The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 14 Farewell

“Kay, are you okay?” Kakashi three for a moment came to Kay’s side and asked with concern.

“Ah! Pain… Pain… Don’t touch me!…” It was Kay’s screams that responded to them. With seven doors open, side effects have also appeared. Now he has his own meridians shrinking, the muscle breaks, and in the end, Sun Wukong gave him a slap, and Kay at this time has already lost half of his life.

“I told you not to compare with him before, it is that you’re looking for that’s all! And, it’s just a test of that’s all, you even opened seven doors…” Kakashi watching Kay half dead, it is I was relieved and could cry out loud, which means I can’t die for the time being.

At this time, Kay was a depressed face. Similarly, there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes: “I don’t know, there are people who are so perverted in the world. I even opened seven doors… even his I didn’t touch the clothes corner. One person… I was able to train my body to this level. Really, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it if I killed it! However, dragging his blessing, he let me know. To the higher realm of the body, he let me know that I have a broader sky to try hard… My blood is boiling again… This is the man’s youth! Oh~~ pain…”

“You still lie down and have a good rest! We don’t want to carry your body back!” Xihong red watching Kaina half-dead, still showing youth, not good-spirited.

At this time, the nephew and other women also came around. Seeing Kay’s miserable, Bulma was surprised: “Goku, are you too embarrassed to start? He is not adult!”

The scorpion shook his head and said: “This is not like the injury that was hit, it should be the sequelae caused by the ban that he used before!”

Sun Wukong came to Kay’s side and faintly learned the knowledge of the female pedigree: “It is true. He learned a ban, called the eight armor, which are: open, rest, life, injury, du, Jing , shocked, dead, these eight, usually open to the fourth door, hurt the door, it will cause a great burden to the body, if you open the door to the seventh door, as he is now, lose half life If you open the eighth door and die, it is 100% finished!”

After that, Sun Wukong smashed his feet directly on Kay’s body. Kay’s kicking shouted: “Training body skills will give me a training of my physical body. By this side door, you are looking for a dead rhythm!” ”

“Hey ~~ You stopped me. He was hurt very much. If he kicked him, he would really die!” The red sun on the side of the day quickly pulled Sun Wukong away. For Sun Wukong’s attitude, Obviously some mad. He is like this, you still marry him!

“Death? How easy it is!” Sun Wukong grinned, you don’t let me kick him, I want to kick. I saw his kick kicking Kay directly into the air, then hurried down and stopped in front of Sun Wukong. Poor Kay, but sent out a miserable cry than when he killed the pig. If he was not determined, he would have passed out.

“What do you want to do!” Kakashi was shocked and watched Sun Wukong, but despite the strength of Goku, he did not dare to act.

“As far as you are concerned, I still want to be an enemy with me?” Sun Wukong glanced at Kakashi and Asma with a glimpse of it, and with a wave of formidable, they directly swept the two. Going out, slamming into a big tree before stopping. However, there is nothing in the evening sun, but this shows that the heavy girl is light!

“If I don’t look at the sister paper, I am too lazy to save him!” Sun Wukong looked at the red sun, a touch of the road. Then back to a few people, directly open the eyes of God, and Kay, this time the pain has not opened the strength, and naturally did not see Sun Wukong’s eyes. Goku had a few knots in his hand and saw a white light shining on Kay, but for a moment, Kay’s serious injury had healed.

Sun Wukong’s eyes also returned to normal. Under my heart, I couldn’t help but say: “This technique has to be printed. It’s really trouble. It seems that I have to find a time to be proficient!”

“Thank you so much, I didn’t expect your medical ninjutsu to be so good! Such a heavy injury, it will be healed! I think that the master of the hand may not reach this level!” Kay deep against Sun Wukong I bowed and thanked Sun Wukong for his help.

“Sorry about… Sorry… Goku adults, it seems that we misunderstood you!” Kakashi also apologized to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong put his hand directly and said: “Nothing happened just now, you haven’t seen anything, OK?”

Kakashi’s three men squatted and nodded briefly. “We know how to do Goku adults, but the words of the four people…” said, all of them simultaneously looking at the masks still tied up. Group of four.

“Four garbage that’s all, all killed!” Sun Wukong faint.

Kakashi three people hesitated, still nodded. Although they are very eager to figure out the other party’s intelligence, but since Sun Wukong has spoken, they are not good to say anything.

The four masked people heard their death, only the facial expression changed, and there was no expression of fear. I have to say that this ninja’s world is very open to life and death still!

“You can see the battle like this before you die. We are dead and have no regrets! Come on! Give us a good time!” The four closed their eyes and the performance was very hard.

Kakashi secretly sighed, and the shuri in his hand swiftly crossed the neck of the four… When they killed the killer on the eve of the day, the fate of their death was already doomed!

“Goku adults, this is over, we have to go back to the village and return to life! Uchiha has just been annihilated, and many of the smaller generations are watching us! So we have to go back…” Kakashi The three came to Sun Wukong and respectfully bowed.

Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the red sun: “Beauty, do you want to go to the mountains to play with us!”

“I don’t want to be someone else’s wife, you still have to go and play with yourself!” Xi Rihong directly rejected Sun Wukong’s invitation.

“It’s really awkward! I just came to a hero to save the beauty…” Sun Wukong regretted it, but he didn’t force it anymore. Anyway, the chances of the future are that Xihonghong belongs to him sooner or later!

After bidding farewell, Xihonghong watched Sun Wukong’s disappearing back, his eyes flashed a little sad: “It’s really a good man! It’s a pity that it’s too much!” Turned and caught up with Kakashi. I didn’t find the flash of glare in Asma’s eyes! that’s true! My own childhood is beginning to be interested in others. Can he be cool?

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