The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 16 can never be embarrassed.

“Dead…dead?!” Watching the head of the big snake pill, the red bean is a bit stunned, although she would like to kill the big snake pill by herself, but when she saw the death of the big snake pill TRUE, in her heart, It is the extreme of complexity, after all, her former teacher…

Came to the side of the red bean, watching her face look painful, Sun Wukong squatted slightly, leaning her head, watching the three black marks on her neck, faint words: “cursive Is it the left side of the door…” The ball of light in the hand condenses and shines on the curse. In an instant, the curse is like a remnant snow that meets the sun, and is purified and dissipated…

The pain was all gone, and the red beans suddenly had wide eyes, some incredulously stroking their necks, where they were smooth and tender, and the traces of the curse had disappeared…

“You…how did you do it?” Red beans were surprised at watching Sun Wukong. This kind of cursing spell, in the hands of Sun Wukong, was so easily resolved by him, which is incredible.

“boring cheap trick that’s all… What’s the problem?” Sun Wukong smiled a little: “The curse has been completely eliminated by me, so how do you thank me?”

“At most, I invite you to eat meatballs, how?” Red beans are obviously in a good mood, and the curse that has been confused for many years is eliminated. For a moment, the goodwill for Sun Wukong is greatly increased. Similarly, for Sun Wukong, she is more and more curious. As more contact with Sun Wukong, the more I find him more Mystic/mysterious…

“How is it enough at one time…” Sun Wukong smiled slightly and picked up the right hand that the red bean was pierced by himself. The white light illuminates and the wound heals instantly.

“Awesome ‘treatment’ Ninjutsu…” Red beans were amazed, but they looked at Sun Wukong with a smile: “You guy, it’s really greedy! Forget it, you want me to treat you later. If you can, feel free!”

“Oh ~~ This is not a loss!” Sun Wukong smiled and said: “Go back!”

“Wait… this guy’s body must be recycled…” Red bean frowns at the big snake pill, the headless body looked over, connected to the communication phone, called the dark part of the staff, and recovered the body of the big snake pill… …

“Let’s go!” The red bean smiled faintly, and it was very generous to hook Sun Wukong’s shoulders, and he greeted him with a flash of his body, and his body was flashed and disappeared.

“Oh, huh~~” Sun Wukong glanced at the dense foliage of the forest, and his body flashed and disappeared…

Here, suddenly became extra quiet…

I don’t know how long it took, a small white snake showed a head in the thick leaves, and immediately disappeared into the fallen leaves, disappearing and disappearing…

In the dark part, in the dark basement, the three generations of facial expressions are extremely complicated to watch. The body of the big snake pill in front of the eyes, the eyes are sad and revealing…

The group of bandages came to Sun Wukong and said, “Thank you very much. Mr. Goku, the big snake pill is the rebellion of our wood leaf S-class. I didn’t expect it to be here today. This kind of occasion is being handed over by you… I wonder if his body can be taught by our ‘root’?”

“Collection, this thing, you don’t need to intervene…” This is still three generations of old people who are still in the memory and sadness. Suddenly, the facial expression is extremely serious. For this disciple of the evening, his position is very firm, how can he hand it over to the group.

Watching The three generations of the old man’s extremely fierce and firm eyes, the expression of the group is very gloomy, he knows that since the three generations have made such determination, what he said is useless, after all, the current Huoying is three generations. At the moment, I snorted and left with my own men…

Watching away from the group, the eyes of the three generations are somewhat heavy and there are some concerns.

“Oh! Wood leaves that look like harmony, it seems that there is also a corrupt side…” Sun Wukong watching three generations, but it is a faint smile.

“Let’s make you laugh…” The three generations smiled at Sun Wukong and immediately sighed: “There is a bright place, there is an evil, this is a fact that cannot be avoided anywhere…”

“This group is so uncomfortable every time I see it…” Red beans frowned slightly.

“Red beans, let’s go! This exam, we are proctors…” Sun Wukong walked slowly outside the door, but halfway through, he stopped and looked at the past three generations: “Oh! Forget You said… the big snake pill, may not necessarily die! You still pay more attention to it!” Said, with red beans left directly here…

“Also… isn’t it dead?” The three generations watched the body in front of him, but the brow was deeply wrinkled, and the face was more and more dignified: “If that technique has been successfully studied by him… maybe it is true… …”

“Hey! Goku, you said that the big snake pill is still not dead, what is going on in the end?” After leaving the dark room, the red beans were brows and looked at Sun Wukong.

“I just looked at the corpse, but it was an empty shell, the soul has left… Also in other words, the big snake pill is still not dead…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly, the tone was very dull, because the big snake pill is He deliberately let go, the guy is a good piece, leaving him, still a little useful…

“Soul… leave?!” Red beans surprised and widened their eyes. It was shocking: “don’t tell me… his ban… Has it been studied successfully?…”

“I see it… because I found out that the body is not the physical body of the big snake pill itself… It seems that he used what technique and occupied the body of others!” Sun Wukong casually revealed A little bit.

“This… this is an important message! I have to tell the three generations of this matter, the matter of the test of the test… I am troubled you…” In shock, the red bean only left such a sentence, it was a Bounce, left here.

“It’s really a hot woman…” Sun Wukong smiled and watched the white clouds in the sky, muttering a whisper: “I really look forward to the development of Next… Big Snake Pills… Do you still have the guts to attack the leaves? What? Hehe… Don’t be embarrassed! Otherwise, it’s not fun…”

The test of the endurance is still going on, and the wood leaves are also undercurrent. Next time, Sun Wukong does not have any situation, but looks at everything with a spectator mentality. When bored, it is a chick. The fields are everywhere, play and play… As for the red and red beans, it seems that they have received any tasks, and they rarely show up…

The Naruto group, in the Next time, also met the three-group of the sound tolerant sent by the big snake pill, after a lot of hard work, and a group of Ino and the help of Locke Lee, finally defeated their own The opponent, and Sasuke, also accidentally opened the writing round on the way…

In a hurry for five days, it’s just past, and today, the second exam is finally over, and the new test will continue…

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