The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 13 Big Snake Pills

The forest of death is full of murderous everywhere. There are fighting voices everywhere in the forest. Among them, the screams or screams of fear are mixed…

And the Naruto group, but at the moment it has been blocked by an extremely dangerous person… And when Sun Wukong flashes on an old tree, it just happens to see a man looks like a man, but the sound is The female voice, extending his long, disgusting tongue, rolled the scroll of the ground, stuffed it into the throat a little, swallowed his belly…

“The big snake pill… This guy is really disgusting!” Sun Wukong saw the brow wrinkled, although others were above the old trees not far from the big snake pill, however, no one could find him in his whereabouts. Even if it is the location of the big snake pill watching Sun Wukong, it is also empty…

“So, let’s get started! Fight for life and fight for the reel…” The big snake pill sullenly voices, slowly looking up, his fingers open his eyelids, revealing his bloody eyes, a terrible chilly killing In the twinkling of an eye, Sasuke and Sakura are shrouded…


Sasuke and Sakura’s body suddenly stopped, and the hole was so big that the blood was splashing. They actually saw the moment of their death…

For a moment, the two men fell to the ground at the same time, the gasping of the big mouth, the heart filled with deep fear…

“Is it illusion?… No… it’s just a murderous aura, what’s the matter? Just seeing his eyes is like seeing death…” Sasuke looked terrified, Eyes was shaking, fear, his heart was shaking The one standing in front of them, like a mountain, is an opponent they can’t beat…

“Sakura…” Sasuke turned to look at Sakura on the side, and suddenly he was shocked. At this moment, Sakura, facial expression, and the fear of a face, trembling all the time, the drops of water on the chin Dripping on the ground, she has been scared like a gush forth, but it is silent…

“No, this can only escape… If this continues, wait for us… only dead…” Sasuke bit his teeth, his eyes shaking, his face showing fear, but his hands and feet are not listening, not moving. The place is there…

“Oh~ can’t move anymore…” The big snake pill smiled and Ki gradually became cold.

“He wants to go… move it… move it…” Sasuke watched the action of the big snake pill, and now he was shocked, biting his teeth, shaking his hands, a little bit of a sword tied to his feet. Stretched over…

“There is always a bad premonition… What will it be?” The big snake pill was frowning at the moment, and licked his lips, but hey hey smiled: “Forget it, if anyone, sooner or later.” Will appear…” Speaking, when Sasuke’s hand was about to find the shuriken on his leg, his figure was a flash of light, and a cold flash of light appeared. The sword in his hand was straight to the chest. go with……

“hey hey ~~ this way… what do you want to do… Sasuke…let me go and see how much you have in the end…” The big snake pill is cold and cold, and the shuri in his hand is not the slightest. Hesitant, ruthlessly cut to the chest of Sasuke…

To help the form at the moment, I want to dodge, it is no longer possible…

“Oh! This big snake pill, can you perceive the danger in the darkness… Oh~ This sixth sense is quite strong! Although I just hide it casually, but can perceive the danger of aliens, it is also good. Is this the feeling of the snake?” Watching the big snake pill, Sun Wukong is a faint smile, because of his appearance, the big snake pill feels a touch of uneasiness, therefore, he is not giving Sasuke time, but The first for a moment launched an attack. If anyone, it will inevitably be rescued… but it is to make Sasuke in danger…

“In the end, do you want to save him…” At this moment, Sun Wukong is still hesitating: “Forget it, if it is known by Meiqin that I can’t help her son, then it’s not beautiful… Shake his head, Sun Wukong instantly appeared in front of Sasuke, a punch, a terrible wind blowing, “嘭”, the big snake pill was blown out by a punch, and several times broke The tree only took out a big pit and stopped.

“Goku… Big Brother?!” Seeing the coming, Sasuke’s obvious sigh of relief, because of Naruto’s relationship, they met Sun Wukong.

“It’s really useless! I was shocked by the other’s murderous aura…” Sun Wukong looked at Sasuke and looked faint.

Sasuke clenched his teeth, his fists clenched tightly, his head lowered, his voice was silent, his eyes were unwilling to go with anry, this is a fact, he can’t deny it…

“Sure enough… Someone… This punch… It’s really dangerous…” The big snake pill in the ruins stood up with blood, watching Sun Wukong’s eyes filled with cold killings, among them, There is still a little bit of jealousy: “You are the examiner of this time? It is a violation of the candidates, but it is illegal…”

“Don’t be acting, Big Snake Pill, as one of the three forbearances, is pretending to be a candidate to mix in here, to bully and bear, is it fun?” Sun Wukong watching big snake pill, a look of laughter.

“…has it been seen?? It is not the person who is afraid of the three generations of Huo Ying! You really are not simple…” The big snake pill smiled coldly and reached out on his own skin, revealing his TRUE True content…

“Big snake pill? One of the three tolerance?!” Sasuke watching the big snake pill, obviously shocked, the name of the big snake pill, he has heard of it, but still see it for the first time.

“Yeah! This is the same level as the old man of the three generations, so lose to him, you don’t have to feel embarrassed…” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“Three generations of adults?…” After listening to Sun Wukong, Sasuke’s facial expression has improved a lot. If the other party is really only a candidate for this year, the blow to him will be great.

“With Sakura flashing aside, there is no room for you to intervene!” Sun Wukong looked at Sasuke and looked faint. Immediately, I turned to look at the big snake pill: “So, are you interested in playing with me? Don’t worry, I didn’t inform anyone, it won’t affect our battle…”

“Oh ~~ I am really confident…” The big snake pill smiled coldly, his long tongue sticking out, his lips licking his lips, but it looked extremely disgusting: “I also want to see you in the end. How strong?” Well… and I don’t want to let my prey be so easily…”

Saying, the two-handed knot is turned into a afterimage, formed in an instant, and a palm is shot to the ground: “Psychic skills…”

“嘭~~” After a burst of smoke, a tens of meters long serpent emerged in front of Sun Wukong, a long snake core swallowed, terror is very… and the big snake pill is standing on top of its head: Hey hey ~~ Then, let me go see how many pounds you have in the end…”

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