The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 34—Gap

Quickly print in the hands of the hand, and shoot the palm to the ground: “Psychic!”

“Hey!” After the white fog, a huge dragonfly appeared under the soles of the feet.

“That is…it is also an adult…” A Konoha ninja looked at the huge bang that suddenly appeared, and the face suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

“He…the two people in front of them…the…they won’t be…” At the same time, the ninjas of countless wood leaves saw the first generation of Huo Ying and the second generation of Huo Ying, both of which were shocked and wide-eyed.

“You can’t get in here, and hurry to save other villagers…” I also watched many of the onlookers of the wood leaf ninja, shouting loudly. At the same time, I looked at Kakashi and others: “Kakashi, you are going to deal with the guy in the sky…”

“Are the earth reborn?” Kakashi watched the eyes of the first and second generations, and sighed, the facial expression suddenly became extremely serious: “Understood! Kay! Come with me!”…

“蛤蟆建,trouble, you give me a little time…” Standing on the top of the building, I also used my hands together and my face was dignified.

“This seal is… understand… but your enemies will be them… it’s really unexpected development…”

“Oh ~ ~ If you let the operation of the surgery, but a little trouble …” The second generation of Huo Ying’s mouth, suddenly came the cold words of the big snake pill. Immediately after the action of the foot, it is actually directly attacking and attacking…

The three generations of old men just wanted to block, but the first generation of Huoying was a flash, blocking his way: “Yu Fei teacher, your opponent is me…”

Watching the familiar face of the past, the three generations hold the diamond stick, some old tears, and the heart hesitates, but some can’t go down…

“Teacher! Don’t hesitate, they are no longer the first generation with the second generation… Now the only thing we have to do is to let them rest in peace, and let’s go!” Not far away, the watch also three generations of hesitant expressions At the moment, he shouted.

“Water Margins and Water Dragons!” The second generation of Huo Ying, who has just come alive, has a fast seal in his hands. When he is smashing, there are violent waves around him, forming a huge water dragon, and going to the ground to kill… Potential Tao, Ki is amazing and terror…

“I know that it won’t be that simple…” Looking at the second generation of Huo Ying, who attacked himself, he couldn’t help but sigh, but the construction under his feet was a leap. He jumped out of the tens of meters and hid. After this raging water dragon attack…

Just a row of houses not far away was smashed. “Boom~~”, the water dragon slammed into the building, the water waves swelled and splashed. In an instant, this generation became a ruin…

“Awful… can there be such a strong water shovel in a place without water? It’s the second generation of Huo Ying Da!!” The hands are also in their hands, and the chakras that summon the two immortals are unable to launch. To resist, you can only fight for time by escaping from the construction…

On the other hand, the three generations are already on the same level as the first generation…

I saw the first generation of knots, and the buds broke out on the ground…

“Not good… This is the secret of the first generation of adults…” The three generations of old facial expressions suddenly changed…”

“The raft and the tree world are coming!”

With the words of the first generation of Naruto just falling, the buds formed a towering ancient wood in an instant, and between the moments, almost covered the whole wood leaves… and the galloping all the way, it was also suddenly blocked by the sudden towering ancient trees. Lived on the way…for a moment, a dilemma…

“Not good… This is the secret of the first generation adults… This can be suffered…” The facial expression is not changed, but because the body is too large, the for a moment is the branches. The bound, lost action of the Ability: “I am really clumsy…” Jian Jian struggled without results, can only helplessly sigh…

“蛤蟆建!” The self-favoral expression has only changed to run away, but there are countless branches that grow rapidly. In the small space, there is not much space to dodge, and there is not much to settle down. Because once it falls, or touches the tree trunk, it will usher in a branch that suddenly emerges…

However, between the moments, the three generations, the self, and the construction, are bound by the tree world, unable to move…

Just condensed a little summoning the self of the two immortals Chakra, but also failed, because his celestial chakra has been absorbed by the branches tied to him. This tree world has the nature of absorbing Chakra, and the sacred Chakra is no exception, because the hibiscus itself is a kind of fairy tales…

This time, the big snake pill learned cleverly, and borrowed the characteristics of the bauxite reincarnation directly, so that the first generation of Huo Ying exhibited the largest range of ‘trees coming down’ and took all three generations and other people in one fell swoop… because the people who were born out of the bauxite, Chakra It’s unlimited…and he’s not on the scene himself, so he’s showing it without any scruples…

“Hibiscus… The first generation of Huo Ying… Hehe~~ This time, I really saw the big person of extraordinary…” The mask man stood on top of a skyscrapers, watching the ancient wood around him, his eyes sparkling and surprised, while the watching field In the first generation of Naruto, in the eyes, there is a shocking color: “Do you reincarnate? It seems that you have not played the strongest strength of his original… It really is the ninja with the strongest title! This big snake pill still has such a dangerous person…”

“The big snake pill, it’s really awkward!” Watching the ancient woods around the forest, Sun Wukong shook his head: “Good wood leaves, suddenly, it becomes like this, it is really unexpected development. !”

“So… Sun Wukong, are you thinking about it? Be a member of our company…” The mask man looked down at Sun Wukong below, and his tone was calm and calm, but it was also high.

“Forgot to tell you a little… Don’t talk to me in this tone… that would bring death to you…”

Sun Wukong’s faint watching mask male, his body suddenly appeared in front of him, reaching for a pinch toward his neck…

The mask man was shocked and hurriedly displayed the ‘Space and Time Ninjutsu’ to hide his body in the Dimension space…

However, he still felt that his neck was tight and he was lifted up by the direct volley. In the difficult breathing, Eyes tightened instantly, and the shock was incredible: “How… maybe…”

“The ridiculous ‘Space and Time’ ninjutsu’, do you think that this kind of junk ninjutsu is useful to me? The ants are only ants…” Sun Wukong facial expression tranquil and calm watching mask male, the tone is very It is disdain: “If you want to kill you, feel free to…”

The words of tranquil and calm are the feeling that the masked man has a cold wind. For the first time, the fear spreads into the heart… Before, he thought it was his own intention, and he was thrown out of the sky by Sun Wukong. Now he understands that he has always been proud of him, and the people in front of him have a gap that cannot be crossed…

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