Zhi Nai helped the sunglasses, a touch of the road.

“Come on?” Watching the flying figure in the sky, Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“23 minutes, much later than expected!” Watching landing in front of the field, Sun Wukong faint road.

“This is very extraordinary. Ok! 23 minutes! I have never heard of anyone doing it!” The dog’s fangs are very exciting. For them, such a result is simply amazed.

“I’m sorry…” Youngfield suddenly lowered her head, and she was very worried and panicked.

“But it can be reached at the time I gave this time. It’s not bad…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly and gently licked the beautiful hair of the young girl.

With the praise of Sun Wukong, the youngsters of the field suddenly burst into a burst of joy, and the facial expression also had an intoxicating blush.

At the prompt of Sun Wukong, the younger days opened the scroll of the sky and the volume of the earth. With the appearance of a smoke, the image of Iruka appeared here.

Look at the time, look at a few people in the field, for a moment, Iluka widened his eyes: “You… have you passed the exam?”

“That is! Only 23 minutes! How, great! Teacher Iluka! Haha~~” The dog suddenly smiled with a smug look.

“23 minutes…this…how is this possible…” Iluka shook his head again and again, apparently not convinced that someone could come up with such a terror. Some doubts looked at Sun Wukong and looked at it: “Goku adults…you…”

“How! Do you suspect that I can help them cheating?” Sun Wukong brows slightly wrinkled, aura leaked, but it was scary, Iruka’s heart rushed, all over the body. Almost a soft foot, directly fell down, my heart could not help but stunned.

It is rumored that Sun Wukong is a very terrible strong person. I didn’t expect it to be terrible to such a level. Now Iruka is deeply aware of it. Even the Ki of the other side can’t bear it. What a strong person!

“Iruka! You must retire first! I can guarantee, they really did not cheat!” At this moment, the figure of the three generations of old man suddenly flashed in front of Iluka, the facial expression is extremely serious.

“Three generations of adults… I understand…” Iruka suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and walked aside with interest.

“Oh, Goku, I didn’t expect you to cultivate such an extraordinary talent in our wood leaves. It really scared me!” The three generations of old men watched Sun Wukong, a smile. There is nothing unusual in the eyes. It seems that these three generations of old people will be very good. He knows very well that if he emerges a little jealousy, then it will make Sun Wukong discestisfied, which is not worth the loss for their wood leaves.

Moreover, he is not worried, because the younger days are home-oriented, and the loyalty of the Japanese to the wood leaves, he still very reassured, in his view, Sun Wukong cultivated the young field, that is also for their wood leaves Cultivated a peerless genius!

“But! This kind of thing still needs to tell you?” Sun Wukong faintly stunned for three generations, some disdain.

“Three generations of adults…” See the arrivals, a few people in the young field are very respectful, the old man in the position of the leaves, still very majestic.

“Good! I didn’t expect our wooden leaves to have such an outstanding ninja. In the past, you were hiding deep, even I was cheated!” Three generations watched the young field, a kind smile.

“No… No… It’s all taught by Goku’s brother…” Chen Tian’s hands waved and looked very nervous, flushed and a little scared.

“Oh ~~” Three generations of kindly smile, also saw that the young girl is a very shy girl, but she is not joking about her: “Congratulations to you, passed this exam, 23 minutes, but broke the national exams Discipline… After this time, your name will be known to the ninjas of all countries… I think in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult for someone to surpass your achievements…”

After listening to the three generations, several people were very excited, but after the excitement, they immediately calmed down, because Zhi Nai and the teeth are very clear, all this is the credit of the young people, and the two of them, Has always been just playing the role of soy sauce.

“It seems that the next game, you have to double the trying hard!” Both of them are each adding their own oil.

“Well? Has it already begun?” Sun Wukong suddenly looked down at the death forest, and immediately said to the young man in the field: “Since the exam passed, take a break! Next, there are still five days. I can’t relax it! I am the deputy examiner of this time, so I will go to work first!” Saying, the figure flashed, it has disappeared…

The three generations of watching Sun Wukong disappeared, but it was thoughtful, and the brow wrinkled slightly: “There will be no accidents? Well, if it is Goku, there should be no problem…”

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