The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 81—Beauty

“The rumors are really not reliable!”

Sun Wukong Several people entered the hotel. Listening to the surrounding arguments, the more they said, the more outrageous they were, but they shook their heads. The original rumors came out like this. However, the name of his Sun Wukong, as the master said, the name of the whole world is forbearance.

“That…Is it really ruined by Yin Rencun?” Fog Snow was curious about watching Sun Wukong. After a few days, she found that Sun Wukong was quite interesting, but it was really fun. The power of destroying a ninja village?

“Yes! It will be gone if you look at it.” Sun Wukong doesn’t care.

“…It’s not good to watch it… It’s gone…” Fog snow suddenly watched Sun Wukong, such a domineering discourse, and how many people dare to say? But thinking of this guy’s character, and relieved, if he really has that strength, it is really possible to see it is unhappy and will be destroyed…

“Oh… I seem to… bring an extremely dangerous guy to the country of water…” The fog and snow thought about it, and the sudden drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead. However, for Sun Wukong’s approach, she has no dissatisfied, because Yin Rencun is a super S-class rebellion, the village created by the big snake pill, the shadow of the person, the skin of the tree, the rumors of the big snake pill in the world of tolerance, but it is terrible, so Yin Ren Village has naturally been classified by others into the ranks of extreme disgust.

It’s just Sun Wukong’s saying, ‘I don’t think it’s bad, so it’s gone,’ but it’s awkward and foggy. This is a very dangerous existence! Like a time bomb, it is impossible to explode when it is not allowed. If he suddenly sees their foggy village, it will be a disaster!

Although the sound-tolerance village was established soon, but the strength is placed there, the three generations of the fire-fighting of the big snake pill killed the wood leaves, and almost destroyed the wood leaves, such a village, can not be underestimated! However, it is such a village, the rumor is destroyed by Sun Wukong, the big snake pill only dare to shrink in the dark and dare not show up, such a person, what a terrible strong person?

Although there are some concerns in my heart, Wuxue is more trusting to Sun Wukong still. After all, her life was saved by Sun Wukong. After a few days of getting along, she found that Sun Wukong is somewhat unreasonable, not too reliable, and has some color. But overall, the impression given to her is pretty good.

Since I came to the country of water, after enough rest, the fog and snow were at the for a moment with Sun Wukong and they went to the fog village to go back.

She didn’t dare to leave Sun Wukong alone. If he had a ‘I don’t think you are upset’ and ruined it all, the problem would be big. Moreover, Sun Wukong saved her life and helped her with Laiya. Because of her politeness, she naturally introduced him to the water and shadow adults.

A few people are flying fast, jumping into the roof and the forest path…

Sun Wukong holds a small snow in his left hand, and the right bracelet lives in the gauze. He is not slow and keeps beside the foggy snow. No matter how the fog and snow accelerate, his figure is still in sync with her, not too bad, so easy and freehand. The posture made the fog and snow shocked. Now, she finally believes that this person may have the terrible strength to destroy the sound of the village alone!

“In other words, foggy snow, I heard that your new five generations of water shadow adults in Wuyin Village is a very beautiful sister paper, right?” Sun Wukong watching turned to look at the fog and snow, interested in the road.

“Of course! Our water and shadows are the most beautiful in our country of water…” When the fog and snow talked about the water shadow, the meaning of worship at the same time, and at the same time, with warning, looked at Sun Wukong: ” Why are you asking this? I warn you, after seeing the Water Shadow Master, give me a little more honest, my eyes are not allowed to be confused, do you know?”

“But! You are not my wife, why should I listen to you…” Sun Wukong suddenly rolled her eyes at her.

“…” Fog snow suddenly disappeared for a while, she really regrets now, bringing this guy to see their water shadow adults is not an error choice.

“I hope this guy doesn’t want to provoke the madman mad…” The foggy snow can only pray like this. But when I thought of Sun Wukong’s attitude of no space restriction, the expression of color, and the pressure of my heart suddenly felt, inexplicably raised a feeling of introducing a wolf into the room.

The country of water, the village of Wuyin, is also a very prosperous village. Since the inheritance of the fifth generation of water and shadow, it has ended the terror rule of the former fourth generation of water and shadow, and implemented a policy of peace and openness. Revitalize the Ninja Village. In the whole village of Wuyin, the prestige of the beauty is very high, not only because of her beauty and strength, but also has a very superior rule of Ability.

With the guidance of fog and snow, Sun Wukong naturally entered the foggy village without any hindrance, walking on the street, the villagers curiously looked at the strangers of Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong was curious to look at it. The villagers around… oh, no, it’s a beauty!

The so-called beauty of the United States has its own heart. The second world of Dimension, the most indispensable, is the beauty. At first glance, you can see one or two beautiful sisters with both looks and body.

Well, the second Dimension world that people have in their minds, this beautiful girl’s paper-walking scene is already a strange thing…

Soon, a few people in the fog and snow with Sun Wukong, came to the front of the water shadow office building, just waiting for a few figures in front of the building, but it made her somewhat surprised. Especially the woman in front of the mature enchanting, slender and slender figure made her even more surprised.

I saw her slightly fragrant shoulders, hair curling and knees, the right eye that is covered up is very Mystic/mysterious, the body is enchanting mature, such a mature enchanting and charming royal sister, in addition to the fifth generation of water and beauty Who else will there be?

“Water Shadow Adult… I didn’t imagine that you would come out to meet in person, foggy snow is really flattered…” Fog Snow for a moment is to come to the front of the beautiful, one knee and the road.

“Oh! Fog snow, it’s really hard for you… I haven’t come back for so long, I thought you had something wrong… You should get up first, don’t neglect the guests…” Shiny smiles, will help the fog Since then, Lianbu moved lightly and came to Sun Wukong’s front, but it was a charming smile: “You are the recently rumored Sun Wukong, Sun Daren… Hehe… I didn’t expect it to be such a handsome and handsome guy… …”

“You are not bad. I didn’t expect the famous water shadow adult. It’s such a beautiful sister paper!” Sun Wukong is a faint smile, with a hint of flattery and teasing in his beautiful tone, but in his tone, Also unceremoniously brought a hint of teasing.

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