The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 33—The fate that cannot escape

In the jungle that is far away from the wood leaves, the snake snake that escaped has got the latest information about the leaves.

“Are you sure that the organization has joined the plan to destroy the wood leaves?” The big snake pill watched a sound in the eyes, like a viper in the eyes, flashing like a beast seeing his prey-like excitement…

“Yes! Big Snake Pills… The current wood leaves have fallen into chaos, almost half destroyed, but the people in Shayin Village seem to have withdrawn from the battlefield…”

“Is it? Why do people who know the organization suddenly attack the leaves? I don’t know anything about this kind of information…”

“It seems that the people in Xiao’s organization want to invite the person named Sun Wukong to join their organization, but they are rejected…”

“hey hey ~~ interesting… it’s so interesting… It seems that God wants to destroy the wood leaves… but it’s really stupid to be against the man! Xiao organization… but such a rare opportunity But can’t miss it… I lost this arm, can’t I sacrifice it so …… hum hum ~~” The big snake pill looks gloomy and watches his own lost right arm, and the eyes can’t help but appear extremely haze. Hatred comes!

Because of this lost arm, he could not heal. For a ninja without hands, this is a sad and painful thing! Therefore, even if he is extremely afraid and jealous of Sun Wukong, the hatred in his heart makes him want a bloody shame.

This time, it is a rare opportunity. If it is over, it will not be there. Even if you can’t help others, even if you destroy the wood leaves, it is a happy thing…

“hey hey ~~ Teacher Yuan Fei, the gift I prepared for you, I don’t know if you can’t bear it…” The big snake pill at the moment seems to be extremely evil, two snakes from his Flying out of the sleeves, but it is a bite beside the two necks that are invincible.

“The big snake pill adult … you … why …” Two voices with their eyes wide open, some incredibly fell on the ground. The people who have been admiring suddenly will suddenly kill themselves, which makes them very unbelievable.

“hey hey ~~ you are not saying… for me, even if it is dead, will you not frown? Now, I will let you fulfill your promise…” The face of the big snake pill appears extremely evil, above the ground. , portray a good technique, and put two sounds in the surgery…

“Pocket… Now you have to trouble you…” The big snake pill turned his head and looked at the past with a silent voice.

“Yes! Big Snake Pills…” The squatting step forward, the left hand and the right hand of the big snake pill, and under the traction of the big snake pill, formed a road-like knot, and immediately slammed at the same time. Above the ground: “After the earth!”

In the screams of two voices that endure fear and pain, a layer of clay gradually covers the faces of the two… In the end, the first generation of Naruto and the second generation of Naruto are once again reborn…

Previously, Sun Wukong simply destroyed the containers that carried their souls and then sent their souls directly to Huangquan… Therefore, the two men were once again reborn by the Great Snake Pill…

After putting the spell in their minds, the big snake pill is hey hey and smiles: “Go! This time, let the wood leaves be destroyed in the hands of your own people! Hahaha ~~”

During the knot and the movement, the second generation of Huo Ying single hand was placed on the shoulder of the first generation of Huo Ying, the shape of the two, instantly flashed out of sight…

When it comes back again, it is already above the volcanic rock of the wood leaf…

“hum hum ~ ~ Flying Thunder God’s technique… It’s really a good ninjutsu…” The big snake pill has closed his eyes and controls the first generation of Huo Ying and the second generation of Huo Ying. At the corner of his mouth, there is a sneer.

This time, Da Shemao has not dared to go out in person, because the fear that Sun Wukong gave him has made him afraid to face Sun Wukong himself. It is only to control the two reincarnation of the person, but it makes him unscrupulous.

Over the leaves of the wood, Dida La still controls his clay bomb, and slams against the wood leaves below. During the wave, there are several bombs flying out, and the sound of ‘Boom~’ is also a few The house is broken, the civil flying debris…

“Bastard! We are fighting with you!” A group of people roared and screamed, their eyes were red, the leaves were their home, and their homes were destroyed in front of themselves, and even witnessed the death of their loved ones. A ninja hate madness… Standing on the roof, the sword in his hand is violently shot, trying to shoot down the hateful figure in the sky…

Kakashi and others are exhausted in the explosion, saving the village name of the ordinary…

This is a disaster, a devastating disaster…

The terrible clay bomb, the ‘bang’ is endless, and the people who live there are all turned into blood. This scene is extremely bloody and amazing.

“S-level rebellion…Didala…” On one roof, I watched Dedala in the sky, but my brow was slightly wrinkled: “The opponent in the sky is really a bit difficult. …… ” Talk, he seems to feel, suddenly looked at the place where Huo Yingyan is located, Eyes instantly tightened: “That… that is… no??”

“The first generation of Huo Ying adults … and the second generation of Huo Ying adults … how is this possible …” At this time, the three generations of old man suddenly jumped in front of the self, watching two figures on the shadow rock, the facial expression suddenly changed.

“Their eyes…” The brows are now wrinkled and become extremely serious.

“It’s a reincarnation! The damn big snake pill! Is it you?” Three generations of watching the first generation and the second generation of Naruto, the facial expression suddenly became extremely difficult to look at, the gaze shifting, but looking for the big snake pill figure.

“hey hey ~~ Yuan Fei teacher… you don’t have to look for it… I am not here…” The two figures suddenly flashed in front of the three generations of old men. In the mouth of the second generation of Huo Ying, it was a slightly hoarse and gloomy discourse of the big snake pill.

“Sure enough, you, Big Snake Pill! You dare to play with the soul of the deceased…” The three generations of old men had tears in their eyes: “In the beginning, I really shouldn’t let you go…”

“hum hum~~Do you know? It hurts the sense of success and joy of the people who used to be teachers. This is to make you feel like you, just to enjoy the joy. Please enjoy it! Yuan Fei Teacher…” In the mouth of the second generation, the extremely evil words of the big snake pill were heard. At the same time, the first generation of Huo Ying and the second generation Huo Ying were also moved…

“That’s awful! I didn’t expect that I would have another chance to have a chance to play with the first generation and the second generation.” “Facial expression is also serious. The two hands are immediately stamped: “Yu Fei teacher, give me a little bit Time, should be no problem! To deal with such an expert, if you use full strength from the beginning, it will be killed…”

“This time, still can…” Fei Fei waved the big stick in his hand and resolutely greeted the first generation and the second generation of Huo Ying…

“I really miss it! Time seems to have returned to the past…”

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