The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fifteenth chapter of the big snake pill is dead?

On the other hand, Da Shemao just fled from Sun Wukong and slowly emerged from a ground, and it was like a tens of thousands of years old. It looked even more disgusting!

I saw him slowly walked to a stone wall, and the body was just a little bit integrated into it, only showing a head that was facing downwards… This move is a bit puzzling…

The sound of the footsteps was getting closer and closer, and finally a shadow appeared in front of the big snake pill…

“hum hum ~~ I haven’t seen it for a long time… Red Bean…” The watch of the big snake pill’s facial expression tranquil and calm seems to have been unexpected, not to be nervous.

“Sure enough, you… big snake pill…” Royal hand-washed red beans watching big snake pill, facial expression is extremely dignified: “It’s really awkward! It seems that you have been repaired enough!”

“hum hum ~~ Indeed… that person is really strong… even if it’s just a blow to him… it hurts me too… but you are chasing all the way…don’t tell me Want to get rid of my teacher on this eve? hey hey ~~” The cold face of the big snake pill looks very evil.

“You have been loaded into the Super dangerous person on the S-level book, so I am here to fight for life and defeat you…because this is all the knowledge you have taught, what I used to be your subordinates. Responsibility!” The hand-washed red bean has a dignified face, but the tone is also extremely firm. Four silver needles flash at the same time between her fingers…

“Impossible… even if I am injured now…”

During the speech, the big snake pill suddenly had a big mouth, and the slender tongue, like the same sword, extended at an alarming speed and spurred toward the red bean…

The red bean jumped onto an old tree, but the arm was still wrapped in the arm by the tongue extended by the unlimited, and the red bean was pulled directly from the old tree.

“The latent shadow snake hand…” A slap in the air, the five poisonous snakes extended in the sleeves of the red beans, spurting out, ‘pēng pēng ~~’ is like a powerful canrical bullet, lasing in the big snake pill At the scene, there was a roar, and the dust was burning…

“I won’t let you run…” The red bean was drunk, and the right hand pulled hard. The big snake pill, which was bound by the viper, was pulled back in an instant. The smash hit on a stone wall… Red Bean In front of the body, grabbing the palm of the big snake pill, actually took out a shuriken and stabbed the palms of the two men on the stone wall… This kind of enthusiasm is not what the average woman can do…

“Catch you… Big Snake Pills… Use your left hand for a long time…” Red beans endured the pain of the right hand, but the left hand was with the left hand of the big snake pill and began to bear the knot…

“This knot is…” The Eyes of the Big Snake was so surprised that it was a little surprised.

“Yes… you have to die with me here…” The red bean’s face was covered with sweat, but it was just a look, but it was a death, a firm face. Gritted his teeth, the red beans closed his eyes, and showed his own ban: “Nagafa·double snakes kill…”

“hum hum ~~ Do you want to commit suicide?” Suddenly a sneer came, and the figure of the big snake pill suddenly appeared behind the red bean: “That is just a substitute! hum hum ~~ 呵呵~~哈哈~~~” Laughing, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

As the words of the big snake pill just fell, the big snake pill, which was residing in the red bean, gradually turned into a muddy mud and slipped to the ground under her horrified gaze…

“Even if you are particularly forbearing in the village, you can’t always use the tricks that I gave you!” The big snake pill smiled, but this smile, some smug and sinister: “Okay… The current situation is that you can’t drag too much time for you…still hurry up!”

“Drink!” The big snake pill two fingers erected, a light drink, red beans suddenly trembled, the curse between the neck suddenly emerged, her face was painful, but for a moment, she could no longer hold on, sit down At the ground…

“Damn! You guy, is it to assassinate the Huo Ying adults?” Tolerate the pain between the neck, the red beans bite their teeth and look at the big snake pill.

“Although I don’t see long time, but your attitude towards me is still so cold…hehe…but this time you are wrong! The purpose of my visit here is actually just for a child, but it is by that person. It’s broken… but it’s okay, I’m just taking this time, let’s take a good look at the child’s volume! hey hey ~~”

“Hey, you two, it seems like a good talk…” Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly flashed behind the big snake pill, a touch of the road.

“Goku! Hurry! Grab him! Don’t let him run!” After seeing Sun Wukong, Red beans suddenly became happy and shouted.

“It’s really a tough guy!” Seeing Sun Wukong, the brows of the big snake pill suddenly wrinkled, and the facial expression was extraordinarily dignified. It’s completely different from the ease of handling red beans.

Watching Red bean’s bloody right hand, Sun Wukong’s brow wrinkled and looked at the big snake pill: “What did he do?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Hurry and grab him! If he escapes, it will be difficult to catch it!” Red beans are anxious to drink.

“Oh ~~ rest assured… Anyone in front of me, don’t want to escape…” Sun Wukong smiled and looked at the big snake pill: “The life and death of Muye, has nothing to do with me, but if you hurt red beans, I can’t do it because I didn’t see it…” He said, walking slowly toward the big snake pill…

“Damn… what’s going on?! The body can’t move…” Watching Sun Wukong slowly approaching, the big snake pill couldn’t help but be shocked, because he was shocked to discover that his body couldn’t move, even if it was inside the body. Chakra was also frozen in an instant, not under his control… For the first time, he felt the death of TRUE for the first time. The big drops of cold sweat came out, and even the soul began to tremble, helpless and fearful. Surprised with horror…

This is the death threat of TRUE. The person like Big Snake Pill, in fact, the most fearful is death… Otherwise, he will not study the technique of immortality…

“Who is he in the end?! This don’t tell me is the seal? When did it start?…” Under the horror of the heart, the mind of the big snake pill is extremely awake, but even if it is awake, In front of Sun Wukong, it is just an ant. Because he is now unable to do anything.

“Give you some color, you will open the dye shop, just in a good mood, let you put a horse, you don’t know how to cherish, but also think that extraordinary, escaped from my hands? It’s ridiculous…”

Slowly came to the front of the big snake pill, Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm, a sharp sword flashed his hand, a wave of light, bloody light, a big head flew to the ground like this…

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