The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 15—Phosphorus and White

Sun Wukong and others have been playing all the way for a few days, and they have seen a lot of local customs of Ninja World. On this day, they came to the country of grass near the country of fire.

In a luxurious hotel, the girls sat together and chatted about what they saw in the past few days. For women’s topics. Sun Wukong is completely unpluggable, so I have to drink a lot of wine while watching the scenery outside the window.

In an alley, a girl with a tattered dress sat on a stone bench, staring at the watching of a meat buns not far away, smelling the scent of meat, swallowing saliva from time to time.

Sun Wukong’s gaze was immediately attracted to this little girl like a beggar. What caught him was the little red hair of the little girl and the familiar face.

“The whirlpool of phosphorus! I didn’t expect to see you so soon. It seems that we still have a lot of fate!” Sun Wukong’s eyes lit up and immediately gave up the identity of the little girl. For every beautiful sister paper in Naruto, he can make it out at a glance. Moreover, the purpose of his trip to the country of grass is to fragrant phosphorus!

“The red hair…don’t tell me, is she the person of our whirlpool?” I don’t know when, Shinsina also came to Sun Wukong, following Sun Wukong’s sight, watching the small alley. Girl, a look of surprise color. Because red hair is the symbol of their swirls.

Sun Wukong smiled a little: “If you call her up, you won’t know! You wait for me!” He said, jumping directly from the window. The strange color of Yan Xinnai’s face: “How is this guy so active? Isn’t it a bad idea?”

At this time, Meiqin also came to the window, watched the window, snorted and said: “What can be, with the character of the guy, 80% is to look at the little girl, want to abduct home, come to a loli What is it!”

Lilyzi laughed and watched Meiqin, saying: “I don’t think you have just met Goku. It’s not too long to know him!”

The beautiful face of Meiqin suddenly became red: “The thoughts in the heart of the guy are written on the face, who can’t see it!”…

Sun Wukong came to the buns shop and bought two buns and went to Xiang Pho. Xiang Pho saw that someone came over to himself and sensed a trace of ‘Chakra’ that Sun Wukong deliberately leaked. The eyes suddenly became up, and the look of the fascinating color: “Your chakra is really good to hear! It’s so warm, so comfortable! It gives you an all-youth security!”

“Yes? You are the first person to praise me so much! Is it hungry, give it to you, eat it!” Sun Wukong smiled and handed the buns in her hand to her.

“Thank you!” He did not hesitate to take the buns in Sun Wukong’s hands and bite it: “This is the best buns I have ever eaten in this world!”

In just one sentence, I almost got tears from the big man of Sun Wukong. He can hesitate to kill his enemies without hesitation, and he can hesitate to kill anyone he wants to kill! However, he has always been very gentle on the sister paper!

“Follow me! I will introduce you to a good friend to let you know, there are many big sisters!” Sun Wukong gently licked the head of Musk P, a smile on his face.

“Is there something to eat?” Xiang Pho looked up at Sun Wukong.

“Of course, Shanzhen Haiwei lets you eat enough!” Sun Wukong laughed happily.

“Well, I am going with you, your chakra tells me that you are not a bad person!” Xiang Pho licked the meat buns, stood up, and looked seriously at Sun Wukong.

“That is, of course, I have always been very gentle for girls!” Sun Wukong smiled, holding the hands of the phosphorous, the body shape flashed, has appeared in front of the dinner table of the girls.

“Well… it’s so powerful… I’m here, I’m here, big brother, are you a ninja?” Xiang Pho’s face watching Sun Wukong.

“What’s so powerful, tell you, Goku’s brother is even more powerful. He can punch a plane with a punch!” Alice saw Sun Wukong brought back a little girl and immediately ran away. come. Then happily took her hand and said: “Hello, my name is Alice, what about you?”

“Sweet…Phosphorus!” Xiang Pho said in a low voice. Chakra, who sensed the girls, had a happy smile on his face: “Their Chakra is really warm!”

“A cute little girl! Are you called fragrant phosphorus? Is your hair as beautiful as Sister Sinai!” The women introduced themselves around the fragrant phosphorus. Soon, it was a piece. The relationship between a woman and a woman is almost unfathomable, let alone such a cute little girl.

Soon, three days have passed. Sun Wukong and his party came to the country of water. Perhaps it is the fate of the moment, just today, it has a heavy snow like goose feathers. Sun Wukong and others had to find a hotel to stay. On the second day, the ground had accumulated a thick layer of snow. On the cold days, no one has gone out, and Sun Wukong took Alice to the stone bridge in the village and piled up the snowman!

A little bit past, in the expectation of Sun Wukong, a small figure finally appeared in his sight, slowly walking toward the stone bridge… Seeing the Sun Wukong group not far away, stopped. There was a look of envy in the eyes… Then I shook my head, walked up the stone bridge, sat down…

“Wait for so long, it finally appeared!” Sun Wukong smiled slightly, but he came all the way to find it, for this lonely lonely figure: water without moon!

Feeling the white and delicate Ki, Sun Wukong smiled and smiled: “It really didn’t disappoint me! White is a girl! If a beautiful person is a man, then it is really pitted. !”

“Alice, Xiang Pho, you used to call the kid on the bridge to play together!” Sun Wukong looked at the two little loli who were still working on the pile of snowmen.

Two little Loli looked up and looked at the white horse on the bridge. They had a feeling of mutual sympathy. They nodded and ran towards Shiqiao: “Know, Goku brother!”

Sun Wukong watching On the bridgehead, the three little loli, who had whispered their heads, walked hand in hand for a moment and couldn’t help but smile.

“Goku brother, come on, I will introduce you to a friend we know new! Water is not moon white!” Alice took white and came to the front of Sun Wukong and others, and began to introduce: “Come on, Let me introduce you, this is Goku brother, the best and best big brother in the world, and the most powerful person in the world! This is the sister-in-law…this is…”

Watching White and the girls are happy to have a snowman, Sun Wukong smiles: “In this case, the fate of Bai has been changed by me!”

“Kid, she is the tool I value. If I am taken away, I am very troubled!” At this moment, not far behind Sun Wukong, there was an indifferent voice.

Sun Wukong turned to look at the people, not surprised at all: “Is it finally here, peach is no longer!”

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